Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What's Going On???

It's happening more and more.
It seems everyday after making comments on blogs that I visit regularly,
only a moment or two later, I receive an email in return saying something like this:

It started out with just one or two.
Now it seems others are being returned on daily basis.
And the thing is, the bloggers who are "no-reply" may or may not even see the comment.
They would have to go directly to their blogs and each individual post in order to see it
since the email notifications aren't getting through.
Is this happening to you too?
And if there any techies out there, any idea why?

 I just thought I'd put this out there and see what kind of feedback I'd get...
...or NOT. 


  1. This happened to me also. Debby, I had to put my gmail address in my settings, my yahoo mail is still returning my comments.

  2. i posted about it last month - i no longer get yahoo or aol email users' comments delivered to my gmail account. google upped their anti-phishing software so it thinks comments from these two email types being sent to gmail via blogger are phishing campaigns - like someone's hijacked your email address to send out spam. i have to read your comments directly on my blog or i don't know you've been by.

    1. I may have missed that post Theresa..or my brain must have thought I did. Thanks for the helpful info. Funny thing is, it's not everyone's comments that are bouncing back...just seems kind of random to me. I do have a gmail account but never use it...I may have to start...just hate to change my email after all this time...and really don't want to have more than one but I guess I may need to :(

  3. Your comments are still there on the blog where you published them. They just don't get to the blogger's inbox. I wish we could still get ALL comments in our inboxes, if we have it set up that way (I do) as it is so easy to zip off a response. (Not to mention the constant annoyance of being told that such and such a comment didn't get through. ) Oh well.

  4. I read your other comments, so I won't repeat what's been answered. I'll just say that I have a yahoo email acct. and get a lot of returned 'error' emails. I don't really want to, but I'm thinking of getting a gmail acct. We'll see. :)

    1. Well, I had a gmail account that that was pretty much inactive and I just now made it active once again...and I changed my comments to come from that one...we'll see....

  5. I have several that don't make it into the emails but they are still published...as everyone above this comment mentioned. It sure is frustrating and makes it a challenge to return visits. Maybe it's the 'newest improvement'! lol Hugs, Diane

    1. Yeah, Diane...I know that they are getting published but don't know how many go into their blogs to read their comments instead of getting an email notification. I just changed my settings...we'll see! Thanks for your input!

  6. Yeah, I get these sometimes, too. I don't know if anything can be done. And i have a gmail account.

  7. I use gmail as well, but fortunately I only get an error message from 1 or 2 bloggers.

  8. Debby I may have commented on this before but it's been going on with me for a long time and seems related to aol and others with aol. I just know to look back at my blog to read comments. It's a pain but I've gotten used to it. I don't always respond to comments anyway and most of my readers I have their email so can respond that way. I'd be real interested to hear if your problem is solved switching to gmail.

  9. Technology. Can't live with our computers, can't live without them...can't blow them up!

    I'm still doing comments the *old-fashioned* way, and I'm sure glad that I can still get yours. But honestly, if there's a way to mess things up, well, it'll happen!


  10. I haven't noticed any problems, but I'm going to take a look on my blog and see if I've missed some emails. I just read my email to see who has commented. Frustrating!

  11. It is because many of the bloggers have changed to the google+ comments...it makes it easier to reply to google+ comments...here is a tutorial from a blog I follow that fixes the problem, but I have noticed that for some unknown reason, I have to go back in every once in a while and fix it again...grrrrrrr! Anyway here is the link to tell how to fix it: http://www.flusterbuster.com/2013/02/are-you-no-reply-blogger.html

    This isn't my link and I don't benefit from it in any way...just helping out with an answer for you.

  12. No answers here, Debby!! I find it all frustrating as I have not changed email addresses or blogger settings or anything that I know of...and yet things are working differently. Who makes these rules? (Not a 50-something grandmother, that's for sure!) :)

  13. I use the comment moderation option on my blog and have recently noticed that when I publish the comments not all are being sent to my email like they used to. I've gone back and checked and aol and yahoo email addresses don't get sent through any more. It's frustrating, it seems that Apple, Google, and all are broadening their "not gonna work with you" approach. Sad. I had to change my browser from IE to Chrome for my blog to upload pictures in my posts, now this which I can't fix...just have to hope all commenters change to a gmail account, hmmm...how likely is that?

  14. Hello, I am sorry for the comment problems, not sure but sometimes I notice things take longer to show up! Hang in there!

  15. Hi Debby! Well, I really don't know because I just go back and comment on blogs. I don't email my comments. Hope it gets straightened out for you.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

    1. I just have come to the realization that there probably isn't anything we can do about it anyway...just a frustration we have to put up with in Blogdom :) Thank you for your input, Sheila and have a great day!

  16. Hi Debby Ray! I think I have a solution, my friend... You see, Kitty and Sylvia {two blogging friends} had the same thing happen to them so they opened up a gmail account and all has been resolved. My guess is that Google wants you to use their email for blogging....

    Also, when you leave a comment on my blog is does not go to my email like it used to. I have to go to my blogger in order to see what you wrote. I hope everything works out for you. Hugs!

  17. Debby, the same thing is happening to me, and for some reason google won't let me take away my yahoo address. I'm not a guru so this is very frustrating.

  18. Hi Debby,

    Yes, sorry to say that your comments on my blog do not make it into my Gmail inbox. So, unless I check Blogger Comments, or my post, I do not see them. I can imagine how frustrating this must be for you, and I have no idea why it's happening....along with a host of other strange things in blogger. Perhaps, as others have suggested, you should get yourself a gmail address, this might help.

    Good luck!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.