Monday, April 20, 2015

Some Random Springy Stuff

Every April, God rewrites the Book of Genesis.
 ~Author Unknown
It's just popping up everywhere and I can't seem to get enough of it...
but today I'm sharing some of mine with you... spring, that is!
This is what the Saturday morning sun looked like, poking it's face through the woods.

It was just glorious.

There are no days in the whole round year more delicious
than those which often come to us in the latter half of April....

The sun trembles in his own soft rays....

...The grass in the meadow seems all to have grown green since yesterday....
though there is warmth enough for a sense of luxury, there is coolness enough for exertion.

~Thomas Wentworth Higginson, "April Days," 1861

During a little impromptu hike in the woods I found these lovelies unfurling.

I also found this little thing-a-ma-bob which had landed on this maple tree.
It looks as though it belongs there but I'm pretty sure it doesn't :)

 Isn't it cute?
The dandelions are in full swing too... well as the ants. know how much I love my weeds.

And speaking of weeds...

Do you have Purple Dead Nettle where you live?
It seems that some folks eat this stuff, although I haven't :)
Ah, how wonderful is the advent of the Spring!—the great annual miracle.... 
which no force can stay, no violence restrain, like love, that wins its way 
and cannot be withstood by any human power, because itself is divine power. 
If Spring came but once in a century, instead of once a year, 
or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake, and not in silence, 
what wonder and expectation would there be in all hearts 
to behold the miraculous change!... 
We are like children who are astonished and delighted 
only by the second-hand of the clock, not by the hour-hand. 

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Kavanagh, 1849 

And I believe these tiny beauties are called Wall Speedwell...

...not to be confused with these adorable bluets that literally grow all over my yard.
~But days even earlier than these in April have a charm, 
— even days that seem raw and rainy.... 
There is a fascination in walking through these bare early woods, 
there is such a pause of preparation, winter's work is so cleanly and thoroughly done. 
Everything is taken down and put away.... 
All else is bare, but prophetic: buds everywhere, 
the whole splendor of the coming summer concentrated 
 in those hard little knobs on every bough... 

~Thomas Wentworth Higginson, "April Days," 1861
Well, I hope you have enjoyed this little taste of spring...
...from my yard to yours :)

Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday
Macro Monday 2
Roses of Inspiration


  1. Spring has sprung beautifully in your yard. I wish I had more spring blooms I could look at all the time.

  2. Oh, so beautiful! What a festival of color and texture and LIFE! Up here in the mountains we don't have a lot of flowers, but there are other evidences of Spring. The deciduous trees have leaves again - like our lovely little aspen tree. The days are warmer and sunnier. And of course, the snizards are making an appearance (we have huge lizards that move like snakes. 'Nuff said.)

    Thanks for sharing the beauty!


  3. A beautiful yard you have the onset of the season is always a miracle to me bringing such beauty. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh Debbie! I just can't get enough of your gorgeous photographs! You are certainly very talented with your camera and capture such beauty through your lens!
    What a wonderful season Spring is...I always feel such excitement and expectation in my heart when I see new flowers popping up and darling lambs being born... We have an amazing Creator!
    Blessings to you and hope you're having a fantastic week thus far!
    Hugs and love,

  5. You have captured it so well in these photographs!! Just lovely!

  6. There is beauty everywhere in your spring Debby, even the dandelions. I think I've seen purple nettle here and I know it has to be cooked to eat but it isn't on my list of things to try. :-)
    Our trees are just now starting to have swelling buds, we're a good 2 weeks behind and I still have frost in the ground of some of my gardens that face north.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  7. We are solidly in that last quote...raw and rainy. The sump pump runs every ten minutes or so, the creek is like the little Mississippi. Spring! I hope to see the sun through the trees in a week or so! Your spring looks preferable.

  8. Loved this post, Debby! I adore woods and really wish we had more trees. We have huge patches of dead nettle in our backyard and pasture, but I've never eaten it. I have made dandelion coffee though, and it's really delicious if done right. Loved the maple fruit photo especially.
    Have a great day!

  9. Hello Debby, just beautiful! It is like I have just finished a walk in the woods virtually..Your images are so pretty. Have a happy Tuesday!

  10. Hi Debby! I can feel your joy just oozing through the words and photos here. Now, I'm not much for lovely green worms and ants, but I can appreciate the wonder of them...
    It's cold (40's) and very windy here, so it's so nice to see some still Spring photos. Ah...can't wait for it to come to my neck of the woods!
    Always fun to visit my friend :)

    1. Ceil...I have to laugh at your comment...those fuzzy green worms are actually ferns fronds that are rolling out. Believe me, if they were fuzzy green worms, I wouldn't have gotten that up close and! They really do look like worms, come to think of it!

  11. Such a pretty springtime glimpse through the eye of your lens. Have a blessed day, Heather

  12. It looks so beautiful there Debby and I can only look forward to when we'll have the same look here in a month's time. I enjoyed the poems as well. Have a blessed week.

  13. What a joy to see the world where you are! I really enjoyed the sights in the woods! Ferns unfurling are always a sight to marvel at!

  14. How beautiful your photos, Debby! Those close up ones are just amazing, and your little critter adds a special touch.
    We are not there yet, the dandelions usually come out for mother's day.
    Now that our grass is exposed we see that the moles have enjoyed themselves through the winter.
    We have some extra work ahead of us.

    Thank you for stopping in for a visit and leaving a sweet comment.
    Your comments still never make it to my in box??
    Happy spring to you as you enjoy every minute of it.

    Blessings, Debbie

  15. What a gorgeous post in celebration of this lovely and all too fleeting season! :)

    Thanks for visiting me earlier ( BOTH blogs! :) Deb from Sacred Eclectic as well as Frugal Little Bungalow

  16. Hi Debby, So very nice to meet you. I have enjoyed my visit here to your lovely blog. Your springtime photos are just stunning and filled with great beauty. Your area is beautiful. We are also enjoying a pretty springtime here in North Texas and the days have been filled with rain which the flowers have really loved. All to soon it will be hot and dry so we are enjoying it while we can.

    Blessings to you and thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, CM

  17. Wonderful series of shots Debby. I love them all, esp. the fiddleheads. Have a great week!

  18. love the tiny blooms - we get the bluets here, too. love the light across those green leaves!

  19. Such beautiful photos, Debby. I love how you captured the light! Spring is the season of hope. What joy it is bringing all of us who were so sick of winter. Lovely poetry.

  20. Oh wow! I love all the photos,now if only the wind would die down here and allow the sun to warm things up a little more.

  21. Your photography can make a dandelion look good! Love all the green in those first photos. Lush!

  22. Spring is certainly beautiful at your place. Great photos. Love the second one of the leaves. Stunning!

  23. Your photos are glorious Debbie Ray. Happy Spring!

  24. I certainly have enjoyed my visit to your place this evening!! So much beauty in spring, artfully captured!

  25. Mmmm... seeing your pretty spring photos makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside *smiles* I love seeing new life spring forth - oh, what beauty from our Lord!

    Thank you, my friend, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. You make the party extra wonderful. Hugs!

  26. What beautiful photos! Spring is such a wonderful (and lovely) time of year!

  27. Your pictures are awesome, I love the one with the verse it is perfect with it!

  28. Debbie, what amazingly beautiful photographs! Nothing like taking a walking trip down nature's lane! What a perfect and sweet verse!


  29. You are a superb photographer! These are beautiful spring shots, just beautiful!

  30. Spring is sprouting with spectacular splendour in your parts, Debby! Such beautiful photos; I really love the third one, as I can truly feel the warmth of the sun's rays on the new leaves and all around. Those little bluets are too cute; how lovely to have them covering your yard, making it a magical meadow!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


  31. Just beautiful - the pictures and the words! Such a wonderful celebration of the newness of spring here. I think I may have to return for a second visit to look at your pictures a second time : ) (PS: I SO hope that you are able to reply by e-mail now. I went in (with a tutorial) to change my settings so am hoping it works. I also discovered, after your message to me, that my google+ posts have not shown up since September...working on this as well...)

  32. Hello Debby,
    Nice shots.
    The light in picture 4 is really fantastic. Well done!!

    Many greetings,

  33. Awesome Debby!
    Great photography - I would love to know what camera and lens you're using!
    The clarity in picture 2 and the light in 3 are often what I see but my little 'point and shoot' doesn't capture it for me..... frustrating for a wanna be photographer!
    Each new leaf and flower bud are a wonder in themselves - Spring confirms our powerful Creator is at work!
    I find beauty in the 'weeds' too and welcome them in my garden.
    I have Purple Dead Nettle in my garden too, but I've never thought it would be edible.
    I loved this post thank you Debby, great photography and quotes.
    Shane x


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.