Monday, April 13, 2015

Things that make me go "ahhhh"

Greetings, my friends...
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that your Monday is off to a great start!
The weather over the weekend has been just glorious...
spring is definitely in full swing and we are expecting some April showers later today.
Although I love flowers of all any season,
there are a few things that just thrill my heart when I lay my eyes on them...
...I mean I could just look at them all day!
Of course the redbud trees are among them...but you already knew that, didn't you?
It seems like this spring they have been especially lovely and they grow all over the countryside...
...but they are now beginning to fade.
It always makes me sad when I see those magenta blooms being replaced by leaves.
And then there are the dogwoods...
 ...I especially love them when they are first popping open.
Spring just wouldn't be spring without them.
But what really takes my breath away are the pink ones.
This one grows outside of the office where I work and I look forward to it's blooms every year.
Oh my goodness, I can't even tell you... 
...and they are especially beautiful from this perspective too, don't you think?
Last but certainly not least in any way are these lovlies... 
...I mean, my heart literally does backflips when I see them...
...well, it least it seems like it does!
I bought these this past weekend for half price...I paid only only $8.00 each!
I have never tried to grow them before...please pray I don't kill them!
So you know that reaction you have when you are watching fireworks on July 4th?
You know the one....oooohhhh!.....aahhhh!

I think you get the message, right?
And for those of you who still have snow, just think of it this way...
When my spring blooms have all but faded away, yours will just be coming on!


  1. Oh Debbie! What GORGEOUS blooms! I loved all your beautiful pictures (and you do take such pretty photographs!) How great our Lord is...He created such beauty for our eyes to feast on and appreciate! I think it must make His heart so happy to see us enjoying what He made for us...
    Happy spring to you!
    Love and hugs to you!

  2. Your images are glorious, my friend! I was oooohing and ahhhhing the whole way through this post :) Thank you for making my Monday extra beautiful. Love to you, dear Debby!

  3. Oh Debbie, your mosaics and photos of these spring blooms are gorgeous! Thanks for capturing and sharing them. We don't have redbud trees up here and few dogwoods so they are beautiful to me. I think you'll do fine with your hydrangeas. They are quite easy to grow. Have a wonderful week. Blessings. Pam

  4. Oooooh ahhhhh... Wow! Your photos were so lovely that I felt as if I was right there in the midst of all those blooms,I could even smell their fragrances.
    Just gorgeous, Debby!

    Enjoy your Monday.

  5. Ahhhh-some!! Oh Debby, your *eye* captures beauty in such wonder-full ways! I'd personally love a set of notecards with these lovely blooms! Each season has its special glory, but there's something about the colors of Spring that is spectacular.


  6. Gorgeous! Every little blossom is beautiful! Hope the hydrangeas take well for you!

  7. WOW! Gorgeous dogwoods (love the pink) and redbuds and the hydrangea (good luck)! Just beautiful!

  8. Your photos are outstanding! I love all these pretty and colorful blooms, too. A little rainy today but I can almost see things growing!

  9. I agree with you...the redbud is one of my favorite blooming trees....stunning from far away and up close.

  10. We have many redbuds blooming here too. Such beautiful trees!

  11. Oh, Debby, I love pink dogwoods! I really love all dogwoods, but I totally love the pink ones. And love all these you I look forward to the lilacs and the wisteria!

  12. These blossoms are all wonderful. No blooms here yet,but I know they will come.

  13. Oh my goodness, Debby. These mosaics are gorgeous! All of your photos are stellar, but I especially love the barely opened dogwood bud. Lovely post!!

  14. Makes me happy to look at these pretty flowers, Debby.

  15. Gorgeous blossoms.. I love the redbuds and the pretty pink dogwoods.. Beautiful images and post. Have a happy day!

  16. Well Debbie, I oohed and aahhed my way through all your gorgeous spring blossoms. I'm envious that you can grow redbud, they can't quite make it through our winters, especially like the one we just had. Hydrangeas are pretty easy to care for, they do like to be moist though.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  17. Oh wow, your photos are fabulous! Pink dogwood blossoms are my favorite tree blooms.
    If you're ever traveling through Knoxville during the Dogwood Arts Festival (first week of April) you may like to do a car tour of one of the trails...they're glorious. Have a great Tuesday!

  18. These flowers certainly make everyone go ahhh!
    They are all lovely, but perhaps the hydrangea with water droplets is my favourite.
    Thank you for sharing and have a blessed day!

  19. Hi Debby! I do know your feelings about flowers, and I join you! I love hydrangeas, and it looks like you got some really healthy ones. Yay! My jonquils are just starting to open, I love the bright yellow. It makes me think that Spring as sprung!
    Enjoy your surroundings in this season of renewal. Blessings to you always,

  20. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! And, I agree, the pink dogwood blooms do take your breath away, and you have captured all of these spring sweeties so spectacularly!! Sorry, trying to catch my breath!


  21. Beautiful! We have a hydrangea bush that I love but I am eyeing that lovely dogwood. I don't know if I have a place for one but what beauty. Ahhhh indeed : ) Loving every moment of springtime!

  22. This morning I woke up to cold and dreariness... seeing this lovely and cheerful post again was a beautiful highlight in my morning :) Thank you, dear friend, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  23. Ahhh - so gorgeous!

  24. I love red bud and dogwood too. I think my favorite flowering tree, though, is apple. I love the pink and white daintiness of their blooms. :-) The pink dogwood runs a close second, though.

    I didn't have any trouble growing hydrangea in Tenn., but that's the only place I've ever tried it. (It's too hot and dry in Central Texas - would take too much precious water.) I've heard that the color will change due the the pH levels in the soil, so if yours changes color after a year or so don't worry. You might be able to "correct" it if you look up the information on it. :-)

  25. So lovely. Spring is a glorious season. I enjoyed all these beauties.

  26. Hey Debbie, your photos are wonderful. Our redbuds were spectacular this year and lingered longer than usual. We've been away and came home to our baby dogwood in full bloom! A little slower than the big guys, but that gives us color a little longer. I agree with you on the pink dogwood and your photos do them justice!

  27. Ahhh-ing with you. Stunning beauties. :)

  28. I think those dogwoods are my favorites but you have captured much beauty here : )


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.