Thursday, June 18, 2015

Home Improvement and a Bloggiversary


Did you ever watch Home Improvement?
 I used to really enjoy that sit-com from the 90's.
Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor was always getting into trouble of some kind...
...trying to master projects that seemed to be way over his head!
I hope that will not be the case with us.

 It looks as though we are finally about to take the plunge!
This house was built in 1985 and although we have done some needed updates,
over the years there were many things that just got put off...for one reason or another.
Oh I remember one!

So there will be some exterior and interior repairs/updates.
The list seems long but some of the items are really quite minor.

 We have re-hired a talented fellow that did some work for us about five years ago.
He does it all...pretty much everything...and he does it all well.
The best part is, he's cheap!
And I use that term in the kindest way :)
Yes, will be seeing a lot of Kerby in the days to come.

To say I'm excited would be an understatement! I ready for my house to be in complete disarray for the next few months?
Isn't it always in some state of disarray?
Can't I just go on a long vacation and it will all be done?

Just for fun, I thought I'd throw these in.

A while back, I created these fun little "planets" of our neck of the woods.
I used a free program called Gimp to make them.
The one above is the front view...

...and this is from the back.
Aren't they fun?
There are times when these images sort of represent my life...

And on another subject altogether, My Favorite Things is two years old today!
Look...I even made a digital cake for the occasion!
(with a little help from Paint and Picmonkey)

Yes, on June 18, 2013, I hit the publish button for the first time on this little blog.
Sometimes it seems like I've been blogging much longer...
...and other times I still feel like such a newbie.
In fact, I thought it was my third year.
I actually had to go back and check my dashboard!

In all sincerity, I must tell you all how much I appreciate you.
Everyone of you adds a special blessing to my life.
I feel as though I know many of you well.
How can that be so when we've never met face to face?
We are sort of kindred spirits in way, aren't we?
I looked it up so I was sure I knew what I was talking about:

kin·dred spir·it
plural noun: kindred spirits
  A person whose interests or attitudes are similar to one's own.
Have a good one!


  1. You have a lovely home,Debby,and I'm sure you'll be happy with it after it's all over. I love seeing things improved upon. Happy 2nd Blogiverrsary!

  2. Best Wishes with all the home projects; I know you will be thrilled with the end results. So nice that you have someone that you trust who has so many talents...not easy these days. You have a lovely home/yard. Congrats on 2 years of blogging, also. It's a pleasure to visit with you here. Have a great day.

  3. Fun images of your home! I remember Home Improvement and loved Tim and his antics!
    I'm sure Kerby is much more efficient!
    Many congratulations on your Blogging anniversary ! You have a wonderful style, warm and cozy and it's always a pleasure to visit with you Debby!

  4. a happy 2nd blogiversary to you!!! and hooray on the home improvement (nightmare) to begin! :)

  5. How exciting! :0) mari

  6. The like-minded do seem to find one another. Happy Blogiversary! (It feels as if you have been blogging longer and I mean that in the nicest possible way.) Oh boy howdy! Sounds as if excitement is about to ensue at your place. Much grace to cope with it all...

  7. How exciting to be having improvements to your home-sweet-home!! It is a challenging time (ask me how I know), but when it's all said and done, you're happy to have the updates.

    Kindred of the best things about blogging!!

  8. Hi Debby, Congrats to you on your 2 year blog anniversary. How exciting to begin your projects. I know this too well, and while it's a challenge, it will be worth it all in the end. How wonderful to have a helper that is reasonable too.
    Yes, one of the best parts of blogging is meeting the many Kindred Spirits that make it all so special. Have fun on the reno and many more years of fun blogging.
    Hugs and Blessings, cm

  9. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, I really enjoy the interaction with other bloggers, I love the way you have described it kindred spirits...a wonderful expression. Hope all goes well with the renovations.

  10. Congratulations on the blog anniversary. I hope you will keep on posting for a long time to come.Renovations are never fun,but the end result should be worth the mess and inconvenience.

  11. I think you house is lovely just like it is, but up dates are nice. Hope it all goes smoothly.
    And Happy, Happy Blogaversary!

  12. IT will be fun to see the changes to your house. It is lovely and nice to have the trees around. I have enjoyed your blog and I am thinking kindred spirits are drawn to reading each others blogs. Congratulations on two years!

  13. Your house is pretty, I love the trees. I hope all goes well with the home improvements. Congrats on your blog's anniversary. I enjoy your post, keep them coming. Have a happy weekend!

  14. Oh Debbie, what an exciting time and before you know it, poof, it'll be all done! I can't wait to see what all you'll be doing!
    Happy 2nd Anniversary, sweet friend! Kindred Spirits, indeed!

  15. Happy blog-a-versary!! Hope to see you continue for many more years to come.

    How exciting to have a face lift on your home!! Will there be updates as time allows? I hope?

    1. Thanks Anni...I will try to post any updates that are newsworthy! :)

  16. Living under construction is challenging! We've done it, and it's not easy, but in the end it is so worth it. Good luck!

  17. Hello Happy Anniversary and I do enjoy seeing what you write for us! You really must be very excited about the new Home updates that are coming for you both! Just remember we all look forward to seeing the new and improved areas that Tim makes over for you! I just hope he has the right tools LOL Hugs, Roxy

  18. Hello Debbie. Home renos can be a pain, but the result will be so worth it. (says she whose upstairs bathroom is unfinished and awaiting the husband's attention).
    Congrats on the blogging anniversary!

  19. Those are so cool! Happy anniversary Debby...I'm so glad you hit that publish button!


    So happy about your reno - the perfect birthday gift, no doubt for 'My Favorite Things'!:))

    Can't wait to read all about the lovely changes you will be making, as I've enjoyed seeing the gorgeous reveals of your kitchen!


  21. Oh that sounds like a fun summer for you Debby! I can't wait to see what you will do with your house. It looks so pretty and cozy in the trees now. Love those bubble pictures. They're really cool. Happy anniversary for your blog! And happy summer to you too! Blessings. Pam

  22. I am wondering now about my comments...I would have sworn I commented on this. But don't see it here. Anyway, congrats on your 2nd anniversary!

    WTG on getting to do what you want/need to have done to your house. I hope things go smoothly.

  23. Congratulations on two years Debby! I have so enjoyed getting to know you, a kindred spirit. Love those "worlds" of yours; fun!

  24. Happy blogaversary my friend! I'm so glad I've been able to get to know you and share in some fun along the way. I love those neat photo know I'll have to go and play with some photos now too! Enjoy your day and those beautiful sunflowers in your other post. We have one that came up under the bird feeder that is starting to bloom! Hugs, Diane


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.