Saturday, June 13, 2015

Lemon Soda Pop Cake

Several of you have already commented on my post from this past Saturday.
Just to let you know, the cake was very moist and delicious!
Today I'm sharing it on Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration link-up.

It is nearly 98 degrees in the shade here today.
Not the ideal weather for a church picnic.
Actually, it's not at the church...
...we are all getting together at my neighbor/friend/fellow church goer's house!
You see, they have a pool...
...although you won't find this chick getting in...
...not a pretty sight, especially around folks I know!
I think I'll grab my food, run into the house and eat where it's cool.
So I made this really easy Lemon Soda Pop cake to take...
...along with my famous baked beans :)
It is also referred to as Mountain Dew Cake.
I got the recipe from the site Allrecipes on the web.

As you can see, the ingredients are pretty simple.
I used Diet Mountain Dew and I suppose you could use sugar free pudding.
I couldn't find any in lemon so I thought, hey...what's a few extra calories??
This is a church picnic after all...who's dieting?
The directions are as follows:

*add cake mix and dry pudding mix together 
*beat in 3/4 cup oil
*add and mix each egg (4) individually 
(I used my hand mixer because I don't have one of those fancy KitchenAid ones.)
*finally, add in 1 cup Mountain Dew

Mix together thoroughly and pour into a greased and floured bundt pan.

I still have my cute little vintage bundt pan in Harvest Gold...
...a wedding present from nearly 39 years ago :)
Bake it at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
It really puffed up and baked very nicely!

After it cooled off and I turned it out of the pan, it was ready for the glaze.
This was not a part of the original recipe so I did this on my own...
...thought it needed a little sumpin'-sumpin' on top.

I took about 1/2 cup of that frosting, added about 1 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice,
whipped it up and put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
You can use a real lemon of course, but I used the next best thing, Realemon :)
Drizzle over the top and let the yummy, sweet goodness run down into all of those crevices. 

I can't wait to taste it!

I'll let you know later how it good it was...or wasn't...
...if I survive the heat!


  1. i think my mother-in-law used to make this. yummy!

  2. Well it sure looks delicious! Think I saw an orange one at PW's earlier this week. It sounds so unusual with the soda pop that I will have to give it a try. Hope that by the time you read this you will have had a fun day at the picnic.

  3. Yes I hope you had a good day at the picnic and no one had heat stroke. It has been dreadful all of a sudden hasn't it? The cake looks very good. I wish i hadn't sent my bunt pan out the door, though I don't remember doing so. Even an angel food pan would do but that also seems missing from one move or another. I like a cake with a whole in the middle, easier to slice!

  4. Oh my, your cake looks so good, my friend! I wish I could join the picnic :) I know everyone will enjoy your delicious treat. Hugs and blessings!

  5. I would love this cake. Thx for the recipe and the photos. Have a good time and I bet they lick the plate clean!

  6. Oh,that looks and sounds delicious.

  7. Yummy looking cake!

    Your words about the pool and people that you know...they could have come straight out of my mouth. :D

  8. Oh, my goodness, my mouth is watering now! I love lemony cakes!

  9. Oh my...this looks heavenly! I make apple dumplings with Sprite. I wonder who comes up with these ideas. I'm glad they do though! I hope you had a lovely picnic with your church family.

  10. How scrumptious this cake looks, dear Debby! And I love the sweet pan you is the perfect shape for this cake:)
    I remember the first time I ever tasted Mountain Dew...I was a little six year old:)
    I was on an Orange River trip with my Dad (the Orange River is in Namibia) and it was SO hot - the perfect drink to cool down!
    Have a blessed Sunday! I am off for a drive and a picnic in the countryside with my family today!
    Hugs and much love!

  11. This cake looks delicious! You are going to be invited to the next pool party for sure.

  12. Your cake sounds really good! I had to laugh about the thought of being seen swimming...I'd rather try to stand on my head than be seen in a bathing suit! lol! The first scenario would be embarrassing enough, but showing this body at a pool? No way! lol!

  13. I love lemon and your cake looks yummy! I wouldn't be out in my bathing suit with our church either : ) Fellowship and food - what a wonderful afternoon.

  14. I make this with a local soda called, Ski. Good stuff!

  15. This is a special summer cake... I am so glad you shared it with us! Just the name of it makes my mouth water! Summer and get together's are so much fun! Our church family and the body of Christ make life special. Hugs, Roxy

  16. Debbie, I would love to have a slice of that cake now! It looks scrumptious and it's on my bake list!

  17. Debbie, I would love to have a slice of that cake now! It looks scrumptious and it's on my bake list!

    1. It really was yummy, Nancy...and so very easy! I hope you enjoy it :)

  18. Hi Debbie, what a delicious cake. It will be the hit of the pool party. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will be saving this one. Hope it cools down a bit for you. Were in the upper 90's here in Texas too and they are predicting more rain on the way. Just what we need after all the flooding.
    Blessings to you, CM

  19. Oh....I'm so glad you shared this wonderful cake with Rose of Inspiration, my friend :) Have a beautiful day! Hugs!

  20. Debby,
    This looks absolutely delicious! I am partial to lemon anyways. Lemon to me is what chocolate is to everyone else! I just made the lemon cookies that Stephanie posted last week, yummy! Can't wait to try this cake!

    1. Oh, I agree...I love lemon anything! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Enjoy the cake!

  21. Mmmmm Debby, the cake sounds yummy and I'm so glad that you put a glaze on top. I'll need to try this recipe soon. Thanks for sharing.

  22. It really makes my mouth water! I love anything with lemon or limes! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  23. Hi Debby! Oh, this looks so good and now I want some of it! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Is it possible to drool over an internet photo? I'm saying yes, because that's what I'm doing looking at this lemon soda pop cake. I think it must have been delicious!! And even though I'm facing some dental work in the future, I would eat this anyway!


    (Hey, I hear you about the swimming pool...)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.