Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mimosa Tree

If there's one thing I look forward to in the summer,
(and of course there are many)
it's when those trees with the pink "poofy things" 
(as I so lovingly refer to them)
start blooming just about everywhere I look.

It is the Albizia julibrissin (say that five times fast) or the Mimosa Tree. 

The Mimosa
~Jason Tomlinson

The only thing I know about trees is what I’m able to view
I don’t know much but I like to watch to find out what they do
and I’ve noticed my mimosa tree every single year
and how late in the spring its blossoms appear.

There are trees all over my neck of the woods
punctuating the landscape of all our neighborhoods
and it’s so nice when spring comes around
and the trees blossom all over town.

But it’s strange when I watch the mimosa tree
and why it waits so late is a mystery to me
but then I was encouraged by that one thing
the mimosa isn’t competing to bloom first in the spring,

it just does what it does slow and steady
and then it blooms when it is ready.

Do you enjoy mimosa trees in your corner of the world?


  1. i like them, too. ours died a few years ago.

  2. I love them. They remind me of little fireworks!

  3. I love Mimosa trees! They are my favorite. A few years ago i took some seeds from a neighbor and i planted them. Now i have my own Mimosa in my front yard! it's been my favorite tree since I was a child playing with the seeds as "helicopters". Have you ever seen a chocolate Mimosa? It's beatiful, but Im not sure if it blooms.

  4. That is a beauty. We don't have them around my part of the country,so it is a joy to see them on your blog.

  5. My grand mother loved these trees she planted them in her yard....many years ago.

  6. I think I could learn a lot from a Mimosa tree. "it just does what it does slow and steady
    and then it blooms when it is ready." Love this!

  7. Those pink pouffy flowers are really striking. None of them in our neck of the woods. Lovely to see.

  8. I haven't come across them here but they are certainly beautiful, a really striking bloom.

  9. I can't say I've ever seen one, but they are very pretty blooms.


  10. Pretty tree and of course your photos are spectacular, but I've never seen one where I live. I'll have to sharpen my eyes.

  11. Alas, no, have never seen one. It looks quite extraordinary!

  12. Absolutely stunning! I don't think I have ever seen a Mimosa Tree so I'm guessing they don't grow here in the mountains which is quite sad....

    Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. I can see why you look forward to them. Love and hugs to you!

  13. They are pretty. I've seen many of them. They grow like weeds around here.

  14. I remember the Mimosa from when I was a girl living in Louisiana. It was the only thing in our yard that was impervious to my parents' very brown thumbs. It was beautiful inspite of it's lack of talc!

  15. I love the Mimosa tree too. We planted a small mimosa sprout shortly after we build our cabin. It has grown really big and we now have three around the pond. I just love them. The flowers remind me of ballerinas. Your pictures are so pretty.

  16. We have a mimosa tree in our backyard! Years ago, Ron and our son Ryan were mowing the grass at the church we attended and pulled a mimosa seedling from a crack in the sidewalk! They brought it home and planted it in our backyard and, to our amazement, it took root and grew to be a big beautiful tree.

  17. I don't have a Mimosa tree of my own, although I would love to have one! We do have them growing all around though. They are such lovely trees..I love the shade of pink of the blooms and the sweet little leaves on the stems. The blooms remind me a little of the bloom on the bottlebrush plant. Do you have those? Not sure of the real name of it....)

  18. I don't have one, but I've always admired them. My inlaws used to have one and it was such a pretty tree.

  19. We do see them here in Oregon... They are beautiful. You've made some great observations! I'll enjoy seeing these trees even more now.

  20. They are not common around my area but oh how pretty! :)

  21. They are not common around my area but oh how pretty! :)

  22. I do enjoy them! There are not a lot of them around here, but I do see them occasionally. There used to be one I passed any time we went anywhere, but it died!

  23. How pretty! No, we don't have mimosa trees in our neck of the woods (literally). But there are some really pretty shrubs that have the brightest, pinkest blooms. I don't know what they are, but I sure do like them.

    We do have manzanita trees, and they also have some really pretty pink blossoms. Manzanita is actually Spanish for "little apple" - and these trees have the most interesting twisting branches, and a deep maroon bark that sometimes peels off.

    And that, my friend, is the extent of my botanical knowledge!


  24. Hi Debbie! Oh, I love mimosa trees and this is a really pretty one. When I was a little girl growing up in Alabama we had a big one in the front yard. I thought that tree was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen when it bloomed those little pink puffs! :) Hope you have a great weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. I used to have a mimosa tree, in a previous house, and I loved it. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pink blooms, your photos are beautiful as always!

  26. I love the mimosa tree, the blooms are so pretty. Lovely images and post. Enjoy your weekend!

  27. Hi Debbie, What a gorgeous tree, I have not see them here in Texas or at least my area. Love the pink bloom. They are so pretty. Thanks for sharing and your beautiful photos.
    Have a blessed weekend. cm

  28. I love these as well - they remind me of an old fashioned broom, but with nicer colors :-)


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