Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fear not...

Sometimes things happen to us that become learning experiences.
Or at least they should be.
I hope I've learned my lesson.

This is my Facebook post from last night.

I was home alone, as I am so many nights...
...I am used to that and I am never afraid to stay by myself.
Once I realized I was locked out, all kinds of thoughts were running through my head.
Poor little Oscar was in the house too.
And because it was so dark, that added to the fear frustration...
...or...should I just go ahead and admit it?
Yes, I was beginning to feel real fear.

And just let me tell you, I would have had to feel a whole lot more fear 
before I would go knocking on a neighbor's door in my ratty, almost see-through nightgown!
Oh, if only you could have felt (and seen) my desperation...
...I was literally calling out for Jesus to help me...louder...and louder.
And after beating that poor door handle (which still works, actually) with the hammer,
I can't remember when I felt such a relief...and so safe.
Not safe in the sense that I was actually fearing for my life,
but safe in the arms of a Savior that cared about me...
...in the midst of my uncomfortable and unfortunate circumstances.

You might think it was silly of me to post this on facebook.
But I felt compelled to share it, to use it as a testament to show how God looks out for his kids.
How He cares about our every need.
Each and every one.

So after I posted it, not even five minutes later, this post from came through my news feed.

A coincidence you think?
I think not.

And the story wouldn't be complete until you see my final post of the evening...

Oh and let me assure you that the key that used to be hidden outside on the deck,
was replaced this morning :)

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, 
“Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
Isaiah 41:13


  1. A wonderful testimony to how our God cares for us. Thanks Debby.


  2. That is a terrible feeling to be locked out. We have a key hidden also, I know you were worried for Oscar, especially with the stormy weather. Thanks for sharing these Bible verses too.

  3. Loved reading this wonderful post. Amazing scripture that popped up on your fb right after this experience. What a loving Father we have.

  4. Oh my sweet friend, you have just given God glory! My heart went out to you as I can relate. But you blessed me in how you called out to Him. A spare key is a must for all of us.
    Hugs, Roxy

  5. No coincidence at all! I have a storm door that when it closes...sometimes...it locks itself. So, I always try to take my key on a chain with me, when I take the pups out or do anything outside. And I totally understand the nightgown part!

    Jan ♥

  6. I think it's also important to experience fear once in a while because then our faith is being tested. :)
    Happy for you that everything turned out okay.

  7. Enjoyed reading this wonderful post, we are certainly blessed.

  8. Oh my, Debby, I know exactly how it feels to be locked out of the house of my own doing. And yes, the Lord is near and amazing in times of trouble. :)

  9. When you have that close relationship with your Creator, you know to call out to Him as soon as you need help. This is a scary thought for all of us and one I need to learn from. Sending you some extra hugs today, Diane

  10. HE never fails us. : )
    I have a key hidden and I've used it a number of times!!

  11. That's a great story of faith Debby. One would wonder why it all happened and then it rained as well but I guess it's a lesson in testing your faith. I think we've all had these moments happen to us at some time and we panic with fear forgetting that the Lord is watching over us. I must hang our key back outside too! Blessings. Pam

  12. So glad that all is well... (Just lost a very long and unncessary comment.)

  13. Hi Debby! Oh, I can feel the fear you had and I'm sure I would have felt the same way but how wonderful that you shared how you prayed to the Lord for help. He heard you and He answered you. He made a way. I love this! Glad you're okay and safe indise tonight!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  14. Did you see I responded with "understand." I think I understand fear more than anything. If there's one thing that the devil puts in my mind it's fear of this and fear of that especially when I am in a desperate situation no matter how trivial to some. I was thinking about that the other day. There are so many scriptures on "Fear not." There are so many songs relating to God being our stronghold and that we should not fear. He must have wanted us to know that we will will but that we are safe in His arms. Aren't you glad He loves us enough not to leave us where we are. Love you girl! There's a lesson in everything. Sometimes I get it the first time. Most times, I don't.

  15. Oh Debby, I would have panicked big time! There is no doubt in my mind that God hears us and is there to help when we cry out to Him. I am so glad that door opened!

  16. What a wonderful story of our loving Father's compassion and grace! He extends His grace to us all of the time...even when we are not aware. I love when He shows me and teaches me specifically...as He did for you on this night of seemingly helpless circumstances!

  17. Thank goodness you got back indoors safely! Answered prayer : )

  18. Thank goodness you got back indoors safely! Answered prayer : )

  19. Hi Deb! I would have been FREAKING out if that was me. Yikes! How smart of you to figure out about the hammer. What did your husband say? I bet he was so glad you figured out how to get back in before all the rain. Not to mention the lightening...dangerous!

    When you call, He will answer. May God be given all the praise!

  20. I can just feel your desperation...

  21. Hello Deb, I am glad you found a way to open the door and that your prayer was answered. Have a happy weekend!

  22. Oh, you poor thing, Deb, what a thing to happen. Maybe keep the spare bathrobe in the shed? :-)

  23. God does indeed care for every little or big matter in our lives - what a blessing and comfort that is! I am so glad you were able to get back into your home, my friend. God is so good :)

    Thinking of you and wishing you a blessed Sunday. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  24. I love this post! So open, honest, and transparent...you remind me of similar times in my past, and thankfully, God's same hedge of protection...all is grace...many blessings to you ❤️

  25. Fear - my lifelong nemesis. There is something going on right now that has got me absolutely gripped in the jaw of fear. Your words have helped me today. I pray for peace instead of panic, power instead of paralysis.

    Only the One who said, "I have overcome the world" can bring me the settling I so desperately need...


  26. What a wonderful story Debby; our Lord was with you and caring for you throughout your ordeal.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.