Monday, July 6, 2015

Four-wheelin', Shootin' and a Deep Fried Brownie

Well, the 4th of July is history...
...and Labor Day will be here before you know it!
Time is slipping away, folks!
I hope all of my friends in the USA had a great holiday weekend.
I thought I'd share a few moments from our visit to Tennessee from the week before.
Adam and his family live in a beautiful rural area just south of Nashville.
He wanted to give his ol' mom a ride around the property so off we went on the four-wheeler.
He promised to drive slow-ish.

He only scared me a couple of times :)
So we headed down the steep, half-mile long gravel driveway,
(we are actually going back up the drive in this pic)
stopping at this small farm just down the road a bit.

We got off the four-wheeler and these beauties walked right up to us.

This guy (or girl...I didn't notice) was very friendly...

...but most likely quite disappointed that we didn't have any food to share...

...although Adam did offer a handful of tall grass to him/her.
After our visit, we said our goodbyes and headed back down the road.

The contrasting late afternoon sun nearly ruined the photos of this field of  hay bales...

...but after a little "doctoring" with Picmonkey, they will have to do.

It was a fun day.
We girls went for pedicures while the boys practiced their shooting skills.

Each one of them tore the centers out of those targets!

The next day, we went into downtown Columbia and ate at Puckett's.
Anyone who is familiar with the Nashville area surely knows about Puckett's.
We have been making trips to Nashville since 2000 and had never eaten there... we'd been missing!
The food was wonderful and we all shared this decadent treat...

...the amazing deep-fried brownie.
And yes, that is bacon on top!
Count the spoons...there are eight of them...

...more than enough gooey deliciousness to go around...a couple of times.

And when you're the photographer,
you get out of showing everyone how big of a pig you were! :)

We always have so much fun visiting our crazy son, Adam and his family.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)

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  1. Hi Debby! What a fun post! I have a sister in Franklin, Tenn., and your pictures could almost pass for her neck of thy woods. Love the horses. Have a great week!

  2. Looks like you all had a fun time.

  3. The area around your son's home is so beautiful. Love all the trees. Looks like a great visit and that dessert is awesome looking!

  4. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time.
    Bacon on ice cream - that's a new one for me. : )

  5. I have never come across bacon on ice cream but the rest of it sure looked good. A beautiful place for a stroll, you are blessed with a beautiful family.

  6. What a great weekend. Perfect realy.

  7. Thanks for sharing your visit with son Adam Debby, he lives in a nice rural area. I like the idea of the girls going for pedicures, something my daughter and granddaughters would do - and love!
    I think dinner was one of those times when it might have been nice to have dessert first, wow does that look good.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  8. What a fun trip! Your son lives in a beauiful place. That dessert looks divine! Have a lovely week...:)

  9. Deep-fried brownie....did you say deep-fried brownie?!?! Yes, yes, YES PLEASE :)

    It looks like you had a blast, my friend. Your post title made me think of my husband {{smiles}} Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  10. Hi Debby - looks like a fun trip to Tennessee. That deep fried brownie sundae looks amazing. So who got the bacon?

  11. The pictures are beautiful...oh and those horses! I am scared to death when Poppy says get on, I'll drive slow...on his 4-wheeler. That brownie looks delicious and it must have been huge! Those bites are big. Looks like a fun trip!

  12. Very scenic location your son enjoys! Eight spoons?! You folks are really frugal. I could have eaten that (minus the bacon)

  13. I could dive right into that dessert about now! Oh my, that looks delish. Your son lives in a beautiful area. So glad you had a fun trip...and survived the 4-wheeler ride. :)

  14. Wish that I lived closer to Puckett's so that I can try their dee fried brownies!

  15. Debby, it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend...and that shooting from the porch looks like such fun!

  16. Hi Debby, what a wonderful weekend and your pics show the fun. That brownie looks amazing.
    Be Blessed, cm

  17. Looks like fun! I want a spoon for that dessert, too!

  18. Love seeing you photos from your Tennessee trip to visit your son and family. Beautiful horses and an extra special dessert!

  19. Those horses are gorgeous ! Bacon on top is over the top! :) Sounds like a wonderful time with your family.
    My DIL fries OREOS !

  20. Those horses are gorgeous ! Bacon on top is over the top! :) Sounds like a wonderful time with your family.
    My DIL fries OREOS !

  21. Nice family time! And the horses are beautiful.

  22. How much fun! And a porch swing -- I've always dreamed of having one of those. Pedicures, some shootin', and a deep-fried brownie -- all sounds good to me!


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