Monday, August 24, 2015

Chasing butterflies...literally

Yes, I have been doing just that.
Well, I'm not actually running or anything crazy like that...
(wouldn't that be a vision?)
...but up until just recently, the butterflies have been pretty scarce around here.

Or maybe, I just wasn't looking in the right places.

I found the majority of these beauties right across the road from my local Goodwill store.
There is a huge field of milkweed...

...and where there is milkweed blooming, there will no doubt be bees and/or butterflies aplenty.

So there I was...traisping through this field of waist-high grasses and under growth.
The monarchs were abundant and there were a few yellow swallowtail as well,
all a little this is where the chasing part comes in :)

I was praying the whole time that there were no snakes!

Now I didn't need to do much chasing to photograph these lovelies...

...they just recently started visiting the butterfly bush right outside of my workplace.

I used my point-n-shoot and was able to get within a few inches.

And although this guy below is technically not a butterfly,
I was quite taken with him...and I didn't have to chase him at all!

This Imperial Moth seemed to be stuck to the side of the house.
I even touched his lovely hairy body and he didn't flinch!

Isn't he a beaut??
I'm sharing these lovely creatures today at Judith's Mosaic Monday.
Stop on over and see what else everyone is sharing!
Happy Monday, everyone!

Also sharing at:


  1. Oh wow, beautiful images of the butterflies. And the Imperial Moth is awesome. Great sighting and photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Gorgeous butterfly images, Deb! You must have a lot of patience to get those shots. I would be the same in the milkweed patch - wondering if there were snakes underneath. Shiver. Have a lovely week!

  3. Oh, you brave girl! Your "chasing" was well-rewarded with some beautiful photos!! Lovely, graceful creatures!

    I am glad that you included Mr. Moth for he is fascinating.

  4. You certainly got some amazing shots, well done.

  5. Wow! Beautiful, beautiful photos! I love photographing butterflies. Yours are lovely! The moth is so interesting too. It's amazing how much artwork God has put into things that we would consider unimportant. I've even seen some amazing spiders. :-)

  6. I love butterflies and your photos are wonderful. I sent you a fb friend req.

  7. I greatly enjoyed this post...beautiful shots!!! :)

    I've been explaining to the grandkids why it is so special anymore to see 'development' is destroying their habitat

  8. Oh my...Debby! You are an incredible photographer with an eye for detail... What amazing captures of these beautiful creatures... I love butterflies and am constantly struck by the intricacy of their various patterns and shades...we serve a mighty God, and a creative one too!
    Blessings and joy to you, Debby! Have a splendid week ahead!

  9. Stunning photos. We aren't see as many as we use to so I certainly enjoyed your array. :-)

    1. Thank you for visiting, Judy! You are right, butterflies just are not as plentiful as they used to be!

  10. What beautiful pictures!!!!! I love butterflies alot.

    I hope you check out my blog and please follow by email. :D
    I would love it if you entered my Scripture giveaway that I have going on right now too, if you would like. :)
    Blessings in Christ,

  11. Beautiful. All our milkweed is done blooming and the seeds are already scattering...but the butterflies keep popping around.

  12. Oh, Debby! What a vision! You really captured some glorious snaps of the pretty butterflies. The moth is a beautiful one and I've never seen one that color! You used a point and shoot? Man, girl, you're good! Loved it! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. The detail and beauty of butterflies is amazing and something to take note of. I think I prefer the monarch of all of them though. Ha ha, maybe I'm a traditionalist or something. Wonderful photos and I'm so glad you didn't encounter a snake.

  14. What beauties you found! Love them all.

  15. This is a wonderful set of photographs. Butterflies are all so beautiful,each in their own way.

  16. Your photos are fantastic, Debby! I really enjoyed seeing them. I haven't captured a lot of butterfly pics this summer - seems one has to be very patient to do so...they don't hold still for long.

  17. Oh, Debby, you hit the jackpot! So very, very beautiful. I just love butterflies.

  18. Gorgeous shots of the butterflies (and moth.) So glad to hear there are still large areas of milkweed- we hear so much about the loss of this plant with spraying and so on. Butterfly numbers are certainly way down here in eastern Canada. ;(

  19. Wow, Debby! Amazing shots from your point and shoot! The butterflies aren't easy to capture, but you did a fantastic job. Beautiful!!

  20. Hi Debby, what a beautiful post of butterflies. You sure captured them well with your camera. Just amazingly pretty put into a collage too. The moth is also very pretty and the color and markings are incredible. We have not seen that many butterflies this season. Maybe it's been too hot here so seeing yours is a delight. Glad there were no snakes!! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a blessed day. Hugs, cm

  21. Hi Debby, what a beautiful post of butterflies. You sure captured them well with your camera. Just amazingly pretty put into a collage too. The moth is also very pretty and the color and markings are incredible. We have not seen that many butterflies this season. Maybe it's been too hot here so seeing yours is a delight. Glad there were no snakes!! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a blessed day. Hugs, cm

  22. Oh my goodness, Debby, you should submit those photos for publication somewhere.....I don't have a clue as to where, but they are publication worthy! The beauty is so amazing it almost hurts.....absolutely incredible. I also think you are very "fear" of snakes would have kept me way too far away to capture these lovelies.

  23. Thank you for walking through the field to capture these beauties Debby as we've had hardly a butterfly this year. I've not even seen them on the roadside milkweed. :-(
    The moth is very pretty, love the downy softness you captured in that fabulous macro!
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  24. Wow what a great collection of butterfly pictures. Beautiful.
    I have found many on my cone flowers too.

  25. All I can say is WOW!!
    Your photos are amazing, Debby.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty with us.

    Joy! Debbie

  26. My these are just beautiful. I've not seen many butterflies this summer or those I do see never land long enough to photograph them. You found the motherlode here. Also the detail on that moth is stunning.

  27. Wow....each and every one....breathtaking!!!

  28. Hi Debby! I just read an article in the paper that described a new project to plant more milkweed in our area. Our butterfly population is very small, and getting smaller! Especially the monarch. It warms my heart that you have so many of them.
    I think you should get a 'star' for bravery my friend. Snakes? No thanks!! But your photos are all worth it. I loved them.

  29. Wow! Your photos are beautiful Debby. You sure are lucky to have so many beautiful butterflies. This summer has not been great for butterflies in NW England... lots of rain, wind and grey cloud. On a sunny day we see a few but nowhere near as many as I'd like.

    1. Hi Gillian! Thanks so much for the visiting! I tried to visit you in return and could not link up with your blog. From what I could see of your google+ page, your photos are beautiful!
      Have a good rest of the week :)

  30. It's amazing to see the details in that moth! And your photos of the butterflies are beautiful. I don't think we've had many butterflies this summer but I'm on the look out for them now. I would like to try to take some close ups with my new camera. I never had much luck with my old one! Enjoy your day! Hugs, Diane

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. What beautiful butterfly photos!! They make such a pretty Mosaic. My favorite is the blue one. Hoping for many front porch breakfasts for you! :-)

  33. What beautiful butterfly photos!! They make such a pretty Mosaic. My favorite is the blue one. Hoping for many front porch breakfasts for you! :-)

  34. Oh my goodness Debby, what gorgeous butterfly photos you took and made into wonderful mosaics!
    I also checked out your glider renovation and it looks so transformed. My late mother-in-law had one like that and now one of my nieces has it.

  35. Dear Sweet Debby, your photos are wonderful. That last moth looked like he was wearing a fur coat. The milkweed plant brought me back to my childhood. I haven't seen one of them in over twenty years :)

  36. Debby, these are amazing shots! Your black swallowtail has more blue on it than any I have ever seen! And now I'm going to be worried about snakes when I go butterfly hunting! LOL !

  37. Oh my goodness, these butterfly pictures are amazing. So bright with lovely colors. I haven't got a good picture of the butterfly yet because they seem to fly away too quickly. These are truly wonderful pictures, especially that orange one in the middle.

    Have a good rest of the week, Debby.


  38. Wowzers, I feel like I am right there with the beauiful butterflies! Exquisite photos, my friend. I am always amazed at the lovely detail of butterflies.....they shout out the glory of God and His creation.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

  39. You found lots of winged jewels.

  40. Did you upload the second one down on the left to (a free uncopyrighted picture site)? If so, it was my profile picture for months....I just changed it a few weeks ago, lol.
    Great pictures!!


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