Monday, August 31, 2015

The Waning Days of Summer

"Whilst August yet wears her golden crown,
    ripening fields lush- bright with promise;
summer waxes long, then wanes, quietly passing
    her fading green glory on to riotous Autumn."
~Michelle L. Thieme, August's Crown 

The grass, that which is left, crunches under foot.

It looks as though a blow torch has been applied to some of the foliage...

...creating a "toasty" appearance to nearly everything.

I can't walk through the back yard without getting webs in my hair...{{shudder}}...

...and the tent caterpillars, well, they are another matter altogether.
I have had an utter disgust for them since my high school days.

A few of my "friends" knew of my aversion to them
and decided it would be fun to put a handful of them down the back of my dress.
 It took me while to get over that traumatic event. :(

The wrinkled faces of the wilting sunflowers are no longer looking toward the sun.
Yes...the summer, it's-a waning.
~a poem by Michael

The waning days of summer,
are a magic time for me.
Like the beats of some drummer,
cadence-marked for all to see.

It's more than just the dawning,
as the summer goes to fall.
It's more a season's spawning,
I feel in the mornings' call.

When gray gives way to redness,
and daylight takes the sky,
its beauty leaves me breathless,
I enjoy this Godly high.

For God does paint the cirrus,
with pigments and then with hue
a season soon to leave us
told with color and with dew.

For now enjoy these mornings
as their end comes too fast,
and fall then gives warnings,
of the cold of winter's blast.
But there is and up-side to all of this, without a doubt...

...the pyracantha bush is covered with lovely orange and green-ish berries...

...the fields are alive...

...with a whole different crop...

...of lovely wildflowers...

...the sun filtering through the woods captures the glorious brilliance of the turning leaves...

...and everything is as it should be for the last day of August.

Yes, summer is waning but the best is yet to come!

I see a beautiful fall just over the horizon!
Happy last day of August :)

Sharing at:
Amaze Me Monday


  1. Beautiful photo's Debby. While summer was good, I am so ready for cooler weather. Not freezing cold with snow, just cooler.

  2. Lovely friend, what a charming and beautiful post. The words were simply delightful and your pictures brought a smile to my face. Hugs and blessings to you!

  3. Hello Debby, beautiful poems and post. Your images are lovely. I walked thru a web on the trail yesterday, it gave me the creeps. I love Autumn, I am just not a lover of winter. Happy Monday, enjoy your week!

  4. Debby, you summer pictures are very nice. I especially liked the Pyracantha bush and its purple color. Purple is my favorite color, so this caught my eye right away. You really do have a way of taking special pictures. I can't wait to see some of them in the glorious season of Autumn.

    Have a good week.


  5. I love it when I stumble upon a new-to-me blog with the perfect mix of beautiful photography and encouraging words. You brightened my day!

  6. love that golden light and color.

  7. Oh, Debby, this is such a nice post...I love the poem you included.

  8. I couldn't agree more about fall...I would love for you to join in my Seasonal Celebrations meme...this post is perfect...I love writing seasonal poems too at my other blog, Living From Happiness...fall is wonderful!

  9. Beautiful words and photos to go with them. There is the slightest hint of autumn --- and a tempering of the heat just a bit. I'm about ready!

  10. What a beautiful post to celebrate the end of August and a wonderful season. Yes, there will be som lovely days to be had in September too. Enjoy them.

  11. Such a beautiful post! You have truly captured this season.

  12. Beautiful light in all of these photographs. Bravo!!

  13. Beautiful pictures. I like all the seasons and we have pretty cool summers where I live so I'm not quite ready for it to end yet.

  14. Your photo's are gorgeous Debby, a promise is in the air! Autumn is a wonderful time of year with it's beautiful colours and cooler days.
    Have a lovely day.


  15. Hello beautiful September... With the first of September, a raging storm has arrived in my lovely part of the world... Raging winds and rain are here for the next couple days...and just when I thought blissful spring had arrived! But, I will enjoy the cold, wintry weather while it lasts because I know hot days will be here all too soon and I will wishing or the coolness of Winter!
    Oh Debby...this was such a delightful post...beautifully woven with the words, gorgeous pictures of God's glorious creation, and poems... Oh, you are an artist, you know! Truly, I loved every minute of my visit with you today...and I love your capture of the trees...stunning!
    Wishing you a wonderful Tuesday...blessings and joy!

  16. Such a beautiful post, a lovely poem and some amazing pictures. Wishing you a happy September.

  17. A beautiful done post Debby! I enjoyed everything about this - well, apart from spidery things!
    Have a lovely September!

  18. Such beautiful picture. It slowly start to change into fall around here. I didn't plant any sunflower this year and miss how they tower so high.
    I came in from "Hootin Annie" blog and hope you find time to stop in for some coffee....Peppylady (Dora)

  19. Gorgeous images, Debby! I especially like the purple flowers (ironweed?) and the trees. Lovely.
    Um, those "friends" of yours are in need a dose of their own medicine. May you rise brilliantly to the occasion. lol
    Have a great week!

  20. What a lovely post, from the photos to the poem and quote from Isaiah.
    I am with you on the spiders - one was just outside the back door - huge and I forgot about it when i went out to do something. I had the webbing wrapped all over me and I couldn't find the spider. It wasn't pretty....later I saw a new web with what looked liked the same big guy. :-)
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Debby.

  21. Debby, you have a way of bringing beauty into my life in a way that no one else can do. Your photos this week, and that poem - well, I was totally blessed! It is amazing to watch the seasons ebb and flow. And, in each season, there is beauty. It's a good reminder that even in our own lives, God is weaving His beauty - whether we are singing in the *summer* goodness of health and happiness, or trudging through a *wintery* time of difficulty.

    His Word never fades...indeed. And it is what will uphold us now and forever.

    It's lovely how He reminds us of this in the passing of seasons here on earth. Thank you for your very talented way of sharing His truth and beauty.


  22. Here in the hot land, I'm ready for a break from this heat. Can't wait for fall.

    Love the photos, as always.

  23. I love the poems and photos. You always manage to get the background to have that softness and the focus is on the flower. I sure could learn a lot from you. Happy September! Hugs!

  24. Gorgeous pictures, wonderful shots of nature!

  25. Colorful pictures. The shot with the insects in the web is amazing. Looks great!

  26. Extraordinary images. Boy howdy, I would NEVER get over having them put down my dress. What trauma. My goodness.

    1. Thanks, Anni...yeah, it took me a while and every year when they form their tents in my trees, it brings back the wonderful memories! :)

  27. Debby, what incredible photographs! You are the master at capturing the perfect ones! Love the shots, the poem and scripture on the Wednesday morning~
    Ekkkk to the spiders! I can't believe you had that happen to you, those rats!!
    Have a glorious day~

  28. Debby, what incredible photographs! You are the master at capturing the perfect ones! Love the shots, the poem and scripture on the Wednesday morning~
    Ekkkk to the spiders! I can't believe you had that happen to you, those rats!!
    Have a glorious day~

  29. What a beautiful post! I'm blown away at your pictures - so beautiful. Now I did cringe a bit about the webs in your hair! We have webs everywhere! ;) This was so beautiful, my friend.
    Be a sweetie,

  30. Beautiful photos! I am so looking forward to fall this year !

  31. Debby, these photos and the accompanying descriptions are just beautiful. I love the whole mood....(I won't mention the caterpillars)

    1. Thank you, Anita...for comments don't come to my gmail for some reason and I am just now seeing it.

  32. Hi Debby! I wrote about this change of seasons too, as you know. It seems like summer is melting away, just waiting for fall to take it's place.
    I like the way you brought hope at the end of your post. All the beauty still with us, the joy of seeing new types of life springing up...God is always creating :)

  33. What an enjoyment this post was, dear Debby.
    Your photos and words were glorious together.
    Yes...the summer days are nearing hear in the Rocky mountains. I find myself sitting and drinking in the remainder of our summer. I see some of the trees beginning to change and my flower boxes will soon look drab and ready to pull out. It's the transition period that I have a hard time with, but once the new season begins I am fine.
    Summer for us here came late and seemed to end way to soon, but what are ya gonna do. :-)

    Enjoy the rest of your week, Debbie

  34. Oh my goodness. I almost couldn't go on for thinking about those tent caterpillars in your dress!! Traumatic indeed!! ~~shudder~~

    But, I did go on...and saw such beautiful sights, lovely flowers, and my favorite pyracantha berries! Be still my heart. Autumn is full of delights!! As always, your photos captivate!

  35. What a beautiful blessing finding your blog this morning from the charming photography and the nature at it's best the lovely poem, just made my early morning smile~

    1. Hi Mary...I have tried to leave a comment on your blog and it wouldn't let me...and and since I can't reply by email, I hope that you will check back to see my reply. I did stop by your lovely blog and your photos are absolutely's so hard to wrap my brain around the fact that others in the world are just now having spring! Thank you so much for visitng and leaving your lovely comment! Blessings!

  36. My oh my at the comments!! My friend is famous!! I knew you would be....just don't forget one of your first friends when you are published...:) You have such a great talent for words and photography. Love and hugs to you my friend!

  37. Such a lovely post! :)

    Those tent catepillars are disgusting. I remember them in an apple tree where I lived in my younger days and we'd have to burn them out. They were everywhere for years and years and then the last decade or so we'd been free of them.

    Last year they were back in our area...there were a few in my crab-apple and I burned them out there. UGH.

  38. Can't decide which is more beautiful, the poetry or the photos.

  39. Your blog looks wonderful! Love the new look but love the photos even more! I'm so ready for Fall. Somehow I got the wrong memo. Someone said that we were getting Fall this week from the hurricane. Wrong! Oh my! It's much warmer than last week. But I really do appreciate all the seasons. We're always ready for change. I want to do something else to my blog but everytime I change it, I make more of a mess to have to fix. Yikes. Have a good evening sweet girl. I'm not a very good blog friend these days. I have nervous energy and can sit here only so long. I'll try to do better.

  40. Your blog looks wonderful! Love the new look but love the photos even more! I'm so ready for Fall. Somehow I got the wrong memo. Someone said that we were getting Fall this week from the hurricane. Wrong! Oh my! It's much warmer than last week. But I really do appreciate all the seasons. We're always ready for change. I want to do something else to my blog but everytime I change it, I make more of a mess to have to fix. Yikes. Have a good evening sweet girl. I'm not a very good blog friend these days. I have nervous energy and can sit here only so long. I'll try to do better.

  41. What a beautiful post, Debby. Your pictures and descriptions so perfectly capture the turning of the season. One season fades, but there is ample beauty in the next. I have to say that fall is my favorite.
    Ugh, those caterpillars creep me out, too, and especially if I had had the experience you did!

  42. Summer is on her way out but you have proven there is still much beauty to be found. I love the Fall season and all the wonderful colors. I have walked into spider webs several times in the past few weeks - always unexpected and finds me batting at my face and hair!

  43. Your photographs are just beautiful! We don't get quite the same waning of summer here and I admit that I miss it. It used to fill me with anticipation of Fall to see the trees darken to their end-of-summer green when my family lived in the mid-west. Here, things are more brown, dried up and tired due to the heat and lack of rain. Our grass is all literally brown and some of our trees are already dropping their leaves from the dryness. I guess I still have anticipation, though. Only here it's for the cooler days and the winter garden. We do get some colors, but they're mild compared to western Michigan. :-)

    1. This is such a beautiful post and I enjoyed it so much that I am sharing it with my readers this next week. I just scheduled the post with the link and one picture to tempt them over here to look. :-)

  44. Gorgeous photos. I'm getting more excited about the coming of the new season!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  45. Gorgeous photos. I'm getting more excited about the coming of the new season!
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

  46. Hi Debby,

    Firstly, I cannot stop admiring your new autumn banner; so beautifully illustrating fall's mellow hues.

    What an intriguing post this is, from the observations both in your pictures and in the lovely poetry. I love how you described the foliage looking like it's been blow torched - brought visions of baked Alaska to my mind! Spiders scare and repulse me, and just the thought of your own eerie encounter sends shivers down my spine!

    Happy Sunday, my friend!


  47. I feel the same way about those horrible caterpillars...Yuck! Everything else is just beautiful though. I live in new england and autumn is just the prettiest time of year here. I am visiting from a seasonal celebration with a garden's eye view.

  48. Wow, you have quite a few follower. I had to keep strolling to comment and I can see why. Your post and photos are as lovely as you!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.