Monday, September 7, 2015

Along the Road Less Traveled

This is what I call the road less traveled.
It's a gravel road no more than a couple of miles long, very close to where I live.
It is a pass-through of sorts from one highly traveled road to the other.

Along this road less traveled I find the quiet and solace that I crave.
The world is a noisy place.
If When I'm troubled, I may not find the answers I am seeking...
...but somehow the Lord speaks to me.
It might be through the call of a distant whip-poor-will or blue jay,
or finding the roadsides coming alive as wildflowers create brilliant pops of color,

or maybe it's that unexpected, refreshing breeze that seems to have come out of nowhere.

Undoubtedly, the load that I am carrying seems less heavy.

Along the road less traveled I can find myself overwhelmed at times,
that the God of the universe created so many marvelous things...

...each one unique... two the same.
The road less traveled, whether it be this one in particular or another elsewhere,
many times becomes my inner room...and I don't even need to close the door.
"But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, 
close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, 
and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Matthew 6:6

Along the road less traveled...

...I can find a place to be still in a world that isn't.

Have a peaceful week, my friends.


  1. nice to have a quiet place to get away.

  2. I live on one of those roads, and also find solace in walking and taking in all God has made for me to enjoy. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Aww... Debby... I sat down to my computer for just a moment and took a quick peek at my reader only to find this wonderful and peaceful post.
    Your words are so graceful, yet, deep for us to ponder on...

    Your photos are beautiful, as always my friend.

    May you have a wonderful week too!

  4. How beautiful.

    The original poem by Robert Frost says that taking the road less traveled made all the difference. Your post, and his words, immediately brought to my mind how Scripture calls following Jesus the Narrow Way. And yes, fewer people travel this path, preferring instead the broad and well-traveled road. But truly, following the Narrow Way changes everything - in this life and the next.

    Your lovely photos and words reminded me once again that the less-traveled path is full of beauty and peace and comfort.

    May we continue to find the *world within a world* that is the Lord's presence. And may we continue to feel the stillness only He can give in a world that isn't...


  5. Beautiful photos and mosaics, with lovely words to accompany them. Yes, the less traveled path can bring peace and solace to a soul in need. God has created such a beautiful, intricate world for us to enjoy and learn from.

  6. Hello Debby, what a lovely post, beautiful words and images! Wishing you a happy week ahead!

  7. Hello Debby! This is simply beautiful! Your pictures are amazing. Encouraging words! Love!

  8. Lovely photos, Debby! I'm glad we are able to take the less traveled road of Christianity.
    Have a wonderful week!

  9. What a beautiful post! Your thoughtful words are just what we need to help us prepare for the noisiness of the new school year.

  10. What a lovely post. I'll take this to heart this week. I love the road less traveled. Sweet hugs, Diane

  11. Your pictures are just beautiful. I love quiet country roads.

  12. What can I say Debby that hasn't already been said above, except that you have a wonderful way to weave words and photos together. The view of the road less travelled near you has a peaceful appearance.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  13. Your photos are lovely, along with your observations. God has given us so much beauty in his creation--it is good to take time away from the noise of the world. I enjoyed your post! I am your neighbor at Roses of Inspiration.

  14. Oh, Debby, this is a nice post...and I love that last shot and that line on it. I think of it quite often.

  15. Beautiful post Debby! It's so nice to have that peaceful place to go to away from the world's busyness and cares. Your photos and scripture are so encouraging. Thank you. Have a blessed week.

  16. Debby this is a wonderful post...I would crave that road too with all its beauty you captured so stunningly here.

  17. Everyone would benefit from a road like that. Being in nature and in communion with God brings a deep inner peace that no pill can give.

  18. Oh, Debby, I so enjoyed reading your peacefully poetic words today, along with the beautiful images that complement them, of wonderful things that you easily found, albeit, along your road less travelled, things that certainly do exist, and wait to be discovered by those who walk along its unspoiled path, where the breeze softly brushes your cheek, the flower pops out to greet you, and the Lord's voice guides you to your destination.

    Have a wonderful week, my friend.


  19. It is always fitting to have a reminder to slow down, quiet our hearts, and hear His voice. It was a crazy-busy (and a bit of just "crazy") weekend here, and I was happy to have some time to be still today. Thank you, tonight, for this peaceful post and for an urging to be still before Him.

  20. A beautiful combination of words and pictures. Certainly giving me a lot to ponder upon, I do thank you for that.

  21. How lovely is that road! We might think it is a nuisance to have to go the 'dirt' road but how we are blessed when we are still and know that He is God and the beauty He graciously shares with us along that road! A beautiful inspiring post, Debby! Thank you!

  22. I love your 'road less traveled' Debby. So quiet and serene. Lovely snaps withlovely words.
    Enjoy your week.


  23. How beautiful, dear Debby... I feel reshfred after my visit with you today... Lovely photographs and precious words...all woven so delightful together...thank you for encouraging me today!
    Blessings to you...may you have a special Tuesday....

  24. Replies
    1. Thank you, Cindy. I have no way to respond to your comments so I hope you will re-visit so you can see I appreciate it! I cannot connect with your blog, if you have one. I don't do google+ and cannot find a link to a website either. Thanks for visiting and your comment!

  25. Beautiful reading as I open my Bible up this morning.

  26. Hi Debby! I see you walking down this endless road, noticing everything God has made just for you in that moment...what a blessing you are for Him!
    I'm going to tweet your images. They are so beautiful, and bring peace to my soul. I hope you don't mind? Just tell me if you'd rather I didn't. I also love walking in nature, it just seems like all my worries melt in the grass and the sun. Aren't we so graced?

  27. This reminds me of how Jesus sought out solitude to spend time with the Father:

    And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed. ~ Mark 1:35 (ESV)

    Your road less traveled is a beautiful place to spend time thinking of things greater than ourselves.

  28. And to you! What a lovely little oasis you created here. It reminds me of the song from my teen years..."There is a Quiet Place...far from the rapid pace..."

  29. How lovely - your road less traveled is so peaceful. Gorgeous views and inspiring words! Jane

  30. Debby, this post is absolutely beautiful! The way you wove the images with your thoughts and have shown us that there is a quiet place where you can be with God in a world that is seldom still. Just beautiful...

  31. Such lovely words and thoughts, well written with beautiful photos!

  32. This is such a beautiful, meaningful post. Thank you for sharing your heart. Your road less traveled is such a calm place to spend time today.

  33. What a lovely and beautiful post.

  34. Beautiful words and pictures, Debby. Thanks for blessing us all with your gifts.

  35. This is a very beautiful post, Debby. I loved your photos and words that were so sweetly written. The country roads often call to me and I savor the peace and quiet as I drive slowly along gazing at the beauty of God's creation. I wish you a peaceful, beautiful week too!

  36. That quiet is so important in restoring us! Your images are just lovely and you have been very creative in this wonderful post!

  37. I love those quiet moments to really soak in God's presence and to simply Be Still! I love your road less traveled...a perfect place to be indeed! I'll take that over the busyness any ol' day.

    I hope you have a delightful week!
    Hugs, Amy

  38. I love those quiet moments to really soak in God's presence and to simply Be Still! I love your road less traveled...a perfect place to be indeed! I'll take that over the busyness any ol' day.

    I hope you have a delightful week!
    Hugs, Amy

  39. Coming to you from Mosaic Monday. This is a lovely post, inspirational, beautify photos, quiet and gentle. A very nice way to start my day, right here.

  40. Wonderful....we ALL need a road less traveled like this that you share. And the solace, the beauty, the time to oneself...a perfect post.

    Love the lavender thistle blossom with the touch of a web. Wow.

  41. Lovely, Debby! What a wonderful place to go and be still. I went back and read your post on our noisy world. I really enjoyed that, too. Love that black and white photo with the yellow flower!

  42. Thanks for sharing the beauty. I find a road like that draws me in. Creation, nature in general, leaves me in awe of His handiwork--the attention to detail, so many details. Always a treasure waiting to be found.

  43. Beautiful post and photos. I love quiet moments and places so I can totally relate :) Coming over from Roses of Inspiration. Wishing you a beautiful day, Wen

  44. Oh Debby, I have been thinking of the verse "Be Still" lately, and it's such a special verse to me. The road less traveled is where all of us should go sometimes. What lovely pictures today, and your flower pictures are some of the prettiest I've seen.


  45. Oh Debby, this just touches my heart. Thank you for sharing yours and the wonderful photos. I really needed to visit this post. What a blessing you are.
    Hugs, cm

  46. Oh, how I need to walk that road Debby! Such a beautiful and inspiring post. God speaks to my heart a lot when I am outdoors in His creation. I think a walk will do me good today. Thanks friend.

  47. Oh yes, sometimes we just need to slow down and pull away to a beautiful spot in the world to hear God speak again...what a beautiful place you have found.

  48. What a wonderful post ... much needed this morning ... Thank you so much for sharing !!!!


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