Monday, September 14, 2015

A Birthday Gift

Fall is in the air and I'm getting super excited!
 Posts all across blogland are popping up adorned in the brilliant golds and oranges of the season,
as to be expected since fall officially begins in just a few days.

But interlaced among the turning leaves and the warm hues of pumpkins and mums,
there are still a few summery surprises.

I happened upon this bit of serendipity just a few days ago as I pulled up to a stop sign,
as I was out gallivanting in the country.

 I immediately pulled to the side, got out of my Jeep and crossed the road,
still not completely believing that I was seeing.

This unbelievable field of morning glories extended to my right...

...and to my left...

...with even more beyond my field of vision and what I could capture with my camera.

This surely must be just a glimpse into heaven, I thought to myself.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been mesmerized by their gorgeous blue and violet hues...

...and I remember well how they trailed up the back side of our garage
and onto the adjoining fence behind the house where I was raised.

And when my mom told me that morning glories were my birthday flower,
well, that made me love them even more.

Actually, the morning glory and the aster are both considered to be the birth flower
 for those born in September.

So I will consider this little bit of unexpected pleasure, a gift...

...a birthday timely...

...since tomorrow is the big day :)
Have a beautiful week!
Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday


  1. Hello Debby, Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a great day! BTW, I love the morning glories! Lovely images. Enjoy your Monday and the new week ahead!

  2. I love morning glories as well as Asters. And, I wish you a very happy birthday and a lovely Autumn.

  3. These are gorgeous photos Debby and I can't imagine finding so many morning glories blooming in one spot. I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration tomorrow! Have a very happy day. Hugs. Pam

  4. Happy Birthday for tomorrow. These flowers are gorgeous.I love it when God plans a gift like that for us,His children.

  5. I have seen many of these flowers, but never fields of them. A most glorious sight. May you have a blessed birthday and many more.

  6. Hi Debby,

    I do agree that this is a touch of Heaven on earth! I read your profile and am so happy to learn that you're a dachshund family. We've had doxies, but now are dogless. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a Happy 1st Blue Monday!

  7. I've been a lover of morning glories a very long time, although I've never planted any. They are, indeed, glorious, and they only bloom in the morning. I've never seen a field of them, but wow!

  8. I should clarify my comment and say that the blooms are only open in the morning. :-)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. How wonderful Debby, your photos are so beautiful and to come across all those Morning Glories, that was indeed serendipitous. Thanks for sharing your photos. They certainly made me smile. I am looking forward to Fall, my favorite time of the year.

  11. Sorry for my typos in my first message. Had to delete.

  12. Happy Birthday. : )
    The morning glories are so pretty.
    I love your first photo!!

  13. Well Happy birthday to you, it is already your birthday where I live :) The morning glory is really pretty.
    Have a lovely birthday,


  14. Okay, Debby, you win the prize for photographing the most morning glories ever! Love, love all those wonderful photos, they're just gorgeous. (You must be living right to have happened on that piece of heaven. ;) And fall is fabulous, yay!
    Have a great week!

  15. Happy Birthday...
    May you enjoy a gift each and every day this new year! Because you enjoy nature and pretty flowers, it seems like a banquet is always before you!
    Hugs, Roxy

  16. Beautiful Morning Glories!
    I've never seen so many in one place!

  17. Happy birthday!!! Amazing morning glories! I have them every year because they self seed and since they prefer cooler temps, they are especially pretty now.

  18. They are glorious, and in case I forget to come back tomorrow...have a Happy Birthday!

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You certainly have a glorious flower for your birthday. What an amazing field you came across, Debby, WOW!
    I have to agree, it must have seemed like a small piece of heaven.

    Blessings~ Debbie

  20. Birthday blessings to you, Debby!! Thank you for sharing your "glorious" gift with all of us! May your special day be filled with delights!

  21. Hope you are having a wonderful Birthday and what a sight for sore eyes the beautiful hue of those stunning blooms.

  22. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

    Morning glory flowers are so beautiful! But, beware of the vine. There's a reason the field you saw was covered in these beauties.

    We had morning glories in our garden once that looked exactly like the ones in your photos. The vine turned out to be very invasive and it grew so fast that we couldn't keep it under control. Eventually we had to get rid of it. We were pulling up morning glory vines for years.

  23. Hi Debby! Our birthday's are one day apart??? I know we are twins of some kind, that's for sure.
    Wishing you flowers and hugs and love and CAKE today! Take a deep breath and savor your length of days, and the gifts God has lavished on you...
    Happy birthday to you!!!

  24. I hope you are having a simply wonderful birthday, Debby. Morning glories are a great looking flower and how marvelous to have the gift of that field of sprawling beauty! Birthday blessings to you.

  25. I hope you had a great birthday. Did you plant the morning glories or do that just grow like kudz does around here? Wow! How glorious!

  26. I have never seen such robust morning glories Debby, they are beautiful and a gift indeed.
    Happy Birthday! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  27. Oh my, how gorgeous! Happy Birthday! You were blessed with an unexpected gift of nature from God himself!!

  28. Happy BIrthday! I have enjoyed reading your blog, as I have your name for the teacup exchange! You take beautiful pictures. Happy Fall indeed.

  29. What a birthday serendipity! Such a beautiful shade of purple.

  30. Happy Birthday Debby and what a birthday gift! Stunning....

  31. Hi Debby, I read on Judy's blog that you had a birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday to you and many blessings this coming year. Love your pretty flower pics and the pretty blooming gift on your special day! Hugs and Blessings, cm

  32. Debby, you take the most beautiful flower pictures. The morning glories are just splendid, and you captured their beauty so well. And its color, Purple, is my favorite.

    Have a blessed week.


  33. Wow! That is the first time I've ever seen that many morning glory in one place. They are stunning.

  34. I'm a day late, but my wishes are no less heartfelt. Happiest Birthday, Debby!! (29 again, right???) Your birth month flower is just, well, glorious! God is the most extravagant Creator, and it's such a pleasure to revel in the beauty He has created. I kinda think He brought you to this field for HIS birthday gift!!


  35. Oh, sweet friend, Happy Birthday! I am so sorry for the late wishes. I hope you had a beautiful celebration of YOU and my, what a precious and beautiful birthday gift :) Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with Roses of Inspiration. Have a lovely week! Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.