Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bedazzled Fences

Let me first start out by saying I do not like spiders.
The fact is, spiders are way at the top of my list of things I do not like...

...I am totally enthralled and enchanted by the masterpieces they create.
I discovered these beauties last week,
right before I came upon that field of morning glories.
In fact, I debated titling this post "Another Kind of Morning Glories"...

...for the simple reason it was morning and the webs were glorious :)

They were draped all along these electric fences.

The heavy morning dew created the illusion of thousands of strands of tiny crystal beads...
...glistening in the nearly blinding early morning sun as it peeked up over the bales of hay.
I'm pretty sure I remember picking my chin up off the ground as I laid eyes on them.

It seems I'm drawn to the challenge of snapping spider webs whenever I come across them...

...but I wasn't actually looking for these...

...they pretty much found me :)
And of course I just have to share these bedazzled fences over at
Come on over and join the party!


  1. these are awesome, debby. love both the b&w and the color versions. :)

  2. Hello Debby, amazing collection of spider web images. The lightings is pretty and perfect. Have a happy day!

  3. Charlotte where are you! They are beautiful---works of art. They look like they would make lovely, lacy shawls to wear on a warm autumn day. (sans spider of course).

    1. Charlotte...yeah, where ARE you?? I have never seen so many all at once :)

  4. Wow! They are a morning glory in that soft light and bedecked as they are with crystal dewdrops!
    Beautiful images I'm so glad you found or rather that they found you!
    PS it would be a pleasure to have you join me on my photo blog

  5. Amazing. Spiders are indeed nature's lace-makers. Just as long as they don't make it in my home :-)

  6. Wow you captured some wonderful spider webs.

  7. These are gorgeous!

  8. What incredible photos, my friend! The webs look like doilies :) And when you did the one in black and white - wow! The other day I captured a picture of a Cat Spider. They are so nasty yet so intriguing :) Maybe I will put it in a Sunday post one of these days.

    Enjoy your day, dear Debby. It's sooooo good to visit you. Hugs!

  9. Wonderful photos, lovely to see your part of the world.

  10. These are beautiful photos of the spider webs and fences. I don't like spiders either but their webs are fascinating and so pretty with dew drops on them.

  11. Wow, first the morning glories and now these beautiful webs all strung with beads of water droplet. Gorgeous.
    Have a great weekend!

  12. These pictures are spectacular. The intricacy of those webs is amazing.

  13. Wow, you did a great job capturing the webs in the early morning light! Excellent photos.

  14. My goodness! These really came out amazing. I need to look for some to take with my new camera and see what I get! lol Hugs!

  15. It can be almost unbelievable what the creatures of nature can do. Wondeful spider web captures. I want no part of them either.

  16. WOWZER!! I had to pick my jaw back up these!!! Can you imagine them blown black and white as a beautiful, scary backdrop??..:) Love your post and you!!

  17. Those webs are spectacular! Did you see any of the spiders when you were taking pictures? Spiders and insects don't bother me, but mice and snakes top my list.

  18. Wow! Now that is some crazy crochet! I am only fond of one spider...Charlotte was her name...I do think their artistry is amazing.

  19. These are truly amazing. What an awesome fence find. I'm not thrilled about spiders either but they certain can spin magical webs.

  20. I don't like spiders, either, but these amazing creatures sure do beautiful work! And you did a wonderful job capturing the webs, too...great shots!

  21. Hi Debby, these shots of webs on the fence are incredible and you captured them so well with your camera. Like you, I don't like spiders either but admire the artwork they create in spinning their webs. Beautiful with the dew on the web. Have a great weekend. Hugs, cm

  22. The spider webs are beautiful on the fences!!

  23. Aren't itsy bitsy spiders the cleverest of all?? To weave lengths of silk-like thread in such intricate patterns is truly magical. Love your photos, Debby. The web with hundreds of glistening pearls is indeed jaw dropping.....sublime!!

  24. Now that is rather an impressive collection of webs. The hours of work, the intricacy of the pattern formation and sheer beauty never ceases to amaze.

  25. HI Debby! Wow. I don't like spiders either, but the backdrop and the sun on these really makes me admire what they can do. Thank you for bringing beauty to 'Eeeek!!!'
    Weekend blessings,

  26. I guess most people don't like spiders and I don't either, but their webs are just breath taking. Only God could have created something so perfect to create such art for us! Good job with the pictures, i know how hard it is to capture them!

  27. Oh, Debby, you sure hit the jackpot! Wonderful captures.

  28. These are beautiful. You have a LOT of them.

  29. I believe my jaw dropped as well when I saw these photos, WOW WOW!!
    The dew certainly added to the beauty of these intricate, God designed webs. Absolutely amazing.
    Did you see the lovely spiders that housed in these beauties? Hopefully for your sake, no.
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful find with us, Debby.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  30. Debby, you live in such lush and beautiful surroundings, and your serendipitous finds never cease to amaze me, like today's! Your photos of these bejewelled webs are unreal! However did you capture the details of those dewy droplets on such a fragile frame! Miraculous!

    Happy weekend, my friend!


  31. What incredible shots! Spiders do know how to create beautiful webs, don't they? Oh my! I'm am so not a fan of spiders, but I do admire their lovely creations!

  32. Oh, these are breath-taking! Like fine lace. I wonder how long it takes to make them? You got some gorgeous shots there Debby.
    And happy belated birthday! Hope it was as sweet as you are.
    xo Deborah

  33. Who would have thought those icky spiders can create such amazing webs?! They are done in such a unique design and each one is so different. And they work so hard to get them made, it really is a work of art! I still however don't like spiders anywhere near me! :)
    Beautiful photos by the way...
    Hugs, Amy

  34. Who would have thought those icky spiders can create such amazing webs?! They are done in such a unique design and each one is so different. And they work so hard to get them made, it really is a work of art! I still however don't like spiders anywhere near me! :)
    Beautiful photos by the way...
    Hugs, Amy

  35. So exquisite ... like crocheted doilies from the softest, finest threads. Beautiful!!

  36. These pictures are just beautiful and give a sense of stillness and serenity....lovely! Your spider webs are fabulous...never have seen anything like them in person. Lovely post!

  37. Debby these are fabulous works of art...I love seeing all the artwork of nature in fall.


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