Monday, September 21, 2015

Foggy Morning Mosaics

Happy Monday to all...actually it will be Tuesday in a few hours :)
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I'm linking my post to Judith's Mosaic Monday.
Come on over and see all of the beautiful mosaics that everyone is sharing!

This past Saturday morning started out kind of cloudy,
and as it continued, a pretty dense fog settled in before I knew it.
I love taking foggy photos so I grabbed my camera and off I went.
Surely you must know I headed straight out to my road less traveled...

...and here are a few shots I snapped along the way.

Objects seem to look totally different in the fog.

Their familiar backgrounds seem to have all but disappeared.

I drive by these barns several times a week...

...and it was like seeing them for the very first time in the fog.

My road less traveled seemed to just disappear into nowhere.

And look! Well, what do you know...more spider webs!
For those of you who are tired of my spider webs, just scroll down really fast :)

This time they were really tiny and clinging to everything possible...
...billowing in the breeze like miniscule kites that had gotten stuck in miniscule trees.

OK...this is the last one.

Well, just one more, I promise....really...I mean it this time.

I'll leave you with this cute poem I found.

~by Walterrean Salley

The fog is an illusion—
A master of disguise,
Which hides the tangible
Before our very eyes.

But when the fog has lifted
Everything’s still there,
And the tangible
Only seemed to’ve disappeared.

In the early morning
Or late at night,
The fog descends
Upon various sites.

It gives an air of mystery
That has long prevailed.
Dangerously intriguing
Is the fog’s foggy veil.

And today is also the first day of fall...yay!
Have a great week, everyone :)


  1. Beautiful photos of the countryside with the fog!!

  2. I think fog creates a magic atmosphere and your photos captured the feeling perfectly. Makes me want some hot cocoa and homemade bread!

  3. Ah yes, perception changes on a foggy day doesn't it? I love intricate spider webs and how well they can be photographed while covered in dew. Just seems lately I've been walking through a lot of them and then wonder where the spider is. LOL
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Debby - happy autumn!

  4. I love a foggy morning, unless I'm in Houston traffic, of course. Your shots are lovely, and the cob webs are something else!

  5. Yes, familiar things do look strangely unfamiliar when misted by fog! I enjoyed traveling with you on this foggy morning. Your web shots are beautiful! A spider's web points to a Creator! How else would they know how to weave such intricate and lovely patterns?

  6. I love foggy mornings...they soften the world around us and, as you say, let us see what's familiar in a new way.

    Your spider webs photos are lovely. Since this is my first time visit, I didn't have to hurry and scroll past them. Your camera certainly caught their exquisite beauty.

    Wishing you a glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,

  7. You really did capture the essence of the Autumn with all the fog. I am not a fan of driving in the fog, but I do like it when I am snug in the house with the stove roaring. The spiders webs looked beautiful.

  8. Beautiful shoots!

    Greetings fromNorway

  9. Debby, these are marvelous fog photos! I would like to climb inside that second photo. Lovely!

  10. Isn't fog a different world suspended...and I adore spider webs in the fog...all dewey so we can see their intricacies. Beautiful shots.

  11. Nice atmospheric photos! Ever read The children's book Blueberry Summer? When the fog is just right, walking along a dirt road like the one shown means a shift in the time continuum and one steps back in time. What a concept. =D

  12. I just love this misty foggy scenes that you have captured and that is a beautiful poem.

  13. I just love this misty foggy scenes that you have captured and that is a beautiful poem.

  14. I do love a good fog, and today, being cloudy, is kind of cozy. You pictures capture the feeling well. Nice to see the webs are hanging in there!

  15. Beautiful photos, Debby! I love your country roads, barns, and spider webs. Looks like such a pretty place to live.

  16. You honestly should make a book from your photos and blog posts. You know you can do that, right? Awesome. I feel like I'm on a journey with you when you are traveling the road less traveled.

  17. WOW!!! I am speechless. Each picture is stunning.

  18. Wonderful foggy morning pictures.
    We've had some mornings that look just like that around here during my walk.

  19. Beautiful photos, and such a lovely poem to go with them. I so love foggy shots...and spiderwebs clad in dew. Nothing more wonderful.

  20. Travelling along that road less travelled always reveals the most interesting of things doesn't it. Gorgeous photos....again!! I have had a wonderful few moments travelling along with you this morning delighting in your mystical, foggy photos! Love the poem!

  21. Beautiful picture of the web with the morning dew.

  22. Such gorgeous photos....I love the spiderweb ones! Have a lovely week!

  23. Love that road less traveled. The fog add an ethereal quality to your lovely mosaic.

  24. What beautiful photos of the foggy farms and roads near you Debby. Even the spider webs look pretty. Happy Fall to you!

  25. Beautiful! I love the fog if I don't have to be driving in a lot of traffic. Nice poem, too! Happy Fall to you!

  26. Good morning, lovely lady! What beautiful and enchanting photos of the fog. We don't get a lot of fog here in the mountains, but when I lived in Canada we would have quite a few days of fog. I miss those days :)

    Thanks for sharing, sweet friend. I always love seeing your photos. Hugs and blessings to you!

  27. Ooo, love these foggy fotos!! One of my favorite things up here in the mountains is when the fog rolls in. We live quite high, about 6300' elevation, and I can watch the fog literally move up the mountain from the valley below. I love how it bathes everything in this fairy-like blurriness. It's like putting a soft focus on life. So pretty.


    (OK, now you've got me humming "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" - which my son knows how to play on the banjo!!)

  28. Delightful post. - I've always found fog to be fascinating. Other find it depressing. You have some great photos here, including the amazing web photos. I enjoyed them all.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.