Thursday, September 24, 2015

"Electric fences are beautiful", said no one ever.

Well... that may be true...

...but just like many things, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Am I right?

Sometimes it's not the fence, itself...'s what's contained in those fences...'s what the fence is keeping in...

...or possibly who it might be keeping can definitely be a beautiful thing.

Or sometimes it's the way it follows that bend in the road.

We all need boundaries...

...and it's always nice if they can be beautiful ones.
So now I ask you to ponder this... you think the spiders ever get electrocuted??


Where else would I share this post other than with Theresa,
down at the Run-A-Round Ranch for Good Fences.

Have a good one!


  1. Wow, beautiful photos, Debby! Love those horses.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. You have shown,beautifully,I might add,that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.Hmmm,I have never considered if spiders get electrocuted. My guess is that they don't.

  3. The pictures are gorgeous and that is a good reminder that we all need boundaries. Must say I have never thought about spiders getting electrocuted. I would think not, but who knows? Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos.

  4. ha ha, you had to get that spider web in a post again! I think spiders are smart enough not to touch the wires and maybe their web thin enough not to conduct it? What do I know. But the photos are wonderful and you can certainly look beyond the fences, or barely notice them because of the beauty beyond them.

  5. Another series of beautiful photos, Debby! I love the country roads you travel in NC!

  6. sweet scenes all the way through! beautiful bay!

  7. Not unless she's a daddy long legs...very long legs. Ha! I have never thought of electric fences as pretty, but you have changed my mind!

  8. This is a wonderful post! And that last question is interesting!

  9. That's a great question, I hope not. Loved the photos and those horses are beautiful!

  10. Such deep thoughts and introspection about boundaries and fences, then whammo - the spider question comes up! I have no idea, but I'd guess no because they wouldn't be touching the ground or something else at the same time. Unless, as Vee says, they have verrry long legs.

  11. Hi Debby, Love this post and your words of wisdom. You captured great shots in the countryside. Love the horses and the roadside fence that follows along and seems endless. The spider question is a great one and I just don't know. Now you have me curious!!
    Have a wonderful weekend and happy fall, cm

  12. Contemplating the spider it the same principle as the birds on the power lines? (Or is it really, as Dotsie guessed, a clever way of getting another spider's web in a post? )

    Regardless, you have shared some lovely photos of pastoral scenes! Not sure if I would paid any attention to the fences if you had not mentioned them. I suppose we look past the ordinary to see the beauty.

  13. You are such a good photographer. I think we all loved your spider addition! Great post.

  14. Hello Debby, lovely series of images. The lighting is gorgeous and I love the horses. Great question, I would say no. The spiders are safe. Have a happy weekend!

  15. Oh I think you have certainly proven that electric fence is indeed very pretty. GREAT shots. B

  16. Excellent! You certainly captured some beautiful photos with a great message to go along with them. Boundaries are good, and that fence is a great reminder of that.
    I think of my spiritual life and boundaries, I feel the {zap} from the Lord when I've stepped where I shouldn't. :-) or even spoke wrongly. :(
    Beautiful post, Debby.

    Have a lovely weekend~ Debbie

  17. Beautiful photos, as you say an electric fence really is beautiful.

  18. These photos are so beautiful! <3 I think the horse ones are my favorite. :) Your title of this post made me smile. :)

  19. Great photos...and never thought about spiders or bugs for that matter getting electrocuted...I am sure it has to with them being grounded between the two wires....very thought provoking...

  20. Love those gorgeous horses!

    Not sure about the, something new to wonder about :)

  21. Love those gorgeous horses!

    Not sure about the, something new to wonder about :)

  22. Simply beautiful Debby - what wonderful snapshots of creation.

  23. Pretty place and pretty horses. I'm guessing the spiders are too cool to be shocked....LOL!

  24. You have made electric fences look very pretty, Debby. I love the horses and spider web! I think Charlotte is safe from electrocution. :)

  25. Debby Ray, your photographs are stunning! Each one takes my breath away, those horses are beautiful! Humm, not sure about the spiders making it, I hope the good ones do and the bad ones don't!
    Happy Saturday~

  26. Debby Ray, your photographs are stunning! Each one takes my breath away, those horses are beautiful! Humm, not sure about the spiders making it, I hope the good ones do and the bad ones don't!
    Happy Saturday~

  27. These are awesome. Such pretty horses and country side and of course a cool spider web. Good question about the spiders and whether or not they get electrocuted.

    Here is the link to my post as I am late getting by:


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