Saturday, September 26, 2015

It's Soup Weather, Y'all!

It's been raining for two days with more to come.

But we really need it, here in the south.
It's been dark, dreary and chilly...

...and I am lovin' it!

It's time for some soup, I'd say!
Lately, I've had a hankerin' for some broccoli-cheddar.
Recently, I've been eating low-carb and this fits the bill perfectly.
I looked online at some recipes and actually took a little from three different ones.
Here's my recipe:

*1 large head of broccoli, chopped small(ish)
*3 1/2 cups low sodium chicken broth
*2 T. butter
*1 cup heavy cream
*1-8 oz. block cream cheese
*2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
*1 garlic clove, minced
*1 small onion, chopped
*salt and pepper to taste

Place chopped broccoli, garlic and onion in large kettle with the chicken broth. 
After it begins to boil, reduce to simmer, cover and cook for about 10 minutes, until tender.
Next, add butter, and the block of cream cheese. 
I used cream cheese made from Greek yogurt but any will do...
...the yogurt contains more protein, as you see by the label.

When the cream cheese has melted, add the cheddar and stir, stir, stir...
...making sure the heat is on low so it doesn't stick to the kettle.

 Add salt and pepper according to your personal taste.
It's ready to eat after the cheese has melted.



And of course, you'll want to garnish with a little added cheese on top :)

 It was the perfect lunch on a cool, rainy Saturday!

I also baked some low-carb blueberry muffins after lunch.
I'll be having one of those with another bowl of soup for supper :)
What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?


  1. Oh wow, the soup looks delicious. I will have to remember this recipe. Thanks for sharing. BTW, I think that rain is headed my way for tomorrow and will ruin my chances of seeing the full moon and eclipse. I hope you get to see it there! Have a happy weekend!

  2. i'm terribly envious. hot and dry here. the soup looks yummy!!

  3. Debby, your soup looks so yummy. Great for a cool damp day for sure! Your photos of the rain outside are beautiful....even though it's rain. :) It's been beautiful here - sunny but cool - perfect fall weather which I hope continues for another month. That may be pushing it. :)

  4. I love soup weather!! I love soup!! I love autumn!! I love...
    Okay. I'll stop.

    Really though, your soup looks delicious. That certainly was a perfect lunch for a rainy, early autumn day. Mmmmmm...

  5. YUM! Soup sounds perfect, my friend :) Our mornings and evenings have been cold {in the low 30's}, but our days are still quite warm with a nice cool breeze. Oh, how I love the fall.

    Enjoy your soup, sweet lady. Hugs!

  6. YUM! YUM! YUM! I love soups, even in summer. But I have really been longing for a pot of potato soup. And I love broccoli soup.

  7. Oh my! Debby...your soup looks ever so scrumptious! Ooh...I just love soup! *smiles*
    Today the rain is softly falling and there is a mist covering the mountains...even though it is Springtime, there is still some chilly winter weather!
    Enjoy your lovely Fall weather...such a relief after a hot summer!
    Have a beautiful and blessed Sunday...hugs to you!

  8. Yum, yum, yummy . . . we had homemade soup yesterday, too. there is something about soup, Sometimes it doesn't sound like what you want, until you take that first bite and the warmth just cozies up your whole insides. It's a wonderful thing. Your's looks amazing:)
    Have a lovely week.
    Connie :)

  9. Now that is what I call a good soup, it really does look mouthwatering.

  10. Mmm, that soup looks soo good! Thank you for sharing, I will have to try it out real soon. :)

  11. Oh boy does that soup look good. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I look forward to making it. It is one of my favorite soups.

    Love the first picture with the wet acorns and leaves.

  12. I love soup and am so glad the weather is bit cooler so soup is more enjoyable. And perfect for a rainy day. This looks like a wonderful version of broccoli cheese soup.

    1. It really was good and creamy thanks to the cream cheese...never thought of that until I saw the recipe! I am ready for the rain to stop but it's supposed to continue all week!

  13. Oh my goodness, your soup looks delicious. I'm going to make this asap. My husband doesn't so much, but I make it for myself and eat it for days until it's gone. Thank you for sharing your recipe. Beautiful fall images, too.
    Have a great week!

  14. I'm pinning this one for sure, Debby! This sounds so good, even though we are extremely (17% humidity) & tickling 100 degrees; I do a lot of pretending this time of year.....crank the air down, light some candles and it's faux Fall!

  15. Looks delicious! I didn't know Greek Yogurt Cream Cheese was available. Will have to look for that.

  16. Soup is a favorited around here even if the sun shines as it did today. The air was cool. Your broccoli cheese soup adaptation sounds yummy.

  17. I love soup and broccoli-cheese soup is a favorite! I can't wait until it cools off and I can start making soups. It's not something my hubby wants when the weather is warm and it's supposed to be in the 80's here tomorrow. So I'll have to wait a little longer. Maybe. lol! I'm ready for soup now! Your recipe sounds so good. Love your pretty photos!

  18. Sounds yummy, though I would be eating it all by myself at my house. I have a husband who LOVES cheese, but not cheesy soups. I still haven't figured that one out.

  19. That looks delicious. My daughter-in-law brought us homemade chicken noodle soup for supper last night and it just hit the spot. Our weather will turn to rain tomorrow, but today is going to be warm in the 70s.

  20. Hi Debby! Oh, your soup looks delicious and wish I had a bowl of it right now! I'm going to copy down your recipe and try this. Yummy! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  21. Your rainy day photos are delightful, so sharp and clear and things of beauty. I posted a soup recipe myself yesterday and now I know the next one I am going to make, this one for sure :). Thanks for sharing it.

  22. Oh, how I envy you! It is the end of September and we've yet to see the end of this endless summer, so hot and humid still. I would so love some rain. And soup.

  23. I'm stopping by from HappyOne's blog to check out your soup recipe. It looks and sounds delicious. I didn't realize there was such a thing as cream cheese made with Greek yogurt. Now that I know I will be looking for some next time I'm out shopping.
    In reading your profile I noticed you live in NC and were raised in Ohio. I, too, live in NC and was raised in Michigan. Your blog and photos are lovely. Thanks for the recipe.

  24. Oh, I can smell and taste that scrumptious soup all they way up here, where it has also been gloomy, dreary, and grey, and I would certainly welcome some rain, lots of rain, actually, to add to the coziness of a cool, fall day. Your recipe sounds easy enough and the results are gourmet good! I'm sure that extra protein, Greek yogurt has something to do with that!

    Enjoy and looking forward to your low carb blueberry muffin recipe, too!

    P.S: Love your southern lingo, Ms. Debby: kettle = pot!:))


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.