Tuesday, September 29, 2015

And it rained...and it rained...

...and it rained some more.

And it's still coming down.
It started out last Friday as a welcomed relief...
...and I thank the Lord for it, don't get me wrong.

It was a beautiful sight to see.

A beautiful thing to feel.

A beautiful thing to hear.

It's coming down in bucket loads.

It started out cool and fresh but now it feels like Florida in July.
Only with no palm trees.

You all know how much I love to snap those little water droplets.
And as you see, I've been doing a lot of snapping.

But enough is enough already.
How many ways can you photograph drops of water, anyway?
I'm done now.


  1. "Florida in July." Debby, you just described what happens in the whole southern region of these United States in a nutshell... so, Welcome to the South! :))
    Glorious images, thank you for sharing them.

  2. We had a sweet rainy day yesterday, and could use a little more, but at least the air is cooled down and maybe, just maybe, autumn is around the bend.

  3. Beautiful photography, an artist at work. Hoping it stops raining for you soon.

  4. Time to work a jigsaw puzzle or something like that. I was in your shoes just a couple of weeks ago...trapped inside the travel trailer for two days watching it rain...8 inches for us. Hope you get some relief today.

  5. We hadn't had rain here in Ohio for awhile and everything was so dry....but last night we got a light rain and it is raining now. Heard we might get some storms later today. Hope your area doesn't get too much rain, because that can bring flooding.

  6. Oh Debby, this is such a pretty post. You have reminded me of the beauty in rain, and the refreshment it can leave behind. You'd think in drought-ridden California, I'd have learned that water is a good thing...(day after day after day? Maybe not so much!!)

    Hope you're doing good, friend!


  7. Beautiful! Photographing the raindrops is so much fun.

  8. Sublime photos!! Amazing really!! I hope the sun comes out very soon in your little corner of the world. =)

  9. Great photography!

    Yes, it arrived just as promised today and will last through the weekend. I am sure that I will be every bit as sick of it by then as you are now, though neither of us is complaining. =}

  10. such beautiful shots and i am so jealous. :)

  11. Hi Debby! Well, you certainly have gotten some beautiful snap of the rain! Sorry it's lasting longer than yo want it to. It started raining here today and is supposed to really pour down tonight. I like to hear the rain at night - a soothing sound to me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. I love your shots of the rain. Well done! Now, please send a bit of rain our way, okay?

  13. I love your rain photos Debby but I understand how you want it to stop. Well, it's started to rain here this evening and it's 70F which is 20 degrees warmer than usual and we'll be getting those buckets of rain for the next few days. We'll be begging for a reprieve soon too! LOL I hope you see some sunshine soon!

  14. Beautiful photos, Debby. I love raindrops. We haven't had many of them around here lately and I'll be glad to see them. But, fickle woman that I am, I'll soon tire of them as well, and long for the sunshine. When will I learn contentment?

  15. Your water droplet photos are beautiful, Debby!! I am sitting here listening to rain drops tonight as I wait for my daughter to come home from work. It is a comforting sound, although I'll be more comfortable after she is in.

    I admit that I, too, prefer the temps to be a bit cooler along with the rain. :/

  16. Oh, this made me laugh Debby. I hope it has stopped now.


  17. Oh my goodness, Debbie, these photos are incredible! What kind of camera and lens do you use?

  18. You surely do know your way with a camera...these are worthy of enlarging and hanging. Beautiful.....

  19. Hi Debby! Are you still water-logged? I hope the skies have broken up and now you are enjoying some sunshine.
    Your photos are always a band-aid for a rainy day, so thank you for posting your droplets. Soon, you'll be back to your beloved fences and the farmland around you.
    I just got back from a week at my daughters, and she lives in rural Indiana. There's so much to see these days, with the corn coming in and the hay being rolled...I bet you love it now :)

  20. Outstanding photos. LOVE all the water drops.
    I'm making your broccoli soup tomorrow. : )

    1. I made the soup and we ate it for supper this evening. It was delicious and I will certainly make it again. : )

  21. I love a rainy day or night, but I agree that enough is enough. :-) You've captured it beautifully. I'm crossing my fingers for cooler air.

  22. Those are some cool pictures Mrs. Ray.
    I hope you check out my blog, and please follow by email. creatingpreciousmoments.blogspot.com
    Much love in Christ,

  23. I'm glad I'm finally getting by to visit. Your photos are wonnnnnnnderful! This is the kind of weather where you turn the AC as low as it will go, light the pumpkin spice candles, get in a corner of the sofa, read a good book or nap. That's what I'm doing today.

  24. Debby, I'm so glad to hear that you are getting an abundance of rain! California needs rain so badly, and I am hoping we get some this winter. Your pictures are just wonderful, I think I could look at them all day. They are filled with simplicity and beauty. I really love the leaf one.

    Happy October, Debby!


  25. Those were some pretty lovely rain drop photos.

  26. So is it in this side of the planet. We actually have a storm coming.

    1. You are probably getting the hurricane that we were thinking was going to hit us! Hope it is not bad for you...stay safe!

  27. Sweet Debby, you could have gone on and on with your photos. I love seeing pictures of raindrops....there is something calm and serene about them.

    Happy weekend, my friend. Hugs and much love to you!

  28. Actually, I enjoyed each one of these photos. We haven't had much rain, but maybe next week. And your photos have inspired me to go out and enjoy it!

  29. Wow...that's a lot of rain! So glad you got rain, but it does get a bit overwhelming when it doesn't stop. I think your photos are beautiful right down to the last droplet! Love it!
    Enjoy the season!
    Hugs, Amy

  30. Wow...that's a lot of rain! So glad you got rain, but it does get a bit overwhelming when it doesn't stop. I think your photos are beautiful right down to the last droplet! Love it!
    Enjoy the season!
    Hugs, Amy

  31. Wow...that's a lot of rain! So glad you got rain, but it does get a bit overwhelming when it doesn't stop. I think your photos are beautiful right down to the last droplet! Love it!
    Enjoy the season!
    Hugs, Amy

  32. We got rain but not that much...but I didn't get any lovely photos of raindrops.

  33. You captured the rain beautifully but I hope there are sunny days ahead! We have had a drought here in the PNW but as a nearly lifelong native of Washington state I do know that you can grow weary of the rainy days...

  34. Haha. We have to shoot what we have and some days/weeks are like that! May we dry out before we are overcome with mushrooms. :) Have a great week!

  35. Nice photos! But I know what you mean, and good grief, you guys are getting a ton of rain! Stay safe and dry.

  36. Gorgeous pictures; I love them all. Thanks for sharing, and I do hope you dry out soon!

  37. Ohhhhhhhhhh, could you send some of that wet toward South Texas?

    Such lovely, refreshing images.

  38. Your photos of the raindrops are stunning! Farmers are glad it's nice and dry up here atm, so they can get their harvests in.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.