Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Little Preview of Autumn

After eleven days and over ten inches of rain, the sky is blue once again.
This was our view last night.

It was a glorious sight to behold. 

The rain that once was, has left a fresh autumn breeze...

...gently rustling through the ever changing leaves.

It seems that everything is littered with bright colors...

...and strangely shaped objects.

If you look closely, you can see tiny remnants of moisture still clinging to each petal.

And I love it when that one certain leaf stands out in the crowd.

It won't be long before they all blend together in a sea of reds and oranges.

Even the little birds sense that change that is taking place...

...and I think they must be enjoying it too.
Rain or shine, all they really want is food in their bellies.

For the most part, most everything is still quite green,
especially after all of the rain.

But little by little, with each passing day,
it's quite clear that autumn is showing itself...just as it should.

And I'm loving it :)


  1. What a gorgeous sunset! I just love fall.

  2. Your post truly embraces the beauty of autumn, my friend. Even when the leaves are dying away the Lord gives us beauty to enjoy :) Thanks for sharing, sweet Debby. Hugs!

  3. You really have captured the essence of the season, beautiful photos.

  4. Hi Debby! Oh, your snaps are absolutely beautiful. Glad the rains have stopped! You're getting so good at photography! Beautiful. Hope your week is going well.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. Such pretty images Debby. I'm so happy that the rain has finally stopped there. Take care and enjoy this day.

  6. As always, Debby, your photos are stunning! I'm so glad the rain has stopped, and I hope you did not suffer any damage. It's so wonderful to see the beauty after the devastation.

    I'm praying for those whose lives are forever changed because of the hurricane.

  7. So happy for you that the rain is over and you can get out and enjoy the beauty of the season...and take beautiful photos of what you see...and share them with us. Makes me smile.

  8. Glad to hear the rain has finally left you.
    Those sky photos are outstanding!!

  9. GLO-RI-OUS!!

    This past week we have had some much colder weather. And even though we're due another heat wave in a few days, the *crisp* in the air has me yearning for autumn to arrive! I've even bought some pumpkin spice coffee in anticipation!


  10. Hi Debby! Your photos just made me sigh and sink lower in my chair. Ahhhh...
    I'm sorry for your deluge though. Yikes, you guys really got socked. But what a gorgeous sky, and such beauty in the nature you captured. God is good.

  11. You surely deserve the sun! That is way too much rain and days of it. May the sun give much cheer and warmth and many happy October days. (I always love your photography!)

  12. I love this time of year and all the beauty it brings. Where I live it does mean that fall leads into winter,cold and snow,but I really don't mind.

  13. just beautiful. congrats for making it through the rains.

  14. Beautiful words and beautifully illustrated. I like that last photo especially. Your fall seems a tad ahead of ours. The cooler weather is so lovely. Perfect in my mind!

    1. Our fall is always kind of weird around here....some trees turn very early while others stay green a long time. Our cooler temps are so refreshing!

  15. Gorgeous! Well said! Enjoy some sunshine now with beautiful fall colors!

  16. Love that maple leaf with the red splotches, and the red leaves a little further down. I should know what those are, but the name escaped! That's a lot of rain, I hope it stayed out of your house and anywhere else it didn't belong.

  17. What a beautiful sunset!! Glad that the rain has stopped.

  18. The sunset is gorgeous, and I really like your clear focus in the photos of the leaves!

  19. Beautiful photos, Debby. Autumn really is the best season.

  20. Beautiful post and pictures!!! I can't get over the color of the sky in the first photograph!!!!

  21. Great photos of autumn arriving. Glad the rain stopped. It was quite the deluge!

  22. Oh yes. Glorious indeed. Everything from the skies to these adorable creatures. Wow, nature is so beautiful.

  23. Those are some amazing skies! Love all the beautiful photos and bird closeups as well :)

  24. Those are some amazing skies! Love all the beautiful photos and bird closeups as well :)

  25. Oh my goodness these photos are beautiful!! ❤

  26. Beautiful photos! I swear that little bird has a pensive, wondering air about him. what's he thinking? Hmmm . . . time to migrate? Will Debby keep filling this feeder through the winter? When's dinner? haha

  27. Beautiful shots, Debby. I think we are just a tad bit farther along, though we still have a lot of green...well, mostly green. But still, your green looks fresher than out green...:-)


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