Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Views From My Front Porch

~Author Unknown
Who turned the green leaves
And turned them red and gold?
Who touched the morning air
And made it crisp and cold?
Who touched the green grass
And left it frosty white?
Who changed the whole world
 While I slept last night?
Of course there is no mystery here...

...we know Who changed them :)
I found this darling poem online saved as a PDF file with no reference to it's author,
only that it seemed to be written by a 4th grader for some kind of class assignment.
I just had to share it with you...
...since it's exactly what I've witnessed here over the last day or two.
I've really been admiring everyone's beautiful fall foliage posts recently
and I've mentioned a few times in my comments that we didn't have much color yet.
Well, the color has just popped out here...literally over night.
All of a sudden, the woods have come alive with pops of reds and yellows...
...with the brilliant backdrop making it easier to spot the birds!
The views from my front porch have dramatically changed!
I better enjoy them while I can because we all  know what's coming next.
Come said the wind to the leaves one day,
Come o're the meadows and we will play.
Put on your dresses scarlet and gold,
For summer is gone and the days grow cold."

~ a children's song of the 1880's

Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday


  1. Hi Debby! What beautiful vistas you have off your new porch. I feel the same way about the linden tree we have in our front yard. It seemed to turn from green to bright yellow overnight! It's so great that the trees are right there for you, and you won't miss a single change in the colors.

    The cardinal photos are beautiful! They really are a spectacular color.

  2. Hello Debby, gorgeous views from your porch! I would love sitting there enjoying the fall colors and pretty birds. Lovley post, enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  3. HI Debby! Oh, what glorious views from your porch! The leaves are so pretty and the snap of the cardinal is priceless! Hope you're doing well andt hanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thank you, Sheila...hope your week is off to a great start!

  4. Love those pretty pops of color in your woods! Very few trees display fall color in our area, so your gorgeous photos are a real treat.

  5. Just beautiful. The writings and the photos. Makes me want to come and sit awhile and have a cup of conversation and coffee. Stay awhile, laugh a while and enjoy a day on the front porch.

  6. You have some beautiful fall colours in your yard Felicia! What a pretty view from your porch. The poems are sweet. Enjoy the colours while they last. Blessings. Pam

  7. If that poem was written by a 4th grader, I can only imagine what that child is writing now, a great little piece! Your world has come alive with autumn colours finally and the cardinal is the best pop of red anyone could ask for.

  8. Roses are red,
    And trees turn gold,
    And all the while
    It's getting cold!!

    Love the photos! As always, you have brought a touch of beauty to my day, and reminded me once again of the glory of God's creation!


  9. Beautiful, beautiful views, Debby.

  10. Oh your pictures are gorgeous. What a beautiful view you have.
    Love that red cardinal!!

  11. Your porch seems to be nestled in a wonderful cove of colorful trees--or so the photos seem. It looks like such a beautiful spot.I'm sure you were enjoying the color before the rain arrived--if you got rain as we did.

    1. Yes, Dotsie...we are completely shrouded with trees...more in the front. We do have sun on the back deck but and very little sunny spots in the back yard. I love the trees but it does have it's draw backs when you want to try to grow something that needs lots of sun!
      We have gotten rain for the past 2 days and hopefully will have some leaves left on the trees after it's over :)

  12. Oh I knew I would love this post......absolutely stunning!! I would love to come see those views from your front porch....one day my friend..:)

  13. Debby, do you know it is my dream to see the red cardinal someday? I never see them here where I live. These are beautiful pictures, and from one bird lover to another, they made my heart sing. Autumn is really showing its loveliness in your area.


  14. The view from your front porch is just beautiful.!!

  15. Gorgeous pictures. God has painted so much beauty and I'm glad you are able to capture at least some of that.

  16. Oh, Debby, your view is so beautiful! I love seeing the cardinal, too. It reminds me that I need to get my feeders filled up. It's getting cooler now. I don't keep much seed out in warmer weather, just finch seed. I also wanted to say that the poem is really good. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us! Take care.

  17. Such beautiful photos! Autumn has always been my favorite season. It seems to pass too quickly so I make sure to enjoy it every day while we have it.

  18. Such beautiful photos! Autumn has always been my favorite season. It seems to pass too quickly so I make sure to enjoy it every day while we have it.

    1. Thank you for visit, Pat...you are right...it passes way too quickly. Soon it will be cold and drab :(

  19. absolutely gorgeous! love the delicate leaves!

  20. Oh, dear Debby! What bliss to visit you today...I adore all your beautiful Fall pictures...those colours are so incredible...and you do live in a gorgeous part of the world...my!
    Wishing you a blessed Wednesday...enjoy these cooler days! We are experiencing a heat wave in S. Africa at the moment...temps are reach 40 degrees celsius - eek!
    Hugs and love to you...

  21. Those photos are awesome. So, of course, your porch view is awesome, too. I especially liked seeing your close-ups of Mr. C. He's one of my favorite birds. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you for your visit, Jeanette! I clicked on your link and didn't see a blog so I am replying to your sweet comment here. I hope you are enjoying your week!

  22. Debby your fall is fabulous...beautifully captured and a sweet poem too!

  23. what gorgeous pictures! You have absolutely lovely views there. And that 4th grader composed a very sweet poem.

  24. These are beautiful pictures as well as that beautiful fence lined place so close to you. I have discovered a few places near me to that for a long long time I didn't know existed...like a hidden jewel. I suffering with my first ever case of bronchitis...I too forced myself to be out and see the colors, then I wrapped myself in a blanket and had some hot tea! I hope you feel better too!

  25. It looks like you are surrounded--with beauty! Great verses, both of them. I'm guessing the trees are celebrating your new porch.

  26. Again, you have a great eye for beautiful pictures! Yep, the colors changed overnight here in NC. The leaves have almost all blown off my maple trees.. it won't be long before they're all naked.

  27. WOW!! What beautiful scenery and pictures....they brighten my day and remind me how great our God is.

    1. Well, thank you so much for visiting and for this kind comment, Julia. Happy Thursday! :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.