Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Fences at Cedarock

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder why...
...why has it taken me so long to visit this beautiful place?
Especially since it is basically right under my nose... the same county where I live...
...less than 20 miles from home.
It's been on my list of places to visit and I surely didn't know what I was missing.
And talk about good fences...well, this place is loaded with them!
So I'm sharing them today at Theresa's Good Fences link-up.
This is what you see as you turn in to the entryway of Cedarock Park.
It was early last Friday morning and I was coming down with a cold.
My head was so congested and I needed to breath in some fresh air.
So off I went, camera in tow, arriving there before 8:00 AM.

I pretty much had the place to myself except for a woman who came to walk her five dogs.

These two sweeties greeted me as I walked over to the Garrett Historical Farm, just inside the park.
They seemed quite glad to see me, assuming I had a treat for them, no doubt.

They cracked me up as one tried to eat the fence while the other was biting it's nose!
This little game went on for a few minutes.

They were the size of horses but I soon realized they weren't...exactly.
As I turned my back, I heard one of them "heehaw".
I am no expert on farm animals but I knew they weren't your typical run-of-the-mill donkey.
I did a little research and I think they must be a type of hybrid mules.
Regardless of their number of chromosomes, they were beautiful animals and quite entertaining!

It didn't take long to decide that I really would like to live here :)
Just going to let the photos speak for themselves...


After leaving the farm area, I walked down the road a ways until I heard water rushing.

I knew that there was a falls somewhere and my ears lead me right to it.

It was only a trickle compared to a picture I had seen of it on the website.

A few weeks back when we had all of that rain,
I heard that the falls was running full force, clear across the dam.

So after a few more shots... was time to head back...
...snapping a few more as I walked along the path.
I couldn't believe that two hours had passed and I was still able to breath through my nostrils!
Snap, snap, I made my way back up to the entrance.
The bright morning sun seemed to be setting the trees on fire.

...snap...snap...just one more :)

Back to my car and back down the fence-lined driveway toward home.
Immediately, my sinuses became clogged again.
I was miserable the rest of the day.
But it was so worth it :)


  1. i'm lovin' the 4-rail double-post fence in the first few shots! and adorable mules, too. very sweet place and lots of rustic beauty.

  2. Wow, gorgeous park indeed! The lighting, trees, fences and the critter are beautiful. I love the mules. Wonderful series of photos! Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead!

  3. Oh gorgeous! The fences, the trees, the waterfall, the mules...All of it is just beautiful!

    I'm sorry to hear you were sick, and I hope you are feeling better. Nothing a good drive, a beautiful spot and fresh air to make you feel better, even if it was for a little while.

    I hope you enjoy your day Debby!

    Hugs, Amy

  4. It does your soul good to enjoy such beauty in nature! So glad that you were able to 'sniff' out this magical place & share it with us! Fantastic photos, no wonder you couldn't stop snapping!

  5. What a gorgeous place! All of your photos are beautiful, but I especially love the two closeups of the leaves floating on the water with the reflection of fall color on the surface. There's something mesmerizing about them.

  6. Nice strong sturdy fences.....Beautiful photos and a lovely place

  7. The photos speak well for themselves! What a lovely scroll and visit to this beautiful area.

  8. all of your photos are wonderful and i love the two of the floating leaves. the mules biting at each other made my heart happy. i love all animals, cows and horses, dogs and cats, sheep and goats. think 4 legs...i love it. this is a place i would love to visit and visit many times. i love to go out in the early am like you did. and yes I love picmonkey, i am addicted to picmonkey

  9. I don't know where to begin, but I love the fence! Cute little jack mules, and pretty barns. What a lovely place for a stroll...with camera in hand, of course!

  10. Oh wow everything is just beautiful. What a wonderful place to walk. I'd love to have taken that walk with you. : )

  11. What a great place to visit! I love all the sunshine and shadows you captured, and of course the sheep and horses. Wonderful photos! Bet you'll go back to that place. What a treat!

  12. Truly a magical and beautiful place. Your photos were stunning. Loved all the fences and the critters too and that charming waterfall. Sigh.....

  13. The light on the fence shots is spectacular.Al the pictures are fantastic.

  14. Hi Debby Ray, looking at this post makes me so happy. All these beautiful shots of pretty fences, fall colors, beautiful scenery, pretty water, cute sheep and those fine and very cute mules? I love those mules especially. I don't get to see them but very rarely. Thank you and have a great weekend.

  15. These photos are beautiful!! ♥ I love them! I think photo 22 is my favorite, and the fifth photo made my day! Those mules are so cute!

  16. Debby, your photos are beyond beautiful. I could feel the nip in the air and smell autumn. Just perfection.

  17. Sorry you've been sick. What beautiful fences and a good collection of autumn photos. Do love the sheep with a few goats mixed in.

    1. Thanks Dotsie...I am all good now...thankful for Mucinex D :)

  18. Hi Debby, What a beautiful fall post with gorgeous countryside scenes and fences. I could walk right into this photos. The mules are so adorable playing the fence game!!
    Sorry you've been sick. Hope you're feeling better. Have a nice weekend and Happy Halloween. xo

  19. What beautiful photos!! I've had a runny nose and am now getting an earache. I don't usually get anything this time of the year, but it got me this time.

  20. It seems to be that time of the year for sniffles and such. My allergies have been killing me...not sure what it is right now. Anyway, love your pictures. What a lovely place to visit with so many different kinds of fences. I LOVE the photo of the little PO. I used to have a contract postal station in my shoppe, so I am partial to the history of the small post offices. Hope you are feeling better.

  21. Beautiful beautiful beautiful photographs and what a dreamy place to visit!!! One item on my bucket list is to visit and get to know my own State of AZ!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. PS: I find it sad that I've lived here for 30+ years and have not visited most of it!

  22. Hi Debby! Wow, what beautiful snaps! Love the fences and the mules, I guess, are so funny. What a beautiful farm house and the water snaps are just beautiful! I loved this. Have a nice weekend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  23. WOW, there are almost no words to convey how beautiful your photos are of this incredible place! I am so grateful that you have such an eye for photography and share all of these photos with us. Living in an area that does not have seasons (well, we do, they just aren't the normal ones), your photography is like a balm for my soul.

    Hope your cold is better soon!

  24. Debby, these are wonderful...wish I lived near this place. I love the way the light hits that fence as it goes around the curve....and love the mules.

  25. As always, Debby, stunning photos.

  26. I enjoyed your visit to this lovely park. Funny how we forget to enjoy the beauty that is often so close to us. I hope you are feeling somewhat better with your head cold and have a lovely weekend. Your photos are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  27. Thank You, It was a lovely blog post of such amazing things that we forget that God has given us such beauty and you captured it for us! I am sorry that it bothered your nose and it caused it to become stuffy. Blessings, Roxy

  28. What a great place! I'm glad you finally got around to getting there. I bet those fences took a long time to build.

  29. What a great place to be at peace. Sorry you are fighting the crud. I love the fences and I'd love to call this home too. Take care of yourself!

  30. Hi Debby! I loved the early morning photo of the fence with the light showing through it. It was amazing! I think you live in heaven my friend. So scenic, the colors are gorgeous, and the livestock entertaining :)
    Keep taking those photos, you have such a wonderful gift,

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, my really is a beautiful place :)

  31. Aren't we funny about not visiting places that are so close to us? Glad you got some fresh air and were able to breathe easily--at least for a while. This is a lovely place.

  32. Ah just magical photos here, Debby. Yes your sinuses were worth it ...what's with that anyway? :) The morning after Halloween, we'd had a rain and my allergies and sinuses went berserk for most of the day. I couldn't stop sneezing / blowing. Cleared up by the next day thankfully.

    1. Thanks, Deb...I think mine was just a head cold and I hate it when I cannot breathe :( I'm all good now.

  33. I just loved every picture! I bet that was so much fun. You should go again on a day that you feel better. I can see how 2 hours just disappeared. My favorite was the donkeys. There is just something about donkeys that make me smile. I walk with my neighbor every morning and we watch the donkey torture the cows.. a sight to see. Even though the cows are bigger and there is more than one, the donkey rules.

  34. I just loved every picture! I bet that was so much fun. You should go again on a day that you feel better. I can see how 2 hours just disappeared. My favorite was the donkeys. There is just something about donkeys that make me smile. I walk with my neighbor every morning and we watch the donkey torture the cows.. a sight to see. Even though the cows are bigger and there is more than one, the donkey rules.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.