Monday, November 2, 2015

November Neutrals

Can you believe that November is upon us already?
The year has just flown by, don't you agree?

Although it's fading fast, we still have some pretty color in a few places.

It's kind of a let-down when the bright fall colors have all but faded away.

But as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

...and my eye(s) recently beheld some beauty in various lovely neutral tones.
I was going to title my post "50 Shades of Neutral"...

...but I didn't :)
These photos are from my road less traveled on Saturday morning.

The sun was still low in the sky, creating halo-like effects on everything it touched.
They say that every picture tells a story.
Well, in the photo below, I see a tall, long beaked bird whispering a secret.
(or he could have been yelling at another bird...who knows?)

No, I'm not losing my see it too, right?
Please tell me you do.

The morning dew sparkled like glistening diamonds on these fuzzy lovelies.

Who needs color, anyway?

Okay.....I do.....but I still think these neutrals are glorious!

And speaking of color, I guess you could consider these milkweed pods color...

...BUT...olive green is actually considered a neutral in the fashion world :)

I liked how this black-ish grass added a nice contrast.

The fields are full of these beautiful neutrals...

...and they are often so easily overlooked due to their lack of color.

But doesn't it strike a wonderful balance?

I think so.
So whether your first week of November is full of color or kinda neutral,
enjoy it it...either way is all good!
Sharing at:


  1. Fall neutrals, like the ones you've shown so well, are beautiful.The beetles on the milkweed pod have some wonderful color in them.

  2. Beautiful, Debby! And oddly enough, because we're having such an unusually warm November day, I was out taking photos of our neutrals around here. I do think your photos are better, however. Like you, I find beauty in those neutrals, especially with the sun shining at just the right angle! Wonderful photos, Debby!

  3. Oh I just love that light through the grasses. Wonderful. Have a great week, I am happy to meet you through Mosaic Monday.

  4. As I was driving through the strip pit area this evening I was thinking the how pretty the things were with the sun shining through the I would have enjoyed your drive with you.

  5. Oh these photos are beautfiul!! The second one is my favorite! :) Also, I LOVE your new header! :)

  6. I did see the long beaked bird.Love,love,love all the neutrals.There is so much beauty to be seen in the grasses and seeds.

  7. Do you think we are sisters....separated at birth? heehee! Did you see that I posted the same black and orange bug in my Halloween post? Isn't that funny! I love the neutrals at this time of year and we still have quite a bit of green too. Lots of sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Yes, I see it and the neutrals are lovely.


  9. beautiful neutrals. And I do see the bird whispering a secret!


  10. Yes! It's the mystery of the disappearing October, where did it go?
    Lovely photos!

  11. you talk my kinda fall fashion. :)

  12. You have found the beauty in this field that I think most people (maybe even me) would not see at first glance. You have encouraged me today! And yes, now that you mention it, I do see the bird conversation.

  13. Hello Debby, your neutral images are just gorgeous. I love the warm colors and the lighting. A beautiful post. Have a happy new week!

  14. I love your November Neutrals Debby. I have also done a post on this topic a few years ago when I looked for something good about the dreary month of November. I love all your photos and yes, I did see the long-necked goose! There sure is some beauty in this in-between month when the world is dreary until the white winter blanket arrives. Thanks for sharing these lovely neutrals. Have a wonderful day.

  15. These are all really beautiful neutral shades - love the mosaic.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is probably one of my favourite quotes/sayings!

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

    1. Thank for for your visit and sweet comment, Jade. I'm coming to visit you now :)

  16. Autumn may turn to neutral shades and parchment tones but all the wonderful texture is there to capture, isn't it!
    Hope your week is going well Debby.

  17. Yes, there is so much beauty in your photos.
    Yes, I do see the bird whispering a secret. : )

  18. I love every one of these have captured the beauty of neutrals so perfectly. I love nature and I love to quilt, and this made me think about a muted neutrals quilt down the line for my bucket list! :)

    1. Ooohhh....that quilt in neutrals would be gorgeous!

  19. Now, you are speaking my language, neutrals! Love this! Absolute beauty. There is truly color in all God's creative. Never the absence of color. One of my favorite collages that you have ever made. I wish I could make it my header! Love it! But I won't steal it!

  20. There is beauty everywhere if one looks for it. Even in neutrals, though you may have to look closer. The subtle differences become more apparent as neutrals take "center stage." :-)

    1. You are right about having to look harder for it :)

  21. A lovely November collage...there's nothing drab here. And, I do see the bird with his wing to his beak. You just know that I wanted to say "hand to his mouth."

  22. such a pretty header and the golden background is gorgeous..good job dressing you blog.
    Our Oct was beautiful...and Nov is just as far. :)

  23. Oh my gosh! You captured some real beauty there Debby. I love these neutral colors. Especially used in my decorating. So simple, not complicated, just plain ol pretty! And yes I saw the bird :) I say lets hang on to fall a little longer before giving in to Christmas.

  24. Hello, Natural is always so calming and it tells us it is time to rest. I did so love your last post of leaves floating in the water. Girl you just make it all seem so beautiful!
    A Girl and Her Camera...
    Hugs, Roxy

  25. Hello Debby! Even though they aren't vibrant popping colors, they are still beautiful in their own ways. The natural color is a soothing color. It's rather peaceful really... You really do capture the beauty in all things!
    Enjoy your day's adventure!!
    Hugs, Amy

  26. Hello Debby! Even though they aren't vibrant popping colors, they are still beautiful in their own ways. The natural color is a soothing color. It's rather peaceful really... You really do capture the beauty in all things!
    Enjoy your day's adventure!!
    Hugs, Amy

  27. Hello Debby! Even though they aren't vibrant popping colors, they are still beautiful in their own ways. The natural color is a soothing color. It's rather peaceful really... You really do capture the beauty in all things!
    Enjoy your day's adventure!!
    Hugs, Amy

  28. Aha, you put into words what I love about November ... its neutrals! Yes, that's it. I was trying to sort out what I love about the greys and foggy or snowy days that come this time of year. You put your finger on it for me. So thank you!!

    I enjoyed your post and all the wonderful photos of this awesome autumn.

    Coming to you from Mosaic Monday ... and wishing you a beautiful day.

  29. Oh, Debby! Simply gorgeous! Sometimes I just love a monochromatic color theme, and your photos prove that God does, too! 50 Shades of Neutral - what a hoot! How about these other thoughts - Especially Ecru, Basically Beige, Tantalizing Tan.

    And yes, I do see the whispering bird. I think he's saying, "Who is that lady with the lens??"

    Love, love your beautiful photos. Even though I'm saying, "What?? November???"


  30. There is so much beauty in each season. I love all the shades of fall colors, even the neutrals. Your photos and mosaic are so pretty, Debby. Well done!

  31. You captured the scene beautifully! Enjoyed seeing so many lovely photos!

  32. Debbie, I couldn't agree more on this post...the neutral colors are so quietly stunning. I love them too. The warmth of the countryside before the cold comes...your images are beautiful!

  33. Hi Debby! Did you change your blog background to match your color palette here? It's stunning to see the gold with the muted gold and dark greens of the photos. So peaceful!

    1. Thanks Ceil...I changed the background when I changed up my header for fall...I guess it just so happens to match this post :)

  34. Fantastic photos of gorgeous capture the beauty of nature so well.

  35. Oh, such gorgeous pictures Debby! You are a fantastic photographer! Love how you captured the dew on that fuzzy thing-y. Where some would see "weeds" you have captured beauty.

    1. Thank you for your kind word, Deborah. Yes, I am a weed lover...{smile}.

  36. Hi Debby, Your neutrals are beautiful. What a talent you are with your camera. Great photos.
    I'm going back to view them all again. Just wonderful my friend.
    Have a nice weekend, xo

    1. are so sweet...thanks you, Celeste! Blessings, sweet friend :)

  37. I love neutrals! These are perfect. And yes, I saw the bird, too.

  38. Nature is just so lovely especially this time of the year. Lovely photos, dear.

  39. Although I love orange, there is something that draws me to these colors that you have so masterfully pulled together Debby. Lovely blog post. Your pix are wonderful...always enjoy your blog.

  40. Happy Weekend! Very nice Nov. photos and I love your header also.
    I finally have up a new blog post if you have a chance to visit.

  41. We can find beauty in each season! Your photos are very lovely!
    Have a blessed day!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.