Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It isn't really worth much.

It's just a cheap ceramic mug purchased from Goodwill, made in China.
I look forward to getting it out and drinking from it every fall.
I think it's pretty and I really like the design.
And it holds a lot of of coffee! :)
One day a couple of weeks ago, I found it broken in my dishwasher.

I was going to throw it away...but then...

...super glue to the rescue!

It looks as good as new, right?
But if you look closely, you can see the cracks where it was mended.

Even after gluing it back together, I'm kind of afraid to use it now.
Funny thing is, it's probably stronger now than it was prior to the gluing.
 It actually does seem sturdy enough...
...but I have this image in my head of putting it to my lips...
...full of hot coffee...
...and the handle letting go.
I still consider it to be pretty fragile.
So what happens when people get broken?
Where is the super glue for them?
Sometimes they are broken beyond repair...or so it seems.
I am experiencing brokenness this week.
It's actually not me, quite so much...
...I know where to find the Super Glue that has put me back together more than once.
He goes by the name of Jesus.
Yesterday, Jim and I drove our oldest to a long-term Christ-based drug/alcohol treatment center.
He has been fighting his addiction to alcohol for half his life.
We pray that the next 8 months will help undo some of what the last 18 years have done...
to his mind...
to his spirit...
to his body...
to his very soul.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
~Psalm 34:18

Right now, he seems broken beyond repair.
Oh...but I know better!
He has a long road ahead to becoming whole and he will always have some cracks...
...cracks that will allow the addiction to seep back in... if he doesn't apply the glue.
The Super Glue.
And on a regular basis.
As with the broken coffee mug, it will be hard to trust that he can hold together...
...and to be able to contain everything that his life hands him...
...when the stresses of the day-to-day press down on him...
...those days when when he faces disappointments.
And those days will come.
He will be fragile for a long time, possibly for the rest of his life.
I pondered deeply whether or not to share this on my blog.
I would never want to exploit him or his issue in any way, at any cost.
But I have found through this network of blogging sisters,
I feel comfortable enough, knowing that you who are believers, will pray for him.
Prayer is a powerful thing, my friends.
 Thank you in advance for your prayers for Aaron.

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 
~Colossians 1:17 

Sharing at:
Spiritual Sundays


  1. A very brave a beautiful post, Debby! Your analogy is perfect. I will indeed pray for Aaron, and for you. Trusting is not easy, Sometimes it's a fight. But when you trust in Jesus, as you do, it's a fight you can win. Soldier on!

    1. Amen...and thank you so much for your prayers, Nancy.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I know it must be very hard on you to watch a child struggle with addictions.I pray that this will be the first step in the right direction.Yes,I will pray for Aaron and for you as well.

  3. Absolutely, I will pray for Aaron!! May the Lord reveal Himself as a strong tower of safety to your son!! And I will also be praying for your mother-heart, friend!

  4. Oh Debby, I will certainly be praying for your dear son. You are brave to share, but I know that our blogging community is filled with lovely, caring women who will lift you and your son up.
    Our dear Lord is our Healer, and I pray your son will find Him so in his life. Blessings, Deborah

  5. Prayers to your family and your son. I agree that Jesus is the source of many miracles.

  6. Dearest Debby...I agree with Nancy...a very brave, beautiful post... And I will be holding you, your husband and your son in my prayers... Oh, that Jesus would carry him and be his only comfort!
    Blessings to you, dear Debby...praying that the Lord would heal and build up...He is indeed the best Super Glue we could ever have!
    Much love to you!

  7. bless you and your family. i hope your son will heal and grow strong with help and guidance - here and from above.

  8. I agree that Jesus can mend the most broken of us. I'm not broken, but I could feel that way some day. I lean on Jesus every day to guide me and keep my spirit healthy and strong to be ready for any bad days that come. Hang in there. I will add Aaron to my prayer list.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers, Jeanette.

  9. Good morning Debby, sending my prayers and hugs to you and your family. I hope your son grows strong and accepts the help he is given. God Bless you all!

  10. It sounds like he's serious about fixing his addiction. That is so good. Praying for him as he fights his way through this. Praying for you, too.

  11. De bby my heart goes out to you & prayers for your son! God specialises in healing broken people.
    God bless you all.

  12. Oh Debby I know how your heart must ache for your boy, but you also sound full of hope and know where our hope is found. I will pray for him, and for you--for strength, peace, and patience. May God be glorified!

    1. Thank you, my friend...and I know that God is right in the middle of this!

  13. Debby, I am so sorry that your son and your family is having to go through something like this, but I am so grateful that you reached out to this very powerful group of bloggers. I feel that God has put this network of people into each other's lives for a reason, and that's to offer comfort and prayer. You never quite realize how many truly wonderful friends you have here in blogland, until you open yourself up and expose your most private needs. I know this powerful and supportive group very well. You, your son and all of your family will be in my prayers.

    Warm hugs,

  14. Dear God.....I pray that Aaron will ask for You to overtake every addictive thought and that You God, will fill every corner of his heart and mind. That he will know hope, and courage and that God is all he really needs. Please hold him tight when he is scared and that he will feel the all consuming love of his family. Please help him to suit up with the full armor of God and fight the demons within. I pray also for every addict, for this world is a fallen world. I pray for the broken heart of a mother......give her strength Lord to help her son fight this battle. May our dear friend Debby feel the love and support from each of us. We lift this family up in prayer to you Lord. In Jesus' name I pray..........................amen.

    1. Love you...love this prayer and I will come back and read it often :)

  15. Debby, Thank you for sharing your real life with all of us. It's hard to do, but we need to show the real side of ourselves at times.

    I pray Aaron will be healed from the inside out. I pray that this addiction will never tempt him again and that he will come out of this experience close to Jesus.

    God sometimes allows us to sink to the bottom, so our testimony is all about him and the power of living with him.

    Blessings for you and your husband.

    It's hard being a parent.

  16. Praying for your son that God will walk beside him and carry him over the roughest and toughest parts of the healing process. And praying for you that you will receive peace and strength as you stand by.

  17. Praying that God will deliver your precious son from this monkey on his back. I live daily with a man who has experienced just such a deliiverance and, though he lived twenty years with the addicition, has been free for nearly forty years. Praise God. God is able and willing.

  18. I will add your son Aaron to my prayer list as well as you and your family. Each morning when I walk is when I pray.
    We don't understand the why of things but we know God is with us each step of the way.

  19. You and your family will certainly be in my prayers. A beautifully written post that shows strength and determination in your support for your broken son, I pray our Lord will help Aaron in his hour of need and help him with his addiction. God bless.

  20. I will pray for your son, Debby. My hubby was an alcoholic when I first married him, but I didn't realize it at the time. We struggled for a few years with his addiction and when he became a Christian and asked God for healing, he was able to quit drinking. He's only had one relapse since and while we've had wine in the house when others bring it in, he stays away from it and won't drink anything. Beer was his favorite beverage and he still would love to have one, but he leaves it alone. God gives him the strength, I know. I'll be praying for you, too, as I know how hard this is. Hugs, Cheryl

  21. My heart is breaking Debby. As moms we want and hope so much for our children and this world seeks to destroy them. Praying for you all sweet friend...God is so good...we will pray hard for his heart and soul to be open to the Lord, strength for him to hold on to clean living, the will to stay clean and desire God's purpose for his life.

  22. I will say a prayer for your Aaron, that he will be healed in mind, body and spirit and all that entails. Jesus is definitely our superglue. Thanks for making yourself vulnerable - real.


  23. My heart aches for you and your family. I will definitely pray for your dear son, that the power of his addiction will be broken forever, and that he will gain insight into his own life, and know that he is deeply loved by God.

  24. Oh Debby...I'm praying for Aaron! And for you and your husband. I'm praying that God will heal all his brokenness into something new and strong. I hope he grows close to God thru this difficult journey. And I hope you know that God hears a mama's prayer...
    Stay strong in the arms of Christ and know that your son is in His arms as well.♡
    Sending hugs,

  25. Oh Debby...I'm praying for Aaron! And for you and your husband. I'm praying that God will heal all his brokenness into something new and strong. I hope he grows close to God thru this difficult journey. And I hope you know that God hears a mama's prayer...
    Stay strong in the arms of Christ and know that your son is in His arms as well.♡
    Sending hugs,

  26. Oh Debby...I'm praying for Aaron! And for you and your husband. I'm praying that God will heal all his brokenness into something new and strong. I hope he grows close to God thru this difficult journey. And I hope you know that God hears a mama's prayer...
    Stay strong in the arms of Christ and know that your son is in His arms as well.♡
    Sending hugs,

  27. Debbie I am glad you DID share as I have gone through this this year with my 41 yr old son too and I know just how much prayer has held me together so I could support him,
    May God be very present with you and your husband and may Aaron receive the full benefit of the help being offered, in Jesus Name,
    Email me if you'dike to talk further about this intense struggle. gemmill.mary@gmail.com
    I love your blog...but now feel I have a heart to heart connection with you.
    Mary in New Zealand.

  28. Hello Debby, I will keep praying for your son for as long as you need me to. I am sorry this has happened to you and your family. I know because I have a nephew that has the same problem. He was the apple of my eye when he was growing up. I feel so sorry for my sister. Try to be brave and strong. God is with you....you know he is! God bless your son and your family.


  29. Thank you for confiding in us, your blog friends and sisters in Christ. I most certainly will be praying. May God bless you all. xo

  30. Dear Sweet Friend, I will be praying and just like your cup, Our sweet Lord will glue his broken heart and life back together... My heart was so touched over this post!!
    Hugs and Prayers for him and you and your Husband!

  31. Dear, dear Debby. I'm praying for you and yours. Sharing our burdens can help. I'm glad you shared.

  32. Dearest Debby, dearest friend. Oh my, I am in tears reading this. Your words were beautiful in their agony, precious in your mama's heart. And so inspiring, in the way that you're trusting the Potter to mend your broken son. I can't imagine how difficult this journey has been, and how the future still seems uncertain. But, praise the Lord, he's in a good place, and yes, he will hear much about the Super Glue who holds us ALL together. I will be praying for Aaron, and you.

    These words are so comforting and hope-full to me (from Isaiah 61:1-4, NASB):

    "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the LORD...To comfort all who mourn...giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified. Then they will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will raise up the former devastations; and they will repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations."

    AMEN to that!


  33. Continued prayers for your son and your family as you walk this road to recovery. Sharing your heart here will touch more lives than you know sweet friend. You are an encourager to many!

  34. What a beautiful analogy! Jesus is the superglue for our brokenness. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I'm honored to pray for Aaron, and for you, for all those who love him and want him to be whole again. Yes, prayer is a powerful thing, and a privilege.

  36. Hi Debby! What a heartbreaking, but hopeful post. My family has had to deal with hard things too, so I understand the brokenness you feel. My sister said she heard a quote that parents feel only as good as their weakest child. It's so true.

    I will pray for all of you. I know the effects of addiction spread out to everyone involved. How wonderful that he wants to go, that you don't have to force him against his will. That is God moving in him, I just know it. I am honored that you would share this with all of us. You are a brave woman.

  37. Oh Debby, my dear, sweet friend, how my heart aches for you, for your husband, and for your precious son. As a mother I know it's not easy to watch your child (no matter how old) make heartbreaking decisions.....how you must hurt for your dear son. Sweet friend, there are no words that I can say that will make things easier, but we serve a precious Heavenly Father and He does make things easier. His love, support, and comfort is always there during our times of dfficulty and I know you are leaning upon Him....He will carry you and your son.

    Please know that you and your son are in my prayers because like you said, prayer IS powerful! Love to you, dear Debby!

  38. A parent's deepest pain. Once I heard Dr. Phil say you are only as happy as your saddest child. So true. Praying for you and for his journey. Hugs to you.

    1. Wow...that is really the truth. Elaine. Thank you so much...your prayers certainly are appreciated.

  39. I was so sorry to hear of your heartache, Debby. I'm sending you a big hug.

  40. Prayers for your son Debby and for you too...it is so hard for the family...big hugs to you!

  41. Debby, I thank you for sharing this here and will pray for your son to let the 'super glue' work in his life and hold everything together and break the chain of addiction that is holding him back. We have 2 wonderful Christian addiction treatment centres in our province and I know they work. God bless the men and women who work in these centres too. And may God bless your son with healing. Hugs to you. Pam


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.