Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Naked Trees

There is just something about this time of year that I love.
The fresh face of autumn has passed, yet it's not quite winter... least not around these parts.
We spent the latter part of last week and the weekend at Adam's lovely country place in Tennessee.
As I walked along the rural roads near his home, the trees just seemed to speak peace to me.

What is it about a naked tree anyway?

I took many photos.

Although the pictures can speak for themselves.
 I found a few quotes and poems to accompany them.
I hope you enjoy them along with the trees of Haywood Hollow.

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape—
the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter.
Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show."
~Andrew Wyeth

"The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let dead things go."

"Listen ...
With faint, dry sound,
Like steps of passing ghosts,
The leaves, frost-crisp'd, break free from the trees
And fall."
~Adelaide Crapsey, 1878-1914, November Night

~James S. Tippett

I like the woods
In autumn
When dry leaves hide the ground,
When the trees are bare
And the wind sweeps by
With a lonesome rushing sound.
I can rustle the leaves
In autumn
And I can make a bed
In the thick dry leaves that have fallen
From the bare trees

"The stripped and shapely
Maple grieves
The ghosts of her
Departed leaves.

The ground is hard,
As hard as stone.
The year is old,
The birds are flown."
~John Updike


The majestic tree looks forlorn today
As its last leaves ever so gently fall
Denuding as the season changes
Heralding the end of Fall

The start of the season saw a tree aglow
Swathed in the glorious colors of Fall
Its leaves painted in scarlet and pink and gold
Its beauty held people in thrall

Now that the skin of leaves has peeled off
Its body is as bare as a skeleton
The branches are bony limbs of wood
Scrawny fingers of twigs at the end

And as the chilly wind blows through the air
It bares its naked branches to the cold
Defying the winter to bring on the snow
Alone and vulnerable, but bold

Do you see the heart?

I love seeing the naked trees against the backdrop of a cloudy sky.
And we all know that clouds usually enhance the setting sun's appearance.

This is the view from the back porch.

Yes, there's something about those naked trees...
...those hauntingly beautiful, mesmerizing, naked trees.


  1. the skies, the touches of color still left, are perfect to accompany their baring arms.

  2. Beautiful and I really enjoyed the poems and quotes that went along with them.

  3. Your photos make naked trees look beautiful.

  4. Hello Debby, beautiful collection of images. I love all the trees and the gorgeous sunset. Lovely poems! Have a happy day!

  5. What beautiful photos, Debby, enhanced by the poetry. There is such beauty in seeing a naked tree especially as you have photographed so well against the sky, etc. I was out looking up at our trees this morning. The rain and wind helped yesterday but we still have leaves to come down.

    1. We have many still clinging to the trees too...some of them stay on all dry and brown throughout the whole winter :)

  6. The bare trees in silhouette against the evening sky are gorgeous!

  7. Lovely post. I can so relate to this. It sounds as if you are describing Happy Trails. : ) It is my favorite time of year at HT.
    Yes I saw the heart.
    Beautiful Sunset!!

  8. You captured the beauty of these trees so well. One of my favourite sights is when those naked trees have a light layer of snow outlining each branch.

  9. Debby, I loved the quotes and poems so much....and there is something about the bare-naked trees that appeal to me. Especially sycamore trees--I call them the BareNaked Ladies.

  10. Glorious post, Debby Ray. Those beautiful trees, stripped bare of the lovely garments do make the most striking of silhouettes in that almost wintry landscape.

  11. Wyeth's quote is one I think of often in this season as the architectural shapes of trees and branches stand out against the sky. There's beauty in every season.

  12. So lovely...the words and the photos!! Yes, there is something beautiful about a naked tree.

  13. Wow! I thought a bit about one of the quotes, "The trees are about to show how lovely it is to let dead things go." Oh my goodness, there is truth there. We all could learn how to let the dead things in our life go! Photos are beautiful! Next time, we get together, dear friend.

  14. Beautiful post Debby. Your naked tree photos show a different kind of beauty in this month of November and you captured it so well. I saw the heart! Lovely. Have a blessed weekend.

  15. These photos are so lovely! I love how you put in the little poems, they are so beautiful! Lovely post! :)

  16. Hi Debby! I love that phrase 'bone structure' from your first quote. That hits it right on the head for me. They do like the 'bones' of the tree.
    What spectacular color in the sky off your back porch too. What a blessing your house is, not only shelter, but what you have around you. God is an artist, and He has shared His gift with you!

  17. You're so right, there is something in bare branches and twisted roots and naked trees. My hubby loves to photograph them. I used one of his photos on my blog this past week. Something very fascinating.

    Loved the poems, and loved your photos.

    We must always remember, that even when we *lose a few leaves* - God still makes something beautiful out of our lives!


  18. From a fellow lover of trees, thanks for taking me along on your walk. I seem to find majesty in any creation of the Creator. Your pics are lovely.

  19. They are simply stunning, Debby! Every.Single.One.Of.Them!! I think they have such character with no leaves. Boy, if they could talk...what stories would they share? How cool to find a heart among them branches.... God's beauty is all around for us to enjoy! Thanks for being behind your camera to capture them all for us to see!

    Have a lovely weekend and if I don't stop by again.... Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!!

    Hugs, Amy

  20. Hello, my beautiful friend! There is something beautiful and majestic about trees without their leaves.... It reminds me of how the Lord sees us - bare and completely open. He knows our thoughts and the intentions of our heart - He can see all! Just like these trees, in a way they are open and vulnerable yet incredibly beautiful.

    I simply loved your post, sweet friend. Much love to you!

  21. Hi Deb- wow, I love your naked trees pics - so beautiful!

    You know I am your latest follower- didn't realize I wasn't following you - so sorry, maybe I fell off. It happens sometimes, happened a bunch over the summer for some reason. Anyway, here I am now. Better late than never. Hugs.

  22. Your photos are wonderful and I enjoyed the quotes and poem. I love each of the four seasons. Many blessings to you this Thanksgiving week.

  23. Beautiful post and outstanding photos. Just calms the soul.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  24. I, too, love naked trees. They have so many stories to tell.

  25. Debby these are wonderful...I love naked trees and you have chosen perfect quotes and poems to
    accompany them.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.