Monday, November 23, 2015

More Scenes from Haywood Hollow

Where is Haywood Hollow anyway?

It's a little refuge from the rest world, actually.
Oh sure...there are other places just as beautiful or even more so.

It's near Columbia, Tennessee, where Adam has built his beautifully rustic home,
high atop a ridge guessed it...Haywood Hollow.

Walking out the front door, this is the driveway leading to the road....way down below.

I almost feel like I've died and gone to heaven when we visit there.

He's offered us some land there to build on...if/when we decide to in the future.
This is the gate to "our" meadow :)

I can almost visualize our little homestead when I close my eyes...

...a few goats grazing in the front yard...

...and there's the chicken house out back...see it?

It's a fun dream to dream, anyway.
And how about this cool fence made from pallets?

It's on his neighbor's property, way down below.

It may not be the most attractive fence in the world but it sure is unique...

...and it keeps the animals from their petting zoo from getting out.
Well, most of the time anyway.
Every now and then, Adam gets a call from him,
asking for help to rescue an escaped goat or....something.

 There are lots and lots of pretty fuzzy things too...

...and have you ever seen a pregnant tree?
 And lastly, I'm tossing in this photo of Olivia and her Pawpaw Jim....just because :)

So.... just build me a little cabin.
I'm ready to move :)

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  1. oh, i'm loving all the fence shots! :) what a lovely area to live in (and visit).

  2. Oh, how absolutely charming!

    Your pics certainly tell a story. And I think dreaming about a cabin there is spot on perfect!

    Hey, I noticed Jim is wearing a UK hat! My sister graduated from there - and I just found out today that her daughter (freshman high school cheerleader and competitive cheerleader) has been asked to go down to spend a day in a duo-stunt clinic with THE UK CHEERLEADERS - who are award winning, as you are probably well aware!

    My beautiful niece is soooo good and soooo excited.

    I need to update everyone on her new abilities - here is an old post from a year or more ago - she is even that much better now days. They just did a huge competition at a big city's Convention Center and got #1 team!!!! : - ) They worked hard, and earned it!

    Here is the link so you can at least see her - this is 3 years old, I had better get with the program and freshen up my posts about this amazing girl!

    And here is a bunch of stuff, including a wonderful mini video of one of her WOW things:

  3. I am ready to move too. Beautiful place to live, I love the idea of a rustic cabin with goats and chickens and a large veggie plot...idyllic! Hope your dream comes true.

  4. Debby just let me have a corner in your new cabin as I'm ready to move in with you! What a gorgeous area and your photos are wonderful! I can feel the tranquility of this place wash over me now! Thanks so much for sharing this slice of paradise!

  5. Ok, after that beautiful tour, I think we're all ready to build that cabin! What a dreamy piece of land. That first photo is especially charming. And you don't have long winters. Hmmmm. Just beautiful!

  6. Ok, after that beautiful tour, I think we're all ready to build that cabin! What a dreamy piece of land. That first photo is especially charming. And you don't have long winters. Hmmmm. Just beautiful!

  7. It's a beautiful place! I can see why you would want to live there.

  8. Hello, what a pretty area to live. Your walk was beautiful. The last shot is lovely, is she your granddaughter? What a cutie! Have a happy day and week ahead! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  9. Stopping by with my morning tea over from Stephanie's link up party. Lovely blog you have here, and Haywood Hollow is just gorgeous! I don't think I would be able to hold out building a home there for very long. Have a wonderful day! Now I'm going to look up pictures of Doxies, as I have no idea what that is!

    1. Haha...Hi Andrea...doxies is a nick name for dachshunds! You know, wiener! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment!

  10. That does look like heaven! Gorgeous!

  11. Well, we all have that homestead spirit in our genes, for unless you were very privledged, most families lived in the rural country sides. But now days we are all trying to get back to our roots.
    I loved seeing the place and it always makes me happy that there are still places in the world that say peace and calm... Hugs and blessings to you and your loved ones, still praying for your boy!

  12. What a wonderful place.
    Reminds me of Happy Trails and our little cabin that we are building. : )

  13. So beautiful! Especially Olivia and Paw Paw...precious!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  14. Aww miss your cabin, don't you? Someday my friend, someday. I'm so glad that you have this beautiful place to visit in the meantime. Whenever I see your pictures, I wonder why the heck I live where I do!

    God's blessings on you and yours this Thanksgiving! And may He bless you with His peace and joy in the Christmas Season to come. I know you'll have a wonderful experience with your family :)
    See you in 2016!

  15. Awe...I just LOVE it!! There's something so peaceful about being out on some acreage far away from the city, isn't it? If it was up to me, I'd have a little cabin in the mountains. Even if it was a weekend getaway.
    I mean our flat prairie is pretty in its own way too...but the mountains is like being close to heaven!
    If you are meant to be there, then God will place you there.
    Olivia is just as precious as they come!

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Debby!
    Blessings & Hugs,

  16. This is one dream that has possibilities Debby, especially since you are so good at visualizing it. I hope you do see a little cabin welcoming you here one day.

  17. This looks like my own farm. I love these shots!

  18. It would be a pretty spot for a cabin, and dreams do come true, sometimes.

  19. Oh wow! Yes, looks like a little piece of heaven. I say, move, move, move!!! That way once every other month we can meet up, do lunch, go pickin' and head back to your place to just chill and drink coffee or take a hike (or a small stroll) in the woods. Just wanted to drop by and say, Happy Thanksgiving! That is such a sweet pic of PaPa and that precious angel!

  20. Oh wow!! That looks like a lovely peaceful place.

  21. I do think God was smiling when he made Tennessee...we always say we're getting back to God's country when we go home. I really enjoyed these views.

  22. Oh, that is my dream too. A lovely cottage in the beautiful countryside. How wonderful for you to have that special piece of land for when you are ready.

  23. Enjoyed your beautiful photos; it is a very lovely place! Neat to see the fence made with pallets...and the petting zoo. We once had a neighbor who had miniature horses. One got away and we ended up helping her track it down.

    Haywood Hollow looks like it would be a charming place to live!

  24. A piece of heaven sounds exactly right. My kind of place. And that pregnant tree ... have mercy!

  25. It does look like a place you could enjoy....away from the craziness in the world. I love walking those roads and trails. And you take the best photos! Happy Thanksgiving my friend. Hugs, Diane

  26. Good morning Debby Ray,

    What a nice surprise to see your comment on my persimmon bread recipe. Your visit made me very happy.

    Wow, this is a lovely place to dream! I can see those goats and chickens in your yard!

    Dreams are nice. My dream home is of a cottage by the sea side. Hmmm - I wonder if there is anything like that in heaven.

    Well, I do love my simple little home here on this earth that God has given us. We have been here for nearly 20 year.

    That is a lovely photo of your Olivia with her Pawpaw.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    :) Hope

  27. What a beautiful little spot - it looks so tranquil and peaceful. It's a simple beauty almost. Like you, I would be indulging myself in all the dreams with that plot of land.

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

  28. A cabin in Tennessee would be my favorite place to be!! We have family down there and everything time I come back home...I leave a piece of me in Tennessee.

  29. Hello, beautiful Debby! I trust you had a delightful Thanksgiving :) Can you believe it's now time to gear up for Christmas?!

    Your photos always touch a chord in my heart....they are like music to my soul, sweet friend. I find your pictures have a story behind them and I love the tale they tell.

    Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. I hope you're able to join us again this coming Tuesday. Hugs and blessings!

  30. Oh sigh....

    Keep this dream alive....


    1. Oh's alive and well. All in God's timing :)


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