Thursday, November 26, 2015


We spent the day with our first born.
(He's rarely seen without a shop rag stuck in his pocket.)

He was giving us the tour...
...and after all of that turkey, we needed to walk :)

He's doing well.
Thank you, Jesus...for this very moment...
...for that is all that You have promised us.
Take nothing for granted, for whenever you do
The "joy of enjoying" is lessened for you ~
For we rob our own lives much more than we know
When we fail to respond or in any way show
Our thanks for the blessings that daily are ours . . .
The warmth of the sun, the fragrance of flowers,
The beauty of twilight, the freshness of dawn,
The coolness of dew on a green velvet lawn,
The kind little deeds so thoughtfully done,
The favors of friends and the love that someone
Unselfishly gives us in a myriad of ways,
Expecting no payment and no words of praise ~
Oh, great is our loss when we no longer find
A thankful response to things of this kind,
For the joy of enjoying and the fullness of living
Are found in the heart that is filled with Thanksgiving.
Fill Your Heart with Thanksgiving

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Debby.A lovely post....I especially liked the last line...Fill your Heart with Thanksgiving. I sure did today.

    1. Thank you, Linda...yes, we should all practice that everyday of the year, shouldn't we? Have a blessed week!

  2. How lovely. I'm glad your son is doing well. That gladdens a mother's heart.

  3. I am so pleased your son is doing well, I pray that it continues.

  4. Hello, lovely poem and I am so happy your son is doing well. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. So wonderful about your son. Glad to hear all is well. Have a great weekend! Oh, and don't forget to enter the paint sprayer giveaway. It's the last day! Hugs!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I thank you for sticky with him in his struggle, learning to be a parent to a full grown man has it's challenges! But we never really stop being parents! Enjoyed the poem!
    Thank you for just being you! Roxy

    1. LOL I meant sticking with him, I have turkey brain today... ;o)

  8. So glad you got to spend the day in a fun and family way. We have much to be thankful for.

  9. So glad you got to spend the day with your son and that he is doing well. Praise God!
    We all have so much to be thankful for and God sure does honor that!
    Loved the poem!
    Enjoy your day, Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  10. So glad you got to spend the day with your son and that he is doing well. Praise God!
    We all have so much to be thankful for and God sure does honor that!
    Loved the poem!
    Enjoy your day, Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  11. I am glad your son is doing well-loved the poem.

  12. Good to hear that your son is doing well...and I LOVEd that poem!

  13. A beautiful poem, Debby. Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  14. Love the poem, it really is true, take one day at a time and be thankful for all God's blessings!

  15. Thanks for the update on your son and we continue to lift you all up in prayer.

  16. I, too, am glad to hear that your son is doing well. Truly, that is a lot to be thankful for! Praying that he continues to move forward with the Lord's help!

  17. Happy for this good news. We only have today, yes, but God is in all of the tomorrows.

  18. Debby,
    I read one time that grateful people are the happiest people. It seems to me that you are so thankful. How special is that?



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