Monday, November 30, 2015

Magnificent Milkweed

"The milkweed pods are breaking,
And the bits of silken down
Float off upon the autumn breeze
Across the meadows brown."
~Cecil Cavendish, The Milkweed

Help! Someone make it stop!
I just can't seem to stop snapping pictures of milkweed pods!

Oh, I have no idea how many photos I took...

...w-a-y too many, no doubt.

There surely must be a support group for me somewhere.
You don't think so??

So here it is, the week after Thanksgiving and instead of getting down my Christmas decor,
I spent most of the day on Saturday messing around with milkweed!
Where are my priorities?

A few months back, a certain crazy lady was seen chasing butterflies....
in that same field of what was then, milkweed blossoms, across for the Goodwill Store.

Well, she apparently reemerged over weekend...

...only this time it was something else she was after.

I remember as a little girl being smitten with these lovely seed pods in the fall.

Back then, I didn't really think about what a magnificent creation they truly were...

...I just thought they were really neat.

Looking inside of the pod is really where the magic is.

Who else but our Lord, in all of His majesty and splendor could create such intricate detail?

Every seed, although nearly identical to the next,
has it's own unique fingerprint, so to speak...just like us.

A friend of mine told me that she had planted some seeds,
and better yet, they were growing!

Others came up volunteer from some that had made their way into her flower beds.
I'm going to add planting milkweed seeds to my list of things to do...

...right after I get out those Christmas decorations and get busy :)
Sharing at:


  1. Hello Debby, you are a fantastic photographer. These are awesome captures of the milkweed! Have a happy new week!

  2. You really did capture the beauty of the milkweed in all its glory, stunning photos. Take care.

  3. don't stop; thanks for sharing

    much love...

  4. These images are beautiful, Debby. I can see why you are smitten :)


  5. Amazing plant , amazing Creator & you are an amazing photographer! Superb images!

  6. I have never seen milkweed looking so lovely. Your photography is amazing! My mother used to gather milkweed pods for autumn arrangements. Quite often, she sprayed them gold. That's what I think of when I see milkweed. Now I'll think of your photos instead.

    1. Amazing photographs! I really enjoyed seeing them. The way those milkweed pods are designed make me marvel at God's infinite knowledge and creativity!
      This is my first time visiting your blog. I came across it by blog hopping through the comment sections. So far I am enjoying what I see. :)

  7. Wow you really did take a lot of pictures : ) but what beautiful ones they are.

  8. I am amazed at the beautiful details you get with your camera. When we hiked yesterday, I took a few close ups of some of the flowers and plants....and pinecones! lol We even found a beautiful dogwood tree in the forest. Enjoy your week sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  9. Beautiful images of God's handiwork, Debby. Such amazing and intricate details.

  10. I must say I have taken a lot of photos of milkweed pods, but none near as interesting as these. These are wonderful. Do you still like to set them free? I cannot resist picking the pods...sometimes on the stem to wave in the air to set them free. Other times, I pick the pod and use fingers to pull them free....

  11. Milkweed puts a spell on photographers! I've done the same thing - spending hours taking photos of these lovely, dreamy seed pods. Your photos are wonderful! I think it's time for me to revisit milkweed with my camera. :)

  12. Awesome shots. Milkweed is so beautiful.

  13. Debby!! Oh my goodness. Your photos are beautiful and mesmerizing!! You are one talented photographer, friend!

  14. Magnificent in deed! Debby, you have taken some amazing photos, prize worthy I would say.
    I have never seen a milkweed in our area, so those photos are a wonderful delight. It looks like satin, gorgeous!
    I thought you did a fabulous job in placing your photos for display, just beautiful.
    I can see why you left your Christmas decorating behind. :-)

    So nice to start my day with you here.
    Have a wonderful day~~ Debbie

  15. Milkweed are so beautiful in flower and again as they form pods, but those bursting pods just capture our attention....nostalgic, childhood fascination...whatever the reason I am with you...can't get enough.

  16. Hey, there is a club - The Lactose Tolerant Milkweeders. And I'm going to join with you - because I am obsessed with these fascinating photos! I've never seen milkweeds, or if I have, I've never really *seen* them! Beautiful. And yes, the Lord is such a master at detail. Not only for the sake of beauty, but for purpose, too.

    As for those decorations, I'm thinking it would be pretty to drape a small tree with those silky milkweeds. Reminds of that fiberglass stuff we used to use back in the day for a *snowy* look!


  17. These are the most amazing pictures! The detail is truly awesome. Thanks so much for sharing.

  18. Your photography and editing is amazing! I saw some milkweed the other day and thought of you (after your fb post!)

  19. They are amazing and beautiful. I think I might need to plant some myself.

    Visiting from Roses of Inspiration.

  20. Debby, your photos are truly amazing, and I'm not one to use that word lightly! I'm going to save this and come back and look at this post again tomorrow.

  21. Debby, your photos are truly amazing, and I'm not one to use that word lightly! I'm going to save this and come back and look at this post again tomorrow.

  22. This is another post that I simply had to share! My family lived for some years in Michigan where milkweed grew and you did a really good job of catching their fall beauty! I've scheduled a post for Thursday that shares one picture and then points people here. :-) Thank you so much for sharing this loveliness!

  23. Thanks for showing me what I've been missing. I see the pods open and observe the seeds floating on the wind. Next year, I'm going to take a closer look!

  24. When you find a support group, let me know. I love your photos and I am mesmerized by the stuff. These photos are skillfully taken. Milkweed is beautiful. ( and yes, I have true vertigo. I have 2 more tries at home correction for the crystals, otherwise, I'm off to the PT)

  25. Milkweed is so beautiful! God sure did make all of his creation amazingly stunning and you are amazing for capturing them all....
    Enjoy your day Debby!
    Hugs, Amy
    ps...just think if you would have decided to put up Christmas decorations instead, you probably would have missed the milkweed!! ;)

  26. Milkweed is so beautiful! God sure did make all of his creation amazingly stunning and you are amazing for capturing them all....
    Enjoy your day Debby!
    Hugs, Amy
    ps...just think if you would have decided to put up Christmas decorations instead, you probably would have missed the milkweed!! ;)

  27. Amazing, my friend! I am glad you took a lot of pictures because each one was magnificent. God's creation is such an incredible thing and you captured it perfectly!

    Love and hugs to you!

  28. What gorgeous images of the magnificent milkweed! #5 from the top is brilliantly beautiful - how ever did you manage to capture this effervescent explosion? Thanks for the star studded show of these amazingly pretty pods!


  29. Terrific pictures, my husband has taken quite a few pics of seed pods this fall too, he just loves the look of them!!

  30. OK, that is so unusual looking and amazing. Your pictures are great!


  31. Your photos of the milkweed pods/seeds are beautiful! I very much enjoyed this post! Thanks for sharing!

  32. They are beautiful; amazing shots Debby!

  33. They are beautiful; amazing shots Debby!

  34. These are exquisite! I remember walking down a country lane and going into the brush a bit where the milkweed was when I was a child, and playing with it every year :)


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