Friday, December 4, 2015

O Christmas Tree...

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
Your leaves are so unchanging
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
Your leaves are so unchanging...
I think you know how the rest of the song goes, although there are variations.
I really only wanted to address the first verse anyway.
The key word here is unchanging.

I was just thinking about this the other day...
I realized that my Christmas tree has been pretty much "unchanging" for many years.
And how I kind of like it that way.

Now, don't get me wrong...
I have nothing against changing up your decorations...even every year if you like.

Many of you may choose a different theme for your Christmas tree each year.
And that's cool too!
I'm all about changing things up.
I take a photo of my mantle every year to remind myself what I did from year to year.

But not the Christmas tree.
Even the year I bought my skinny tree, the decorations stayed the same.

...the same multi-colored lights...
(I tried using all white lights one just about blinded me)

...the same silver beaded garland...

...the same ornaments except for a new one here and there that I have acquired one way or another,
and many with great sentimental value like this one Aaron made in grade school...

...the same lighted angel topper (she moves)...

Here she is the first year I bought her at Walmart...over 25 years ago.

Who says they don't sell quality?? (smile)

 ...and the same tree skirt which is actually a holy old lace table cloth with a few stains...
(which you can't see when I make it all fluffy and pretty)
Presently, the tree is standing totally naked.
Tomorrow it shall be adorned with colored lights and dressed in familiar garb.
For me, it has nothing to do with the grandeur of it...because it isn't grand at all...
...or keeping up with someone else's style...
...or even the newest idea straight from Pinterest.

It's about remembering.
It's about familiarity.
It's about comfort.
It's about home.

It's about Christmas.
Enjoy your weekend, friends :)

Sharing at:
Roses of Inspiration


  1. EVERYthing looks beautiful, Debby! Yes, I think the unchanging aspect of Christmas is something that gives us pleasure too. Each year we drag out the same decorations, which we've accumulated over the years. I'm hoping to get my tree up tomorrow and get it decorated. I got the Christmas cake out of the way today, and next is the tree. You've inspired me. I hope it lasts until I wake up in the morning. LOL I love your photos, especially the angels! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Your tree and other decorations are lovely. In my mind,there is no right or wrong way to decorated for Christmas.If you like how it looks,than it's right for you.

  3. She's a beauty. Should I ever need a new tree, I will be looking for a skinny one. Your closing thoughts are spot on at my house. Thank you! Love your header!

  4. I never change things totally...too many memories in some of the ornaments. I just add a few new ones now and then. Lorelei helped us decorate ours this year and it was so much more fun.

  5. It's always great to pull out the old ornaments and reminisce over them while decorating the tree. They are all beautiful. Yours shines and glitters with memories and love.

  6. Beautiful photos and precious words, my friend. Decorating the tree is such a joy for me and has been since I was a young girl. I love pulling out the ornaments because each one is unique and has a story behind it. I have many from almost 30 years ago and my mom wrote on the back of each one saying who they were from.

    Your tree is simply delightful and I love the picture of the glass angel in front of the tree.

    Your sentiments at the end are indeed spot on. Bless you, sweet Debby!

  7. Well my tree had to be completely re-strung with new lights today, My husband is still mad about it, haha, but I do all the decorating and tearing down, cards, cleaning, etc. - but the bare tree with lights up and taken down is his job. That's how we roll = and when he got it up and half the lights were dark I thought he'd blow a fuse, haha.

    Anyway, still a naked tree till tomorrow, but the house is all done and the baking is getting there!

    Your old tree is so colorful and fun! Happy decorating tomorrow too! : - )

  8. I totally agree, its all the memories that are as much a part of Christmas as the actual décor. Enjoy!

  9. Your tree is beautiful, Debby, and I prefer the same year after year. I feel like the "designer" trees lack the warmth of history, memory, stories … Enjoy decorating your tree today and reliving some memories. It's nice its cold outside!

    1. I got it finished and I am tired...ready for relaxing tomorrow :)

  10. HI Debby. Your tree is so pretty! I'm with you. My tree has the same ornies each year. I have quite a few so they kinda take turns but not alot changes. Your decorations looks so pretty. Hope you're doing well.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Beautiful tree and decorations Debby. I love traditional trees and have missed being able to do mine the past three years. Maybe not again this year, but for sure next year. It has been a long time since I have had colored lights on mine, but they are so beautiful on your tree.I still have the old bubble lights that delighted the children and adults too. Christmas is for bringing back the good memories and sometimes we get to busy to do that. I really enjoyed your post and the sweet words.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  12. The tree is beautiful! If my decorations looked that pretty, I would not change anything either.

  13. That 's what your children will remember- that it was the same. That's what made mama's special, always white, gold and silver.

  14. Sweet memories and long-standing traditions are always fitting at Christmas time!! Your decorations are wonderful and meaningful!!

  15. What beautiful trees and decorations.
    My tree is always different but one thing I always do it put tinsel on the tree. Most people don't do that any more.

  16. Greetings, And I want to say well said; sometimes it all just gets way to commercial and perfect for me! I love the memories of all the decorations and the simple tree skirt is perfect!
    I had a real pretty purple one for a few years and my car always lay's under the tree and it became a cat hair attraction... haha
    Hugs, Roxy

  17. My mom collected ornaments for many years. It was always a pleasure to place each ornament in her hand (she was blind) and we would reminisce about where/when she got it. Precious memories for sure. I really like the skinny trees and the colored lights. Your mantle is very pretty. A very warm and inviting home.

  18. Your home looks so warm and cozy and lovely! I have to admit that I am only halfway decorated - so behind...Our outdoor decorations are up and hope to have the tree and the remainder up by Monday night.

  19. we always had the same ornaments each year and rarely added anything new. :)

  20. That is what makes it a tradition - wonderful to begin with and repeated again and again.

  21. Beautiful post and thoughts Debby. Your tree is really lovely and I do like the coloured lights. They are hard to find here as I would consider doing coloured again instead of white for a change. And I think the familiar old decorations are perfect. I still put my faves on the tree - some from 1970's and some from the 50's along with new ones. Have fun decorating! Blessings, Pam

  22. Debby, your Christmas tree is beautiful, and it's nice to see that someone still puts on the colored lights like me, and also special handmade ornaments from the kids when they were little. Your tree skirt is so pretty. I haven't found one that I love yet, but still looking. I love that picture of the clock under the glass dome.

    Enjoy this wonderful Christmas season, Debby!


  23. Hello Debby, your Christmas tree and ornaments are lovely. Beautiful thoughts and words. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  24. The fun of decorating a tree with all the same familiar ornaments are the memories attached to each one. Happy tree trimming!

  25. Just yesterday, my hubby and I put up our tree and decorated it. I love the mix of ornaments that came from my time with my sons, and the ones we've collected since being married. Every year we add some new ones, and pick one on which to write on the bottom where we celebrated that year. The mix of old and new makes me happy.

    A couple of years ago, after being evacuated from our home because of a summer wildfire, we decided to buy an artificial tree. At first, I was very hesitant to let go of the tradition of picking out a *real* tree, but safety trumped my misgivings. I have to say, our tree looks very real, and I have grown to love it.

    Funny how the way we decorate our trees is as individual as our personalities!!

    I love your home, your tree, your beautiful decorations. Doesn't surprise me, because I love you!!


  26. Your tree is very pretty!! Mine has been the same for a few years now.

  27. You did a beautiful job with your decorations, and you took lovely photos!

  28. "Homer" is such a cute name for Nel's bear. I'll be sure to tell her about that one. :) Thanks, Debby.


  29. Oh my, your home is beautifully decorated Debby Ray, and your photos are exquisite!

  30. I loved this! Christmas is definitely about remembering and taking joy in the tree is starting to show its age. But, I love all the memories it holds within the branches. My boys have decorated it with homemade ornaments to one's my mom buys them every year to one's that were mine and my hubby's when we were little and we always do colored lights, I think they are way more cozy than all white. I was just telling my hubby last night after we finished decorating the tree that one day I'm gonna miss all the ornaments on one day it will have less ornaments and my boys won't be here to decorate it. I'm simply going to enjoy every moment of this month with the ones we are creating the memories with.♡
    Have a great week, Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  31. I loved this! Christmas is definitely about remembering and taking joy in the tree is starting to show its age. But, I love all the memories it holds within the branches. My boys have decorated it with homemade ornaments to one's my mom buys them every year to one's that were mine and my hubby's when we were little and we always do colored lights, I think they are way more cozy than all white. I was just telling my hubby last night after we finished decorating the tree that one day I'm gonna miss all the ornaments on one day it will have less ornaments and my boys won't be here to decorate it. I'm simply going to enjoy every moment of this month with the ones we are creating the memories with.♡
    Have a great week, Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  32. Hi Debby, this is beautiful and I agree, some things can and should not change because of the peace they bring to our heart. Love your tree and the pretty lace tablecloth at the bottom. I do this too for my living room tree with a table cloth. Your mantel is gorgeous too and the setting in your home is so cozy and inviting. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and thank you for stopping by my Texas home tour in the blog hop. Your visit was a blessing.

  33. I think tradition is what children remember growing up....I can't imagine that I'd feel the same about my childhood Christmas if the tree was changed up every year. No, it is much better for everything to be the same! :)

  34. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing your Christmas tree story.


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