Thursday, December 10, 2015

Baby, it's cold outside! (if only)

When I started this post it was cold outside.
That's the way it is around these parts in the almost-winter...
...bitter cold one day, balmy the next.
One thing that makes me happy, especially around Christmastime,
is that cold-outside-while-it's-warm-and-cozy-inside kind of feeling.
That feeling can be conveyed in many ways.
Maybe it's a roaring, crackling fire in the fireplace...

...the soothing ambiance of scented candles...

...the soft glow of Christmas lights...

...and something I adore year 'round...a room dimly lit with only a few accent lamps.

A few months back while browsing at a local thrift store,
I turned down an aisle and suddenly it was like I had been transported back to the 70's.
I was surrounded by harvest gold....everything.
I have to tell you all a little secret...
I actually have fallen back in love with it.
Well let's just say, I was like little kid in a candy store.
I was really tempted to buy this set of glasses...

...identical to the set Jim and I began married life with...ahh...the memories...
But I didn't...a few of them were chipped :(
I did, however, buy a few other "golden" things.

There was something about this jar (front) that I couldn't resist,
and it kind of (but not really) matched my vintage gold cannister set that I had found... three different visits to three different Goodwill stores.
Then I came across a couple of harvest gold vintage globes from some sort of light fixture.
A silent little voice inside of me squealed with delight!
I knew I had to have them and I knew just exactly what to do with them.
These were my skinny little candlestick lamps before...

...and here they are after the "golden globes" {smile}...
...a perfect fit.

So...let's get back to warm and cozy...

I just love the reflections they create on the wall...

...and the cozy atmosphere they bring to the room.
I really look forward to turning them on every evening.

The warm glow that they give off just does something for me...
...especially on a cold, gray, almost-winter night.

Oh, I can hear some of you now..."are you kidding me...harvest gold??"
Call me crazy, call me old fashioned...go ahead, I'll take either one...or both!
So it may or may not be cold outside in the middle of December in North Carolina,
but I can pretend that it is when it isn't.
The glow of my vintage lamps will warm up the room, regardless.

So, please excuse me if you will...I must go crank up the A/C :)


  1. Well I personally love the golden globes! Look at that beautifulness reflecting on the wall! So pretty! I whisper this...but I'm kind of liking gold too. My door knobs have finally made their full circle of life LOL! Your Christmas decor makes it look like it's cozy! But yet I know the truth because I'm a NC neighbor. Baby it's warm outside! I was outside barefoot today. It'll probably snow next week. Have a great weekend!

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  3. I love the cozy feel of winter. Love a crackling fire, candles, and Christmas lights. I also love those lamps! My grandmother used to have a blue set of those glasses. Nice memory.

  4. Your lamps are lovely, and I can relate to your fascination with just the right lighting. While decorating our farmhouse vacation rental, I've discovered I love vintage lamps. :) And it's not cold here in the mountains of Virginia, either. Just too warm for December...I'm ready for some snow!

  5. Hello Merry Christmas love the golden lamps and yes the reflection on the wall is so pretty. I do think all the old fashioned 70s are coming back you be the one that'll be in style. Enjoy your week and don't work too hard getting ready for Christmas Blessings Roxy

  6. Oh I love those lamps! Beautiful reflection in the mirror too. Such a pretty post! I usually turn on the AC when I'm putting up the tree so that it will feel like Christmas. I had those harvest gold glasses too!

  7. It's been unusually warm here too and we have the ceiling fan going right now. I love the pretty golden glow of these lights. We bought some flicker light bulbs and put in an old lamp. It looks so pretty in the evenings. Holiday hugs, Diane

  8. I adore the lamp globes. The color is awesome and the shadow cast on the wall is sweet! Your home is just lovely this Christmas

  9. They look wonderful! I like golden light, too. I suppose it is obvious. =D I liked avocado green, too. And rust, and all those hues of autumn.

  10. Oh Debby, I had to you crank up the AC I am adding another log to the fire :)

    Your heavenly! They are truly stunning, my friend. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Hugs!

  11. Hello, the golden light is beautiful. I like your pretty tree. We are having some milder temps, I hope this warm weather sticks around. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  12. Oh my goodness, you have set the perfect scene a cosy winter evening with beautiful golden hues. It all looks beautiful. I did smile about the a/c!

  13. I'm seeing more and more gold accents being used in decorating these days. Maybe you are on trend and don't know it. Either way, you should always surround yourself with the things that make you smile. I love the diamond shadows the patterned glass casts on the wall!

  14. Yeah, I'm about ready for AC. When we were caroling last night we said we should sing, "I'm dreaming of a cold Christmas." Time to mow the grass again! I love what you did with your lamps! I think you are spot on! If you follow trends, which I only find amusing, I think we see gold, brass etc becoming popular again!

    1. I heard about the brass coming back...not sure I'm quite ready for that yet..but I will say, I didn't see myself coming back to harvest gold! Yes, I say "BRING ON THE COLD!"

  15. Beautiful, Debby! I actually own two of those glass canisters! Think my grandmother gave them to me. I really like your golden globes. They do shed such a pretty light on everything!

    And ... it's not cold up here in New England either. Temps in the forties, no snow ... it's bound to change. I think.

  16. I love your gold globes...and the Christmas tree. Lovely.

  17. I love those golden globes, and the beautiful pattern they make on the wall. Lovely!
    I'm with you on the weather. Just be cold already -- not sub-zero, just cozy-up-to-the-fire cold. This 40 and 50 degree weather is just weird!

  18. Don't they say that everything becomes new again? I think that is true as I nose through antiques stores! It can be a little disconcerting to find your childhood memories among the wares for sale as "antiques," but there is a certain thrill as well. Go for the gold, Debby!! :)

  19. I like the changeable weather. Cold days are easier to manage with a warm day thrown in here and there. What a difference those light globes made in your room! Just WOW. Very nice! Love your header, too.

  20. warm and cozy - as i have the front door open in 70 degree weather. :)

  21. Seriously...the AC?!'s freezing here and it is now snowing!
    I personally like the Harvest gold and those lamps are very cozy. My mom has the Harvest gold canisters and they just bring back so many good memories. I think everything looks cozy and warm in your home.
    Enjoy your week!
    Hugs, Amy

  22. Those golden globes are gorgeous...what soft ambience and lovely shadows they create. I also just love that quilt on your chair :)

  23. I went with Harvest Gold appliances and the only reason I changed was because it was no longer available. I never did grow tired of it! I went with white and I like it, too, but just could never tire of Harvest Gold.

  24. I guess you'll have to call me old-fashioned, too. First of all, I just love all the *golden* things you're adding to your home. The lamp globes are beautiful, and you're right, the shadows they cast are magical. Those glasses? My mom had a complete set in avocado green. She gave them to me, and I love them. My hubby doesn't, says they remind him of "grandma glasses" - exactly, I tell him!! I gave some to my daughter-in-law, because she also appreciates the loveliness of throwbacks!!

    I'm still a fan of earth tones, and adore the look of the brass. And though neither harvest gold nor avocado green would look good on me in clothes, I adore those colors for decorating.

    So I would not dare to call you old-fashioned, as our tastes are similar. As for calling you crazy...well...


  25. Oh, yes. That feeling. I love that too.
    So cozy and makes you not wanting to get out of bed.

    These pictures are triggering nostalgia. 'Tis that time of the year.

  26. I, too, was a young bride during the "Avocado" & "Harvest Gold" craze of the early 60's. My fave was Avocado, which we got lots of in shower and wedding gifts. Our very first apartment had avocado appliances! I enjoyed mixing in harvest gold elements, too. I love what you did with the globes. Did you just sit those globes right over the light bulbs, or are they fastened on somehow? Very clever! I have several small, low-wattage lamps and find myself fascinated with the patterns they reflect. My hubby doesn't quite understand my need for dimmer switches on everything.....he actually likes to see what he's eating!

  27. Love the light and golden glow....and we are pretending here too as it is unusually warm!


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