Monday, January 18, 2016

Color Your Blues Away you may not really be able to color your blues away.
 But you can get out your crayons or markers and maybe not think about them for a little while!
I wouldn't consider myself one who gets the blues often,
 but we all have stress from one thing or another in our daily I right?
I suppose you would have to be living in a cave not to notice them...
...these new adult coloring books are everywhere you look these days.
I can't help but coloring books...when I first heard of them I wondered to myself,
just what kind of pictures are in those books anyway?!

 Well, I surely don't know about all of them,
but I found so many which were just full of beautiful illustrations and intricate designs.
 I purchased a couple for my DILs for Christmas and they were just thrilled with them.

I liked them so much that I had to get one for myself too!
This one is filled with lovely worshipful thoughts, quotes and hymn lyrics.

 I really couldn't tell you the last time I colored.

It really is quite relaxing and eases the mind...

...and when you concentrate on the message, it can also become a form of worship.

Who would have ever thought that a coloring book could do that?

Some of the messages really hit home.
Lord knows, I really could stand to camp on this page a while...

...oh yes, and this one too.
Do I have any fellow worry warts out there?

I also found this one marked down just after Christmas and couldn't resist it.

I was going to just put it away with all of my Christmas stuff and get it out next year,
but after paging through, found a design I just had to act on. {{smile}}
I do think these coloring books need to come with a warning printed on them...
...right on the front in big letters...

The use of these books may be hazardous to your housework. 
They may also become addictive.
Use with caution.

Now I will be the first one to admit that I don't need another time waster... 

...but if you are looking for something to achieve this,
 it certainly is a great way to do it!


  1. Well my thoughts were like your thoughts, 'Adult colouring books'? No way. And I'm still not convinced but have to admit to feeling a bit of a pull to them as I walk past them in a shop. You never know, by winter I may have succumbed, haha.


  2. I really like the worship book. My sister has been into colouring for a while and she claims that it is because of her that this is taking off the way it is.LOL

  3. Oh, I love these too. My cousin sent me one for a Christmas gift and new colored pencils. I see you are using markers too. That would go faster. I think I'll try to buy some of those soon. HAVE FUN! hugs, Diane

  4. Hello, my name is Sharon, and I am a fellow worry wart.

    I have seen these coloring books, and I am intrigued by them. I always liked coloring with my sons, and I'm always doodling. (That's doodling, not dawdling - although...) Your workmanship is really stunning. And I can imagine that you're reading those good thoughts over and over again as you're coloring, too! Letting them sink in. Good stuff!!

    Remember that old poem about babies and housework? I'm re-writing it here:

    "Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
    For doodling can't wait we've learned to our sorrow,
    So quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep
    I'm coloring like crazy, and my books don't keep."


    Much more fun than housework.


  5. definitely some frameables, there. we have a couple of these at work for when the deep nights get quiet. :)

  6. I color all the time with Lorelei...

  7. After admiring your photography for years, I am not surprised that these coloring books "float your boat" nor am I surprised that your colorings are so artfully done! Enjoy!!

  8. How wonderful to find something that you truly enjoy that is so relaxing and focused. They are beautiful!

  9. Well...I just made myself put down my coloring book so I can get to bed before midnight, but not by much! I bought one, too, and also find it addictive. And relaxing. Who knew?? I was skeptical too, but now I'm hooked. I'd love to know where your got the one pictured that contains the worship. I'd like to give that one a go. Thanks for doing this post for me. I was thinking of doing one on coloring books for adults, but haven't gotten it done because I've been, well, coloring!

    1. Haha...a fellow colorer, I see! I'm pretty sure I got the worship book at Walmart. I did order a few online for gifts from Amazon. They had many different ones. Another one was just the Psalms. Happy coloring!

  10. I do a little colouring in alongside the children when they visit so I can certainly see the attraction.

  11. Hello, I have not seen them yet in the stores. I used to love to color as a child. I think it would be fun to give them a try. I am working on a puzzle. Have a great day and week ahead!

  12. I was delighted to see your post on coloring books. I have been hooked on this new adult activity for several weeks. I bought one book at Walmart. I think it's called Garden Wonders. They have several other varieties. I don't remember seeing the one with scriptures but I will be looking for it. Happy coloring!

    1. I think I got the one with the scriptures through Amazon...they have many to choose from. I found the Christmas one at Walmart.

  13. I doubt my coloring would turn out as well as yours, but it looks like fun.

  14. I am checking into these. The ones I had seen previously I just really wasn't interested in. But this worship coloring book and the Christmas one -- now those look like something I would enjoy if I happened to find the time to color. I tend to try and do something productive to get the same effect ... like crocheting a dishcloth or hot pad. But I have always enjoyed coloring, so I may give it a try! Thanks for sharing these, they are the nicest I have seen.

  15. Hi Debby! I have seen adult coloring books in the stores. They look so intricate, I think I would get frustrated with all the small lines. But this? I haven't seen any books based on faith or Scripture. It looks wonderful!
    Your creative side must just revel in the pages...I can see why you'd need a *warning* on them! Thank you for showing me these. I just might indulge myself if I can find them.
    Happy Tuesday!

  16. I have wanted to get an adult colouring book for ages. What I have seen on the web show some beautiful designs. P.s I am such a worry wort too :) I will never stop I am afraid xx

  17. I have looked at them and hemmed and hawed whether to buy one but in the end I didn't. Its bad enough I'm working on a 1000 piece puzzle that is taking me forever and I'm not even working on it as much as I could, so, colouring would be even more time wasting. I admit some of the books I saw were too 'busy' for me but I like the one you have with the sayings. I see you are using both pencils and markers. Which do you prefer? Have fun!

  18. This is why I like making my own cards, I end up doing a lot of colouring with artist pencils and find it relaxing. A friend recently told me the colouring book she got for Christmas is stressful as there are too many decisions for what colour to use. lol
    I see Pam's question and am wondering the same. Chameleon markers are what I have as they will work on any paper unlike Copic markers but in the long run, I prefer good quality pencil crayons.
    It is said life can go full circle, we start out with crayons and looks like we could end with them!

  19. Absolutely beautiful, my friend. My sweet mom has gotten into these coloring books in the last few months and she said they are very relaxing for her. She said she could sit by the fire all day while coloring :)

    Yours are simply lovely! I haven't gotten into them yet simply because my free time is spent with my nose in a book {{smiles}} Have a blessed afernoon! Hugs!

  20. These books are everywhere aren't there. I bought "The Secret Garden" early last year, before many others came out. I love your book with the uplifting and inspirational quotes. Colouring in with a box of Derwent colour pencils truly is the most relaxing thing. Perhaps if we all coloured in a little more, our worries and stresses might become rainbows.

  21. I've been coloring these, but on my iPad. I love to color in the evenings after everyone else has gone to bed. Mom's quiet time!!

  22. Who needs to clean when you can color? Not me!! Haha! I wasn't to crazy about the thought of an adult coloring book either, until I found one with flowers and birds and we'll now I'm hooked. I've only colored a few pages when I have time and I agree, it does reduce the stress level. I love the scripture one you have...I need to look for that one next.
    I can't believe it took you that long to figure out Roxy was my MIL, Debby. I am so very blessed to have her next door and to be able to have tea with her almost daily.
    Enjoy your coloring!
    Hugs, Amy

  23. I like your word of warning! LOL I have a few of those books from Dover, but have never yet used them. It's going to be a long, cold winter, so I expect they'll come in handy. :-) Very pretty, Debby.

  24. Absolutely gorgeous! I've not seen the Whatever is Lovely coloring book. So precious! Thank you for sharing with us!

  25. I have seen many adult coloring books and they weren't for me, but the messages in these are wonderful! What a great find!

  26. Your pages are just lovely! I have a couple of these but haven't had much time to color in them yet. I really like yours with the scripture. I need to look for that one. So pretty! Happy coloring....:)

    Hugs, Vicky

  27. I have not seen this one, these would be great to hang up and be great encouragement, never a waste if it is relaxing and creating something so pretty

  28. Coloring while meditating on the scripture would be a lovely thing. I bought my first adult coloring book at Christmas and enjoyed coloring with my daughters. But I haven't touched it since - too much else to do. I hope to do some more soon. Yours are really beautifully done.

  29. I've just started seeing these and couldn't believe my eyes at first. For Adults? I said to myself! :) They do look like fun!

  30. I was given one of these for Christmas and have yet to open it. I doubt that my efforts would produce the effect of yours - very pretty!

  31. Oh Debby! I too have seen these gorgeous adult colouring books around so often lately, and my sister, Beth, who is quite the artsy one in the family, got one for Christmas...I am amazed at how intricate the designs are... And I love how each page has a beautiful quote or Scripture on it...I think hers is very similar to yours! And you do colour does look so addictive! Hee! Actually, a precious friend of mine sent me some pages in the mail, and I am waiting for a rainy day to start colouring one or two...I have always enjoyed colouring in a picture, and these pages are fabulous!
    Thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging comment on my blog, dear Debby! I haven't been on email lately due to no internet on my laptop - I am working from my phone! - but I wanted to thank you...thinking of you today! Hugs and love...

  32. absolutely beautiful! what a great find!

  33. I love these with the scriptures and inspirational quotes. This is cheaper than going to therapy LOL.... my daughter works in a call center and she colors while she's working. She said it keeps her sane. Pretty coloring Debby!

  34. I love these with the scriptures and inspirational quotes. This is cheaper than going to therapy LOL.... my daughter works in a call center and she colors while she's working. She said it keeps her sane. Pretty coloring Debby!

  35. I got a couple of these coloring books for Christmas too. I have been coloring all of my life. I've never outgrown it. : )

  36. I want one. Where did you find the ones with scripture and do you use a special color pencil? I'm sure this will be another distraction because I love to color with the children. I say with but it winds up me doing the coloring because they get bored and "I'm gonna finish it for you." Right?

  37. Yeah, i'm not crazy about the term. :-) I need to look for one like yours as dwelling on the quote or scripture would certainly add to the experience. Where did you get it? I do love to color and find that my granddaughter at 7 enjoys the "adult" book with me.
    Looking forward to some snow, maybe!

    1. I know...I am excited about the snow too! I am pretty sure this book came from Walmart around Christmastime when they had many to choose from. If you shop on Amazon, you will find many beautiful ones (scriptures, prayers, psalms) on there. I just ordered a couple from there yesterday for a friend and I had a hard time making up my mind. You could also maybe google the name of my book and find it somewhere. Most of them are around $10, give or take a $ or two. I hope you find one you like! :)

  38. I haven't seen this one, nice! My housework was already in trouble! LOL

  39. Such a wonderful way to relax! I have a garden one and my friend gifted me with a teacup one this weekend. Your scripture coloring book looks lovely as does your fine coloring. Enjoy! Visiting from Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration.

  40. This certainly does look like a very relaxing hobby... and you are very good at it! Your color choices and shading efforts add a special dimension to what you are doing! And after seeing the quote from Corrie ten Boom (one of my favorites!) in a beautiful scripture setting... I could almost be tempted to get one of those! Addicting... oh my, I can see how, lol!

    Have fun with it.. a wonderful winter hobby for sure! :)

  41. I too love to color and that coloring book is exquisite! What a wonderful way to relax!!

  42. Your artwork is lovely! I have only completed one page in mine so far but is was relaxing and I think it could be a distraction when I want to snack :) I love the ones with scripture - a good way to meditate on the Word and or memorize. Enjoy your snow and be safe and warm!

  43. Your artwork is lovely! I have only completed one page in mine so far but is was relaxing and I think it could be a distraction when I want to snack :) I love the ones with scripture - a good way to meditate on the Word and or memorize. Enjoy your snow and be safe and warm!

  44. I have seen the grown-up coloring pages on Pinterest. My daughter commented that she had given her friend an adult coloring book. I questioned her as to the content of the book. We laughed and I corrected her. I then began coloring the princesses in the coloring books that I keep here for the granddaughters. Then I picked up grown up coloring book at the super market. Now I am printing my own pages. I do this in the evening as I watch mindless TV, using colored pencils. Yours are inspiring, interesting, colorful. Fun. Who knew? Coming to your from

  45. Ooops. Coming to you from Mosaic Monday.

  46. I just purchased several "adult" coloring books from Amazon.. I am excited to get started coloring again!!! I feel like a kid.... Thanks for dropping by and visiting with me. I am following along with you.. Blessings!

  47. I like to color and we often color with our adult kids at holiday gatherings. I want to see if I can find one like yours with scriptures. What a great way to meditate on God.

  48. I like to color and we often color with our adult kids at holiday gatherings. I want to see if I can find one like yours with scriptures. What a great way to meditate on God.

    1. These books are really so lovely. I may have gotten this one at Walmart but Amazon had TONS of them...many with scripture and prayers. Happy coloring!

  49. Happy New Year, Debby!

    What beautiful colour you have added to those pages; such a steady hand! And, you're absolutely right: when these images are accompanied by meaningful words, they truly become a wonderful source of inspiration. I'm certain that if I were to try my own hand at it, the experience would be a fitting example of my word for the year...soothing.

    Wishing you all the very best this year,



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