Monday, January 11, 2016

January Skies

It seems like the sky is just so amazing this time of year...

 ...especially as I'm driving home from work.

My drive home is a short one...only about seven miles or so...

...and I sometimes find myself pulling off the road to capture the spectacular views.

Like here, across from this water tower...

...where I sat in the parking lot of a nursing home...oohing and ahhing...and snapping away.

Today, as I was looking back through some of my older photos, 
I realized that it was in January of 2014 when I posted about another particular drive home.
There must be something extra special about the atmosphere in January.

This next group was taken on my way to church a couple of Sunday evenings ago.
I followed this sun dog for a while until I was able to find a place to stop.

I remembered the cemetery on the hill with the big cross so I pulled in there.

Seeing the sun dog was a thrill and I got there just before it faded away,
You can still see it if you look to the lower right of the photo.
I drove back down toward the entrance, knowing I better be heading on to church,
and when I looked back up one more time as I sat in my car at the foot of the hill,
the view outstretched before me nearly took my breath away.

I got out and I just stood there for a little while, drinking in all of the majesty.

The church down the road could wait.
I was having church right here.

I'm linking up with:


  1. I am in awe! These pictures are so beautiful and show God's creative handiwork.I can relate to the feeling of having church out in the field,watching nature.

  2. beautiful skies and popcorn clouds! that last one, though, i awe-some!

  3. Beautiful photographs of stunning scenes!! Our Father has created such beauty!!

  4. Awesome captures with sky in BG.
    Great collages composed.
    via Mosaic Monday. :)
    Have a great week ahead!

  5. Stunning, a beautiful array of photographs. Magnificent!

  6. Hello Debby, gorgeous collection of skies. I love the water tower and the last cross shot. Well done, they are all beautiful. Have a happy day!

  7. I do love a beautiful sky. The last picture sums it all up, doesn't it? To God be the glory.

  8. The sun dog...the sun's rays, the beautiful colors, the dappled clouds...all so beautiful. A treasure trove of nature you've shared.

  9. Oh, I do know what you mean about January skies! Or winter skies. The sunsets are incredibly amazing here as well... oh how I soaked up the beauty of the sunsets in your photos, and I think my favorite was the last one with the cross pointed at the sky and the clouds above it. Spectacular indeed! Indeed, I've had "church" so many times myself as I am out in the midst of God's created beauty that never ceases to amaze! A lovely post enjoyed very much today, visiting from Roses of Inspiration :)

  10. Debby, these are beautiful! The last picture completely took my breath away! I have always been enamored with sunsets, sunrises, night skies full of stars, meteor showers, storms, and basically everything to do with the sky. There is so much beauty, power, and ingenuity within the sky. I found your blog today through Stephanie's link-up party on "Roses of Inspiration". I look forward to following your posts and keeping up with your blog in the future!

    Dani <3

    a vapor in the wind

    1. Hello nice to meet you! Yes, the sky is totally mesmerizing to me and we certainly have been given quite a show recently. It so nice to have you following. Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  11. Oh my goodness Debby, your January sky photos certainly are majestic! I am just in awe of God's beauty! I also checked out your Smoky Mountain of my favorite spots I ever went.

  12. Oh Debby, these are gorgeous sky photos but the last one is incredible! The Master Creator at work for sure. Thanks for sharing (and for pulling over to take the pics!). Blessings, Pam

  13. Sky watching can be as time consuming as bird watching, can't it? The last photo with the clouds over the cross is very impressive - great capture!

  14. Beautiful photos all! You have seen a sun dog? I have never seen one except in bloggers' photos.

  15. Wow what beautiful photos you got of the sky! I love to take photos of the sky too. They have been very beautiful this January here in Texas too. What a blessing to see the sun dog!

  16. You have some great sky shots and that last one is just stunning!

  17. These are amazing..wonderful, wonderful shots.

  18. Ooo, they photos are beautiful!!

  19. Hello, majesty is THE perfect word. You photos are amazing. I am in awe of them and the God who creates such beauty. Thanks for you post.

  20. Debby you've captured the winter sky so beautifully. I'll have to look more carefully to see its beauty. I'm certainly enjoying the cold weather.

  21. Hi Debby, this is just incredible. Your photos are amazing and you are right, you had church right there. God brought you to that spot at that moment. Gorgeous and spirit filled my friend. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed week. xo

  22. Hi Debby, this is just incredible. Your photos are amazing and you are right, you had church right there. God brought you to that spot at that moment. Gorgeous and spirit filled my friend. Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed week. xo

  23. January does make for glorious skies! You have so many awe-inspiring shots here. I especially like the ones with the Cross.

  24. Hi Debby! Some of those skies look like paintings, the white color just streaked across the heavens. I really admire your artist's eye, and love the fact that you bring that gift to us. That way, we can look at something as simple as a sky, or a fence, and see the glory of creation.
    Wednesday blessings to you my friend,

  25. So beautiful!! Yes...I think you were at church right then. Love the photo with the cross and the clouds in the sky...just breathe taking!!

  26. oh my goodness...I can certainly see why you had to pull over to admire and take pictures. They are just soo beautiful! But then His handiwork is always sooo breathtaking. So glad you shared it with us! Not even sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but sure glad I did!

  27. oh my goodness...I can certainly see why you had to pull over to admire and take pictures. They are just soo beautiful! But then His handiwork is always sooo breathtaking. So glad you shared it with us! Not even sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but sure glad I did!

  28. Wow Debby! Your photos are absolutley beautiful! I agree that last photo was so breathtaking, I'm sure it was a spiritual experience seeing it. I too love the majesty of the sky! Have a lovely rest of the week!

    Hugs, Vicky

  29. I never tire of looking up into the sky as I find God always paints incredible beauty up there :) Your photos once again show the handiwork of our Lord and they richly blessed my heart this evening.

    Thank you, dear friend, for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Have a wonderful Thursday. Hugs!

  30. Beautiful photos! My husband takes a lot of pretty pics. He gets some really good shots of nature while he is out hunting. I need to start taking my camera when I go for walks.. I don't know why I don't already?!

  31. Stunning captures of God's creation. I love having that kind of "church" every once in a while : )

  32. Hello, Just stunning! The cross and that sky with the day fading away!
    Awesome... Hugs, Roxy
    Still praying!

  33. I agree some of the best skies this time of year....they are my spiritual center.

  34. Wow - such beautiful skyscapes. I especially like the ones with blue and orange mixed together. Thanks for sharing!

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

  35. I love looking at the sky, it is always changing and you've captured so much drama. Great photos, Debby.

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. Hi Debby! How gorgeous! I agree, we can worship our marvelous God just seeing His beautiful handiworks! The skies are so pretty.
    Thanks for popping in to see me. Just loved Linda Ronstadt! I remember when she was with the Stone Pony she would sing barefoot! I thought that was so cool!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Me too! I also LOVED the trio of her with Dolly Parton and Emmy Lou Harris :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.