Thursday, January 7, 2016

Smoky Mountain Fences

So we traveled to the Smoky Mountains at Christmastime.
I posted a few photos from Gatlinburg and the mountains in a previous post
but I saved the fences to share over at the Run-A-Round Ranch.
I hope you enjoy them.
Just a short drive up from Gatlinburg and into the Smoky Mountain National Forest,
we came to a place where Carrie, my DIL wanted to stop...Chimney Tops Trail.
It was mid-morning and was still quite cool in the mountains and misting rain.

This was our view as we exited the car and began the easy hike down to the river below.

I really liked this rustic old fence that lined the walkway down to the river.

This is actually looking back up the stone walkway that makes it's way down to the bridge.

I was really was taken by the serenity of this quiet trail.

And then finally, coming to this bridge crossing the Little Pigeon River.


While I was preparing this post and googling the area, I came across an interesting fact.
During the winter of 2013, the old bridge was completely destroyed by flood waters.
(You can click on the source link to read about it.)

I am thinking the new bridge does look a bit more sturdy.
What do you think?

The river that morning was quite ear shattering as it raged underneath our feet.

Some of us were braver than others and chose to leave the safety of the bridge.

And speaking of the bridge...

...a bridge is really just a couple of fences with a floor, right?

Then on up the mountain we went and the sun started to pop through the fog.

We all know how hard it is to take just one photo when we are faced with such a view as this.

So I did just what any good blogger would do...
...I just kept snapping away.

There's a verse from my most favorite hymn that states:

When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze...

...and I can't help but be reminded of it when I come to a place like this.
So, while we're at it, let's sing the refrain...

Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!

Have a lovely weekend, my friends!


  1. Love the walkways next to the fences, especially the rock slab stairs. I think I'd pass on the bridge crossing the river. lol

  2. just gorgeous! love the stone walk and the rustic rails. and really glad they rebuilt that bridge!

  3. Beautiful beautiful snaps, Debby! What a magical looking place.
    We went through the Smokeys a long time ago when I was a little girl. I saw my first bear in the wild there! I'll never forget it.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Such a picturesque area & what great fences & bridge you found! We stayed in Gatlinburg last July & truly loved the Smokies. Glad you had a lovely visit!

  5. Beautiful! I would be snapping away on my camera too. And I wouldn't leave the bridge either. So pretty! Love your singing at the end! I could imagine you belting the chorus over the mountaintops :-)

  6. Beautiful scenery.One photo is never enough and yes,that song often goes through my mind when I am out enjoying nature.

  7. Beautiful! I would be snapping away on my camera too. And I wouldn't leave the bridge either. So pretty! Love your singing at the end! I could imagine you belting the chorus over the mountaintops :-)

  8. Gorgeous place and wonderful photography ~ great fences!

    Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

  9. Oh, Debby, you were not that far from where I grew up...just an hour or so. I have so loved looking at these.

  10. Oh my goodness! I felt the presence of the Lord while taking this walk with you. Oh how magnificent He is in all His glory. The song just topped it off and praise resonates from within me. Thanks, Debby for sharing! Your posts are always such a blessing.

  11. I'm always trying to figure out what makes your photos so special. I like looking through the rails...or the photo looking down the fence. Very beautiful area and one I've enjoyed visiting over the years. And my mother always played How Great Thou art on the piano...I should practice it. Hugs, Diane

  12. Awesome views. - The fences were great and that bridge looks plenty sturdy. I would have enjoyed hiking that trail. How Great Thou Art was my dad's favorite hymn.

  13. Gorgeous photos and a sweet photo of your son and daughter-in-law. Happy the bridge was rebuilt too.

  14. Such beautiful photos -- I can just sense that wonderful mountain air. Good illustrations for that favorite hymn.

  15. Indeed, how great Thou art! Your photos show the majestic creation of our incredible Creator. Such beauty, my friend.

    How I love seeing your photography, Debby. You have quite the talent. Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  16. Lovely scenery. Love the stone walkway, the weathered fences and the shots through the fences

  17. Beautiful, beautiful photos such great views and lovely walkway.

  18. What a majestic place, Debbie, I can almost feel the quiet and grandeur and cool clean air. Thanks for sharing.

  19. oh my goodness.... You made my morning..... We spend many, many vacations right there in the Smokies.... Love the Smokey Mountains!! My family and myself have hiked that trail many times... crossed over those very bridges... I just kept smiling as I scrolled down... I have many pics of the grands playing out on those rocks!!! the river is quite majestic!!! Thank you so much for sharing pics of some of my fav fences anywhere!! Blessings...

    1. Hi Lisa, thanks for visiting and such a lovely comment. It really is beautiful there, isn't it? I was wanting to reply and also visit you but couldn't find a blog or email for you. Again, thanks for your visit encouragement! Enjoy your weekend!

  20. Singing that song right along with you!! Such beautiful scenes and (of course!) you have captured them so well!

    Did you know about the former bridge before or after you trusted the new one? Yikes! And don't your people know that they're not supposed to leave the safety of the bridge?! Yikes again. (My people do the same sort of things. I think they like to see Mom squirm.) :)

  21. Absolutely breathtaking views!! I so enjoyed your photos today!

  22. That view deserved all those photos! So pretty!

  23. What a beautiful spot on earth. Your pictures capture a glimpse of what it must have been like for you. I can imagine the cool air, the rush of the water, and the mist on your face. Beautiful...beautiful...

    1. Speaking of beautiful...another gorgeous header! I think you make the most beautiful ones!

  24. I'd love to walk along that beautiful! I would be snapping away, too. So much beauty there to capture! How Great Thou Art is a favorite hymn of mine. I sing it a lot when I'm driving and gazing at the beauty of nature.

  25. What a lovely place to visit. Your pictures are beautiful. And yes, such scenery points to our wonderful Creator God.

  26. I'd love to take a walk there. What a great foot bridge over the water!!
    How Great Thou Art is my favorite too!!

  27. Beautiful photos!! Our favorite place is the hills of Tennessee...we have family that lives down there. I'm sure I will hear those hills calling me sometime this year.

  28. I'm crazy about fences. Your pictures are breathtaking! I would love to be there.

  29. A favorite hymn of mine, too. Good job on snap snap snapping those beautiful scenes! I like the rocky river. Yes, the new bridge does look a bit more sturdy!

  30. Hi Debby! I look at all those stairs and think, "Oh my knees!" I am a little jealous that you can walk up and down as you do. And sunshine! There's something we haven't seen for a while. I love that! It's only 12 degrees today, overcast to boot.

    The newer fences look a lot more sturdy than the old ones, phew! What fun to experience them with family too.
    Sunday blessings,

  31. Oh every photo is extraordinary...just beautiful!

    I would not want to have seen the collapsed bridge before crossing the new one, lol! :)

    1. I found out that old bridge was built in the late 50's! It was time for a new one :)

  32. Wow! The view, the fences, the bridge, the just breath taking!

    Thank you for snapping away, I really enjoyed the visit. :)

    Enjoy your week, oh and that's my favorite hymn!

    Hugs, Amy

  33. Wow! The view, the fences, the bridge, the just breath taking!

    Thank you for snapping away, I really enjoyed the visit. :)

    Enjoy your week, oh and that's my favorite hymn!

    Hugs, Amy

  34. Debby, just where I want to be right now.....nature. Your pictures of the Smoky Mountains are terrific. There's something about bridges that appeal to me. No, not too afraid of them unless they are really high from the ground. The river looks so pretty in these pictures. I think my favorite picture was the charming walkway with the rocks.

    Have a splendid week, and now I want to get a little nature myself.


  35. My soul is singing, friend!

    These are simply lovely photos. What a beautiful and tranquil hike. I could feel and smell and hear all that you experienced - and it brought a sense of peace to my morning. Thank you for sharing this beautiful place...


    (Bridges are fences with floors - too funny! Or are they floors with attached fences?! And, How Great Thou Art was my grandmother's favorite hymn.)

  36. I am so very glad to have found your blog... I loved your pictorial sharing of the beautiful mountains and the fence lines, and the rebuilt bridge... and oh the view from the mountains - love it all! You have a great eye for capturing the beauty before your eyes, and sharing it. I think the fence/floor analogy is a great one!

    Have a blessed day... happy to have met you! :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.