Monday, January 25, 2016


1. A disorderly fight, argument, or competition in which everyone present participates.
2. A disorderly situation in which there is very little regard for authority of rules.
synonyms: brawl, fight, scuffle, confrontation, clash, altercation, fray, fracas, melee, rumpus, disturbance
I guess you could say it was a little of all the above.
That's just the way those little birds roll...especially when it snows.
And speaking of snow, we didn't get that pretty, stick-to-everything-it-touches kind of snow.
It started out that way and then after about one inch, turned to sleet.
Before it was all said and done, we had about 3-4 inches of hard sleet on the ground.
The birds of course didn't know the difference, nor did they care.
All that concerned their little selves was getting their tummies matter what.

It was great fun watching them and I found it hard to stay away from the windows.

In fact, I did very little of anything else for nearly two whole days.
I didn't even color one page in my coloring book!
Jim was supposed to have been off but got called into work Thursday night before the snow came.
He had anticipated this...he knows how those ladies who help out at the group home are... 
...they refuse to drive anywhere when they see the first snowflake hit the ground! 
So, his weekend "off" became a weekend "on" as well as being snowed in with the other manager,
and their six little buddies, of course.
It was way too cold to be outside for more than a few moments... I washed the windows (I guess I did do something) set up my tripod, and enjoyed the show!

When Ms. Cardinal came on the scene, she promptly let the others know who was boss.

Two's company...

...and of course, three's a crowd.

There...that's more like it.
We have blue jays around and I hear them but rarely do I see one on the feeders.
Well let me tell you, I saw more of them on Friday than I have in a long time.

They don't stay in one spot for very long and you have to be quick...

...that is unless you can get them all together at one sitting, like these guys here.

There was a feeding frenzy going on at the deer corn feeder...
...a regular blue jay bonanza!
So then I went over to see what was going on out front.

Pretty much the same thing.

I sat and watched this little game that a red-bellied woodpecker and a male cardinal were playing.
The woodpecker would hide on one side of the feeder and peer around the edge,
and then jump in front of the cardinal, taking his spot.

The cardinal finally got enough and sent the woodpecker packing!

Some birdies just don't play fair.
So as the sleet slowly melts and things are getting back to normal,
I must get back to normal as well...whatever that is.
Oh, and stay tuned for more feathered friend posts...I took LOTS of photos.
Just thought I'd give you fair warning :)

Come and see what others are sharing at:

Mosaic Monday

The Enchanting Rose


  1. love the 'shake a tail feather' shots. :)

  2. Uh oh, looks like birds of a feather are flocking together, and jockeying for position!! Loved the photos, and your running commentary was quite amusing! I have lately spent a great deal of time lately watching the deer at our watering trough and mineral lick. Most of the time they get along, but every now and then there's a little battle of hierarchy that ensues. It's kinda funny when they raise their hooves at each other! I can almost hear them chattering, "Back off, buddy. This here *restaurant* belongs to me!"


  3. It had to be good to keep you from the coloring books! I enjoy watching the birds, too. I am blessed to have neighbors who feed them so I don't have to, but I still get a lot of activity in the tree just beyond our deck. It seems to be a bird condo. All that activity and I have yet to get a good photo. Not a one. I am in awe of all your excellent captures, most especially the cardinals.

  4. Oh wow! Bring on all the bird photos you have. These are wonderful and I found myself smiling through the whole post.That kind of action is better than any TV show,in my opinion.

  5. Oh I never get tired of watching the birds on the feeders. (I've taken a few through the window this week too.) You got some great shots and it's neat to see those little juncos! We mostly have goldfinches and bluebirds right now but we had a blue jay this week too..just one! lol Stay warm! Hugs!

  6. Our birds were hyperactive here too. Your photos are such fun. I can see you were mesmerized. It sounds like you had more ice/snow than we did. But we still don't have school tomorrow.

  7. Thanks for sharing all the great bird shots. Beautiful!

  8. I absolutely loved this post, sweet friend. I thoroughly enjoy watching birds and seeing your beautiful bird friends was a delight :)

    Have a wonderful week, Debby! Hugs to you!

  9. The birds inspired you to clean your windows. The birds entertained you while your hubby was gone for the weekend. The birds provided this delightful outlet for your art that you were willing to share with the rest of us. It was a win for the birds!!

  10. Oh I love this post. The birds are just gorgeous and i don't blame you inthe least foe watching them all day :)


  11. An amazing post, you have certainly got some patience to capture so many beautiful photos. The birds are a real delight and I would love to sit and watch them, in fact I had a day like that yesterday but my photography skills are not as good as yours.

  12. You know how to take advantage of bird play at your feeders Debby and have captured some amazing shots. When I was counting birds for Project Feeder Watch I got to know what time they would appear at my feeders and would lie in wait, camera ready.
    If you ever get a chance to read the book The Bird Detective by Bridget Stutchbury, you'll love finding out about various bird species behaviour.

  13. I can relate to doing nothing for two whole days except bird watching. Sounds like the perfect activity when you're stuck inside and the feeders are active. And, there was such a nice variety of birds to watch, too. I'm looking forward to more bird pictures!

  14. these are great, i'd stand at the window all day too!

  15. Hi Debby! I know what you mean about those cardinals. They look so much bigger and stronger than the other birds. I guess they know that too!
    We only have rare sightings of blue jays, so this was a treat. I love my bird feeder! I can watch the birds in good weather, but in the snow and cold, I can't because the feeder is outside the 3 season room.
    Your photos are a good substitute :)
    Be careful in all that ice and sleet!

  16. Hi, Debby. I'm visiting from Roses of Inspiration. I love your birdie photos. I have a bird feeder and love to watch them come and fight for a seat at the "table". I have a red cardinal couple who come regularly. Have a blessed day. Hope the weather is better for you now.

  17. Your pictures are awesome! It is great that you are able to take such great pictures from inside! I wish I could do that, but our bird feeders are a bit far from the house. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of the blue jays, and cardinals. I haven't' seen any of those at our bird feeder. Our stellar jay (a cousin of the blue jay) left around November. I would love to see some red cardinals. Right now at my bird feeder there are turkeys eating the leftovers that the birds drop as they feed. It is so fun to watch them. I really enjoyed your post today :)

  18. ooooh you captured some really awesome action shots!!! and you are a "birdie", me too!!! i see all of these beautiful birds at my feeders as well!!

  19. There is no better way to spend the day! We are having way too many starlings, cowbirds and house sparrows. We still get doves, chickadees, titmouse, red-bellied woodpecker, goldfinches, etc, but those others get the majority of the food just because there are so many of them.

  20. Hi, I came from Roses of Inspiration! ... your photos are really lovely!!!
    I love birds!
    What an amazing wonder of nature!

  21. Debby these are fabulous free for all shots! The birds are wonderful. Sorry to hear you had all that sleet. We had many inches of sleet around the new year and then some snow....hope it melts for you soon.

    and LivingFromHappiness

  22. I love birds (although Blue Jays can be mean), and your pics are wonderful!

  23. Love all these photos of the birds! I love them so much and enjoy them in my yard too. I'm new to your blog and it is lovely. I was reading your about you section. I was born in MD. but my husband's company moves us a lot, he's in management. My oldest daughter was born in NC, we lived in Md. and my youngest was born in PA and a little over a year ago we moved to Ohio, also job related. I'm not a fan of the weather here, lol. But I loved living in NC. People are so very kind there. I'm joining your followers list and looking forward to visiting again. Have a great afternoon.


  24. Girl! You've got some serious photog skills there my friend! Pretty pictures! Did you see the forecast this weekend? 60's! Almost 70 next week! Crazy...

  25. Wow. You had a lot of fun taking bird pictures. They are great Debby! I'm glad things are back to normal there weather wise. We had a very mild day today - above freezing - and even a bit of rain this afternoon so the snow melted down a bit. Turning cold again tomorrow but it was a nice reprieve. Have a great week!

  26. Wow your bird photos are terrific. Great shots. Love the blue jays - such pretty colorful birds.
    Ice is bad. I'd rather have a couple feet of snow than an inch of ice!!

  27. Terrific photos. I love to watch the birds. They certainly are competitive. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  28. You really captured some great movement!

  29. very cool pics of them with their wings spread out... our cardinals rule the feeder until the big blackbirds come out

  30. Hello, wonderful variety of yardbirds and beautiful images. Happy Wednesday!

  31. Hi Debby, you captured the best yardbird photos. Love the action shots. You are so talented with your camera. I know I've said that before, but you truly are my friend. I can only hope to improve!! Have a great day. xo

  32. We got 7 beautiful inches of snow here -- but by the next morning it had all melted because it rained all night! Kind of depressing! We enjoyed it while it lasted though!

    I love all your beautiful pictures of the birds! You got some really good shots!

  33. Wow! What wonderful photos. You captured the motion wonderfully!

  34. Oh Debby! I continue to be amazed at your incredible captured this beautiful birdies wonderfully...I feel like I was right there watching them with you through your pictures! The colours of those birds...ah, what an amazing Creator we have - He must have had such fun making them! I love how we can enjoy His masterpieces...:-)
    Have a blessed week further...thinking of you!

  35. Each and EVERY ONE of your photos are fabulous Debby.

  36. great pictures, Debby! You captured some great moments. I love to watch the birds come to my feeder. So entertaining!

  37. These are great shots of the birds visiting your yard, Debby. Wonderful motion! Glad the storm didn't hit too hard.

  38. Debby, I absolutely love your bird and feeder photos!!! We love bird watching here. And the kind of hard crusty snow you're talking about is horrible! I am always happy to see others feeding and enjoying the birds.

  39. Hi Debby! Oh, my, you have really become a marvelous photographer! You could do this for a living and sell your snaps. I just love seeing what you take snaps of. Thank you so much for popping in to see me and your encouraging words.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  40. I love feeding the birds and see the beautiful varieties. You have captured them so wonderfully! (I washed windows this week too - now it is blowing and raining so they won't stay that way for long...such is life...)

  41. Ah so cute. I wish we have this at home.

  42. I do enjoy feeding the birds at our home too! We don't have cardinals here. I think they are so pretty.

  43. Debby you have some amazing captures here ! :)

  44. Debby you have some amazing captures here ! :)

  45. What a joy to see all the birds around your neck of the woods. They are a bit different than the birds we see here. The blue jay there looks like it has stripes on its feathers, ours are just solid blue. And your red bellied woodpecker is called the red-headed woodpecker here, and it's head is a pretty red. They are quite stunning birds, and I see them all the time. Thanks for these amazing bird pictures, Debby. Oh my, there's the red cardinal again. :)


  46. Such fun! While many of your birds are different from mine the adventures are sure similar! I love watching them from my kitchen window -- and now I get to watch yours, too! Thanks you!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.