Monday, February 1, 2016

A bird in the hand...

Happy February, everyone!
I can hardly believe January is already behind us.
So I told you there would be more birdie stories, didn't I?
Any of you who are facebook friends with me may have seen these photos.
Feel free to just click right on by :)
This happened a week ago, this past Sunday morning.
Church had been cancelled due to the sneet...y'all know what that is, right?
Okay, so I made it's my definition of a snow/sleet combo.
So anyway, there I was, still in my nightgown watching "I Love Lucy" and then...
It sounded like someone had shot out my kitchen window.
Of course, I knew immediately what had happened but I was afraid to look.
The sun had finally come out after about three days
and I'm sure the kitchen window looked just like an extension of the sky...
(even as dirty as it was)
Other times when this has happened, the outcome was not good.
Like I said, I was afraid to look...but I knew I needed to.
So I went out on the deck and peeked on the ground beneath the window and there she sat...
...looking surprisingly perky...but she wasn't going anywhere.

I approach with a gloved hand and she didn't even put up a fuss when I picked her up.

She looked perfect even after leaving all of those feathers on the glass.
She could flap one wing but the other one stayed put.
Having worked in a physical therapy setting for the past 30 years,
 I was inclined to check her out her range of motion, and it seemed to be fine.

What a cool thing it was to be holding her in my hand...
...but all I wanted for her was to be okay.

I brought her up to the deck and offered her some seed.

She wasn't interested.
I'm pretty sure she had flying on her mind, not food.

I had my point-n-shoot and awkwardly snapped photos with my gloves on,
some of them with my left hand.

I'd say we were close friends for about 15 minutes or so...

...and then off she flew from my hand to the tree branch above!
It was a bittersweet moment.

Having a bird in the hand might be better than having two in the bush, as that old saying goes,
but it surely isn't better than having one back in the tree where she belonged.
His eye really is on the sparrow...and the cardinal...
...and every other living, breathing creature He created.
And I know He watches me....and you!

And that makes me happy :)

Sharing at:


  1. Hello Debby, I am so glad there was a happy ending for the pretty cardinal. Wonderful collecion of photos. Happy February, enjoy your new week!

  2. Oh how sweet Debby, to be able to help that poor bird. Yes it was good to have it in your hand, and to be able to take those photo's.
    Enjoyable post.

  3. What an experience. Thank you for sharing.

  4. so glad she recovered! lovely few moments spent with her.

  5. Debbie!!! Wow, what incredible photographs! I can't believe you were able to get these grand shots! So happy she's okay. What a treat to experience this!


  6. So happy to year she recovered and took off flying. You got some great photos of her.

  7. Oh my! That is amazing. What beautiful coloring she has and I'm glad it was a happy ending. We've had to put streamers on our back glass door to try to keep them from hitting it. We have goldfinches that usually hit our windows. I hate to see them stunned. How nice of you to try to feed this one. Sweet hugs!

  8. Now that is truly amazing Debby! What a beautiful bird. I'm so glad she wasn't injured and was able to fly when ready.
    Truly magnificent!
    Enjoy your day!
    Hugs, Amy

  9. Now that is truly amazing Debby! What a beautiful bird. I'm so glad she wasn't injured and was able to fly when ready.
    Truly magnificent!
    Enjoy your day!
    Hugs, Amy

  10. Whilst I am thrilled you got these wonderful photos of the prettiest cardinal ever, I am sooooo glad she did fly off into the trees! I bet she does appreciate your gentleness!

  11. It is so sad when thst happens; thankfully the birds are usually ok. Gorgeous photos and such a sweet experience; even if only for a few moments!
    (Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME

  12. Oh Debby, what a precious and beautiful experience. I am ever so glad she was okay and I am tickled pink that you were able to enjoy this little beauty for a while :)

    Hugs to you!

  13. Debby, this is a charming, gentle post that brought a smile to my face. What a terrific story. The birdie is OK and you got some amazing photos. I saw your link at Cindy's Amaze Me Monday party. Ann Marie @ Iris Abbey

  14. What a beautiful memory of this special meeting!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  15. These photos are so beautiful!! My family and I have taken a care of quite a few injured birds. Aren't birds so amazing?
    Wonderful post Debby! I loved reading it and looking through the photos. Have a great day! :)

  16. What a sweet post and your photos are amazing, especially as you were one handed and engloved (is that a word, I had to type it three times to have it "accepted." :-)

  17. I was on the edge of my seat there for a moment. So glad this story had a happy ending! It was a great opportunity for you to get some birdie close-ups though. She is a beauty!!

  18. That is so special.I have held a few birds which flew into a window and I always feel like I have conquered the world when I can do this.Happy to hear that the end result was a bird that lived on to fly again.

  19. Oh my word, what a post - poor poor Mrs. Pretty Cardinal! She must really have been rattled - they are skiddish birds to be sure! Bless her sweet little heart, I am SO GLAD she was able to fly - I thought for sure you were going to tell us she broke that wing!

    I cannot believe you could hold her like that, just wow.

    Hugs from Finch Rest, where we really love birdies too. ♥♥♥

  20. Having Him watching over me and you makes me happy, too. =) Isn't she a pretty bird. Pretty amazing she sat on your hand for that time. 'Tis wonderful she could fly to continue her journey.

  21. Ah I am happy that she was okay in the end. What a special time you had with her, though, and beautiful shots to remember that by! How beautiful she is.

  22. What a beautiful story and such wonderful pictures. Deb (FLB) sent us over and I am glad she did. I grew up in Michigan with lots of cardinals. Now living in southern California I never see them anymore. So I truly enjoyed these. You get the Hero of the Day awaard for sure!

  23. Hi Debby! What a wonderful thing, to be able to hold a cardinal in your hand! The colors on the tail are so spectacular, aren't they? I'm so glad the bird recovered enough to fly away after giving you the thrill of a lifetime!

    Good thing you're so good at taking photo's one-handed!

  24. My sister, Kc, from Amaraland sent me the link to this post about your little cardinal friend. We feed birds on our deck & occasionally have to give love to someone who hits our windows. It's a blessing, isn't it? Thank you for letting her get her wits together safely in your loving hands. Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience with us!

    1. Thank you for dropping bye and for the kind words. It was a sweet experience! :)

  25. What a beautiful gift on a Sunday morning . . . or any morning! She sure was a little ball of beauty and how amazing that you could hold her for that long! An amazing reminder that indeed, His eye is always on the sparrow and I know he watches ME!

    1. It was the perfect gift on a Sunday, especially! It was something I will always remember and truly a reminder of how God watches out over all of his creations. Thank you for visiting and leaving such a lovely comment, Lauren!

  26. I am so glad she recovered....wonder if she will remember you?

  27. What an incredible moment to be a part of! And so awesome that you were able to get such beautiful pictures of her too! Have you seen her since? Oh, I just hate it when birds fly into the windows, as you are right, so often they don't make it. So thankful that you had those precious moments with her, and she was okay!!!! Enjoyed this post very much! Such an awesome moment to experience for sure!! :)

  28. What a close encounter of the sweetest kind. Hope she stays away from those reflections. What amazing colors she wears...I would not have realized without seeing these up-close pics.

  29. Oh my goodness Debby, how wonderful that the pretty Cardinal let you hold her like that for fifteen minutes. I've had cardinals do the very same thing into one of my windows, but they've never been injured. Yes, thankfully He watches over all of us!

  30. I did see them on FB but happy to see them again here and read more of the story. So grateful He watches over us.

  31. Hi dear Debby, your photos are simply beautiful!
    It seems to be an unforgetable experience admire a such nice bird so near!

  32. What gorgeous photos! Amazing detail in the mama cardinal. I can't believe you held her and got those great pictures. And haha, you crack me up with the range-of-motion thing!! Amazing shot of the feathers left on the window, too.
    Blessings to you Debby, Deborah

  33. Oh, I love happy endings! Poor little thing was just stunned for a few minutes and had to get her bearings. Love your pretty photos of her!

  34. How blessed you are to have this lovely bird in your hand! And your camera, too, at just the right time. Lovely photos.

  35. Ahhhhhh! Poor thing! I love birds and hope she is ok! Beautiful pictures !

    1. I hope so too...we have so many I doubt that I could recognize her again...unless, that is, if she just flew up to me and landed on my hand :) Now, wouldn't that be cool?

  36. Oh this just makes me happy! I would love to have a bird in the hand!! I'm so glad she's o.k. Last year a hummingbird flew into our family room window. I ran out in a big hurry and saw it lying on the ground in our window well. My heart sank. But then before I knew it she was off and buzzing around. I guess it just stunned her.

  37. Oh Debbie, this just touches my heart. I love that this sweet cardinal was okay and maybe just needed a bit of love while she gathered her strength after that hard hit on the window. How special she was not afraid and sat in your hand so cozy. You gave her comfort and she sensed you could be trusted. What a wonderful blessing and something that will stay with you forever. So glad you got such amazing photos. God gives us such amazing gifts!!
    Blessings to you. xo

  38. Oh yes, this would be bitter sweet for me too. You want SO much for the little mama cardinal to be okay, but such an amazing blessing to have her resting on your hand. Just amazing. I hope she will be okay. We have two pairs of cardinals who come to our yard every morning and evening. They're absolutely my favorites. Love the precious photos, Debby!

  39. Hello Debbie! Amazing post! Stunning photos! I love the little bird it's a pity I had never saw one here. Thanks for sharing this lovely story! Visiting from Roses of Inspiration Link Party.
    Enjoy your end of week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  40. With that amount of feathers on the window I am surprised, but very happy your little cardinal survived to sit in your hand Debby. I had put butterfly clings with prisms on our back kitchen window but they only last a couple of years. I'm going to look for the spider web clings that work much better and last forever. It breaks my heart when a feathered friend bounces off a window and dies.

  41. I think I missed these pics on Facebook Debby. How sweet that this lady cardinal let you pick her up and check her over. I'm glad it was a good outcome for her. You got some really great pics!

  42. Debby, a bird in your hand, and it was the wonderful Cardinal! These pictures are gorgeous. I can't believe you took them with one hand and the bird in the other. Great job. To see a cardinal up close like that would be a dream for me. That must have startled you hearing that bang on the window, but to your surprise you received a gift that day.


  43. I saw it on facebook but I love love love all of these wonderful photos!!! God sure blessed us with his beautiful creations. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!! Love and hugs my friend!!

  44. Oh Debby, I loved this. We also have birds that fly into our windows a lot. And I'm like you, I immediately run to the window to see if somebody's there on the ground. A lot of times, to my great relief, the bird has already flown off. Sometimes they're just sitting there stunned. (Hubby tells me that if they're sitting up, that's a good sign that they'll recover). But, too many times than I'd like to count, we have a sweet little body to bury. It breaks my heart.

    But yes, like you, it does remind me that God cares for each and every creature He's made. And if one little bird matters to Him, then I matter all the more.

    That's sweet news...


  45. I am so glad she was okay after being stunned like that. Those are amazing photos you got...she looks so calm and seems to know you mean her no harm.

    Warm hugs,

  46. What a beautiful bird! Glad she is ok, and glad you got to share a few moments with her. His Eye is on the Sparrow is such a beautiful song! And awesome the you were watching I Love Lucy! There are so many hilarious episodes, but "Job Switching" is probably my favorite one!

  47. How beautiful. We don't have cardinals where I live, and seeing those pictures and reading your story brought them to my world today. Thank you!

  48. Awwww! What a cute little bird. I hope it's okay. The pictures are very beautiful. That must've been so cool to hold him. :)
    Love in Christ,

  49. Like touching the hand of God, when I have collected these little friends up in my hands to hold a few minutes and then hopefully release back into nature. I have had to being using those reflectors stick on things on the windows that help them from not hitting the windows. very nicely done, beautiful one, so happy this one made it~

  50. Oh Debby, what a touching post. The bird is just beautiful. I love all the colors on her feathers. What a treat to get to hold that little creature in your hand.
    Thanks for sharing this sweet story.

  51. What a lovely experience. To hold such a wild creature in your hand is a gift. I'm glad she was able to fly away.

  52. I know that sound. The pigeons are the only ones that fly into our window. The imprint they leave behind makes one wonder how they didn't break their neck. The rest of the birds head for the trees, but pigeons head for the roof, or their utility line across the street. Usually, they're just stunned for a little while. Glad your cardinal was OK.

  53. Debby I am SO thankful that you visited my blog as this was truly just a wonderfully inspiring post. What an amazing experience.
    I would love for you to link this moving story up next Thursday, February 11th as a new gathering of women is beginning on Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Each post will be eligible for entry of our kickoff giveaway celebration.

  54. It's not every day that you get to hold a wild bird. So cool!

  55. Oh, Debby. How precious. You know how the bird speaks to me and that is one of my favorite songs. I love the way you look at life. You are such a blessing, my friend.

  56. What an amazing story, I'm so glad she was okay. It must have been such a thrill to have a cardinal in your hand.

  57. What an amazing story, I'm so glad she was okay. It must have been such a thrill to have a cardinal in your hand.

  58. She's so pretty! Can I keep her? :P
    Lovely shots and beautiful story.


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