Monday, February 8, 2016

Springtime on My Table

Another weekend flew by way too quickly and Monday is again upon us!
I do hope your weekend was a good one.
So according to the weather man,
we are to have some of the coldest temperatures of the winter this week.
Well...after all, it is still only early February...
...and we know what comes in February, many times right around Valentine's Day.


They say we may get a little of it this week, although I'm rather doubtful...
...but I do have fond memories of that snowy Valentine's Day a couple of years ago.
But though it may be cold outside, it's springtime on my dining room table!

Leave it to my sweet hubby to bring me fresh flowers.

And on a regular basis, I might add.
You can believe me when I tell you it's not because I am this awesome wife... fact, many times I feel quite unworthy.
(another post for another time :))
The pink carnations were actually left over from the last bunch.
Carnations do seem to last forever...

...well, maybe not forever but you know what I mean :)
As much as I wouldn't mind seeing another bit of snow,
these lovely pastel shades were screaming SPRING to me loud and clear...

...and the anticipation of fresh new life and everything else that accompanies the season.

As fast as time flies, it will be here before we know it!

So as we all patiently wait, have a fabulous week! 
(I guess I should be getting rid of these snowflakes soon, huh?)
Linking with:

Mosaic Monday

The Enchanting Rose


  1. Hello, what a lovely flower arrangement. Beautiful post and images. Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Beautiful flowers! I can't wait until spring comes to stay (at least for a little while) and winter is finally over. :D

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

  3. A man does not take flowers to one he does not think the world of. What a keeper he is! I am sure you deserve all the flowers you receive.

  4. Amazing pictures. Those flowers are so beautiful.There is no doubt in my mind,but that you deserve them.Enjoy and treasure these gifts.

  5. It is supposed to be the coldest here too this weekend. Those flowers are stunning...and perfect for February!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  6. Your photos are so vivid, I think I can actually smell the flowers!! Just beautiful!

    Debby, thank you for the reminder that Spring is just around the corner. And I have to say, your hubby is a romantic fool - but his wife is worth it, I promise!


  7. Your photos are wow! So beautiful!

  8. Oh, Debby - your bouquet is gorgeous, and it sure DOES say SPRING! : - )

    I also really love your pitcher your pretty flowers are in!]

    Well try to stay warm and dry - warmest mildest winter of my entire life - no complaints here! Ohio is usually unbearable!

    Have a wonderful week full of love! (Sounds like you get it year round, and you are a most worthy amazing wife who deserves lovely things!) Hugs! ♥♥♥

  9. Oh, Debby - your bouquet is gorgeous, and it sure DOES say SPRING! : - )

    I also really love your pitcher your pretty flowers are in!]

    Well try to stay warm and dry - warmest mildest winter of my entire life - no complaints here! Ohio is usually unbearable!

    Have a wonderful week full of love! (Sounds like you get it year round, and you are a most worthy amazing wife who deserves lovely things!) Hugs! ♥♥♥

  10. There's nothing like the blessing of a good husband, especially one who brings flowers for no reason, except he loves me. Yours are gorgeous.

  11. Hi Debby! Oh, the flowers are just beautiful and what lovely snaps you've taken of them.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  12. Such pretty flowers! I'd say you have an awesome husband who thinks you're awesome, too.

  13. Hi Debby :) The flowers are beautiful! My husband bought me a bouquet of spring flowers last week and it has me wanting to see Spring outside! It's still only 60 here in Texas, which is cold to us :)

  14. I am 'saying' right now, this is such a lovely post...with the beautiful pink blossoms, AND I MEAN it!!! Absolutely gorgeous.

  15. really nice! stay warm if you can!

  16. Oh those flowers are just beautiful and a perfect time to get them in the winter. : )
    What a nice husband you have!!

  17. Your flowers look so nice and I bet they smell great too!

  18. Hi Debby, Loved your beautiful photos. Your flowers are lovely and speaking spring to me too. So inspiring to see them. How sweet of your hubby to gift them to you on a regular bases. He loves you and it shows in the blooms.
    Stay safe and warm in the cold and snow. Blessings xo

  19. Lovely flowers in your bouquet Debby, I bought myself some lavender mums today at Publix. Quite the artistic collages and macro shots, love pink flowers too.

  20. Your flowers are just soooo pretty. We have 60 degree weather this week. Our spring seems to have come early. I think we only had snow one time in February here. I can't imagine living with such cold temps for so long.
    Stay warm.

  21. They are just so springlike!!! I love them.

  22. How nice, Debby. The flowers are so fresh and cheerful. The best snow is the one that doesn't last long. Lol I'm more experienced in the everlasting snow variety. xo

  23. How nice, Debby. The flowers are so fresh and cheerful. The best snow is the one that doesn't last long. Lol I'm more experienced in the everlasting snow variety. xo

  24. Spring time...yes please! I am so ready for colors and warm sunshine. ☺
    It has been very cold here and I am ready for something else. Did I mention warmer?
    I love your flowers...they are so pretty! I've been hinting for flowers for my birthday, but I think I have a better chance at buying them myself.
    I hope you have a lovely week and Happy Valentine's Day!
    Hugs, Amy

  25. Spring time...yes please! I am so ready for colors and warm sunshine. ☺
    It has been very cold here and I am ready for something else. Did I mention warmer?
    I love your flowers...they are so pretty! I've been hinting for flowers for my birthday, but I think I have a better chance at buying them myself.
    I hope you have a lovely week and Happy Valentine's Day!
    Hugs, Amy

  26. Oooooo...that is a springtime tease for sure!! Your husband is a thoughtful guy and he must have an eye for beauty. That bouquet is gorgeous!!

  27. Beautiful flowers and beautiful colors!

  28. The colors, flowers, and photos are beautiful!

  29. How lovely and cheery!
    And sweet of that hubby. Mine does the same. Years and years ago I was telling my mom I wished he wouldn't because we couldn't afford that luxury. She said "don't you ever tell him to stop! Just enjoy the gift and let him show how much he loves you!" Wise words.

    1. Hey...that's pretty good advice! I think I'll take it :)

  30. Hi Debby! What beautiful colors, set off by the white pitcher. (If you want snow, you can drop by today. We just got about an inch!) How sweet of your husband to keep those flowers coming. It's Valentines Day every day at your house :)
    Have a fun Fat Tuesday!

  31. Oh what a sweet hubby! (I did a typo at first. I typed sweet "huggy." I bet he's that too! What a precious man you have. The table is beautiful. I'll take the pitcher and bowl off your hands if you'd like:) Your photos only get better and better. The table, almost as lovely as you.

  32. Beautiful flowers and you have them displayed so perfectly in the white pitcher and bowl....sweet hubby, too!

    Warm hugs,

  33. Wonderful flowers and photos, Debby! I can even smell your spring ^_^
    Happy Valentin!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  34. Hi Debby & what beautiful flowers! They are pastel perfection & definitely promise more beauty in the coming weeks! Oh to have patience!
    Have a blessed week!

  35. Oh the thought of spring - you capture it so beautifullly.

  36. You always take such beautiful close ups. And how neat to take one from the back of the flower...I love it! Enjoy your week. Hugs, Diane

  37. Your bouquet is so beautiful with it's spring colours. I love the photos and collages you did. What program makes such cute collages Debby? Hugs. Pam

  38. There's nothing like a bouquet of pretty pink flowers on the dining table to keep our spirits up as we wait for spring. A very pretty post.

  39. Gorgeous flowers! And wonderful photography and creative mosaic! I saw this before and thought I commented but apparently not! Are you enjoying this cold weather? (I am). And we know it won't last long.

  40. Hello Dear, Yes when your Hubby brings me flowers I tell him how wonderful of him and how much it has blessed me! Yes, Spring is coming as I know we will have more snow, but to be reminded that it is coming is wonderful!
    Hugs, Roxy

    Love, Roxy

  42. Beautiful flowers and such a lovely way to present them

  43. Those are some pretty flowers, Debby. They look great in all the little frames. Your header of roses are also lovely.

  44. Soft, delicate, dainty, and oh-so-beautiful, my friend. The pastel colors of your flowers brought a smile to my face :)

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspriation. Have a lovely Valentine's Day! Hugs to you, dear one!

  45. Dearest Debby~~It was time for me to pop over and see your loveliness, and loveliness in deed! That gorgeous bouquet certainly shouts out spring!
    Your dear husband has picked beauty that reflects you. :-)
    I stand in awe of your graceful photography. Gorgeous!!

    I went to see your "snowy Valentine's Day" and that heart shaped cheery drop was awesome. When I first saw it I thought you did it on purpose, and those snowflakes were something else. Only our Great Creator has the ability to design such beauty.

    It was so good to visit with you, my friend.
    I am still enjoying my time sitting at the feet of Jesus. January was all that I had prayed for, and February has been just as wonderful.
    My return will be when the Lord directs, until then I am resting in His care.

    Have a beautiful Valentine's and much love to you.

    Blessings~~ Debbie

  46. Your pretty flowers speak loudly that spring will soon show up! A nice treat from your love : )

  47. Your flowers and your photos of them are beautiful! Hope you are staying warm and that spring arrives quickly!

  48. Beautiful flowers; you've captured them in great detail amazingly. Such a lovely and thoughtful gift :-)

    Sharing snapshots at Captured By Jade

  49. Still loving those pretty flowers and wish you a Happy Valentine's Day!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  50. The flowers are so beautiful and gorgeous colors. Happy Valentine's Day!

  51. A gorgeous bouquet, Debby! Hubby is a keeper :-)

  52. Spring on my screen, on this coldest day of winter so far! Your bouquet is stunning, Debby, and you've complemented it with such beautiful mosaics! I'm sure you are very deserving of your husband's sweet gesture!

    Happy Valentine's Day, my friend!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.