Saturday, February 13, 2016

♥Happy Valentine's Day♥ (courtesy of Walmart)

I rushed out on Friday to get bread and milk before it's all gone!
Around here, you'd better get it while you can...
...before that 1/4 inch of snow or whatever that we're expecting hits the pavement!
(actually, I didn't even buy milk or bread)


So while I was out at Wally World getting what I needed,
I was bombarded by lovely Valentine's gifts the moment I walked through the doors.
I don't necessarily even need to receive anything to enjoy it...I just like looking!

Trusty little camera in hand, I took these photos just for you, my friends!

Can you believe that as I was lurking around all of these lovely items with my camera,
the employees were already moving the V-Day stuff into the clearance section?

It was all I could do to act as though I was shopping...they were in my way!
Do you know how hard it is to be inconspicuously taking photos with all that going on??

It wasn't easy.

I did see a few people looking at me out of the corner of their eye...
...and then they'd suddenly look down when I caught them....tee-hee...
"Why is that weirdo lady taking pictures of candy and flowers?"

Let me tell you, they had some bee-yoo-tee-full flowers!

And I wouldn't have minded if one of my sweet grandsons would have gotten me this...

or this.

I just wonder what they do with all of the leftovers.

There's no doubt there has to be tons of them!
And I have never seen so many ways to package so much candy...

...but here's my favorite...

Cute, huh??
Oh, and we can't forget about these...

there were plenty of these as well :)


But you know, all kidding aside...

Valentine's Day is about so much more than hearts, flowers and candy, isn't it?
I was reminded about that this week by a sweet young woman that many of us know and love.
Kelly-Anne who blogs at Beautiful Girlhood wrote this post which truly touched my heart.
As I read it with tears in my eyes, I realized that even at my age, 
I still have such a long way to go on my daily love walk. 
If you haven't read her post, it is quite powerful...and the girl is only 18 years old!
 I printed out Kelly-Anne's post and stuck it in my Bible.


 So with that being said, let me take this opportunity to ask you all to...

and to have a very...

♥♥♥ Much love to all!! ♥♥♥

Sharing at:
Mosaic Monday


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you.I like to wait until after this day and then buy myself some half-priced flowers for photo props.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you also! Amazing photos even for Walmart! ☺
    Its not all about the candy and flowers and we definitely need to have our heart right and a strong love for God.
    Its still means a lot to me, since I am a Valentines baby! So I get double blessed! ☺

    I'll probably go get me some of those half priced flowers this week. This girl needs some color!

    Enjoy your Valentine's Day!
    Hugs, Amy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Will definitely be following your link...

    I was just shopping today because I discovered that the Valentines mailed two days ago in my own hometown and going to my hometown grands had not arrived. Grrrr... There was nothing left on the shelves. All the Valentine's candy was replaced with Easter candy. Unbelievable! I resorted to a bag of Hershey's kisses and called it good.

  5. Happy Valentine's Day to you, Debby! The flowers you photographed in Walmart are so pretty. I didn't do any Valentine's shopping this year - oh, except for a boating magazine for my husband. But I did make some little Valentine's for my grand-babies.
    Have a great day, full of God's love!

  6. Lol, I am trying to picture someone in Wally World taking photos of the Valentine's items. Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  7. Oh I love this post and all your 'Walmart' photos and collages. Just sweet. Yes, I'll be your Valentine Debby. :) Enjoy your day and have a blessed week. I'm going to visit the blog you mentioned now. xx Pam

  8. Haha! Your post made me laugh because I've had those same stares. Do they not know that bloggers are always looking for post photos??

  9. Hi Debby! Happy Valentines' Day to you my friend! (I will check out your friends post too.) A waltz through 'Wally World' is always good for inspiration and a little fun. Did you get anything for your hubby?
    We went out for breakfast, and then to a church in a neighboring town to see an exhibition of the Shroud of Turin. So interesting! Now I'm home, and I'm staying here. We're getting snow now, should only be 1-3 inches, but it's slippery :(
    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  10. Lovely mosaics....I would have left with bunches of flowers! Wouldn't be able to help myself.

  11. Pretty Valentine pictures. : )
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. Sweet post, Debby....Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

  13. Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day! Those flowers are beautiful. I wondered the same thing, as I ran to the grocery store for a few things Saturday and was surprised at how many vases of pink flowers and candy displays were still loaded.

  14. Those tulips are so pretty. I hope you and your sweetheart had a lovely Valentine's day.

  15. Wonder if you're getting any snow. Nothing here but some rain and ice coming, so they say. What a fun post … lots of pretty valentine stuff. Better to photograph it than buy it, huh? The roses are gorgeous and I love your header--not sure if it's new or not.

    "Enjoy" the storm!

  16. I am just trying to picture you sneaking those photos! Looks like they had a really good selection of Valentine's Day gifts available. It does make you wonder what happens to the flowers that don't sell. I would love to think they are donated to a local nursing home or women's shelter. Happy week to you - be safe in the snow.

  17. Happy Valentine's Day a day late! Love your pictures!

  18. I noticed today that Walmart has tons of flowers left over and many are starting to look sad. The Easter decor and candies were certainly rushed out quickly, weren't they?
    Too funny to read about panic over a small snowfall - try getting 2-4 feet at once! :-)
    Kelly-Anne's post is a down to earth lesson about loving those we don't want to, very well written.

  19. Ooooo, I would love that jeweled heart for myself, it's so pretty. You know, sometimes I find the cutest and original things at Walmart. I didn't realize they had a terrific selection of flowers. Your picture of the pink and red roses is very nice. I was just telling myself that I want to check out Walmart soon for the spring goodies.

    Have a wonderful week, Debby.


  20. I am giggling imagining my friend Debby stalking the Walmart employees with her handy-dandy camera. :D
    But really, Walmart should pay you to take such lovely photos for their advertisements!

  21. Debby, this is such a pretty post. The photos are great! I'm laughing because I try to sneak photos too and everyone gives me the eye. Now, I just go ahead and ask, "Do you mind if I take some shots. I blog and would like to feature your display." Hee! Hee! Makes me sound like a professional and my husband would say, "A hypocrite." Seriously, these are great! I wonder why the kids and grandkids don't think like we do. I would proudly wear, "Mom" or "Grandma," anything. Even a T shirt!

  22. I am a little late reading this but...what a pretty Valentine Day post! and from Walmart! Who would have thought about doing that. I laughed about the employees getting in your way.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.