Monday, February 22, 2016

100 Days (and counting)

One. Hundred. Days.

When you compare it to a lifetime, it really isn't long at all.
Just a little over three months is a relatively short period of time for most of us, I'd say.

When you consider it is only 2400 hours, 144000 minutes and the seconds as they tick away...'s actually just a minute increment of time in the grand scheme of things.

However, when the 100 days (and counting) are relating to one's sobriety,
well...that's a different story entirely.

This past weekend we were reminded of that by our first born.
You should have heard how proud he was to be able to say those words!
One hundred days of sober living is quite an accomplishment,
especially when you can't remember how long it's been since you could make that statement.
He is at the half-way point in his program and learning so many good things.

He's learning how to love and forgive himself.

He's learning how to give and receive God's mercy and grace.

He's learning how to draw strength from Jesus to get him day at a time.

He's learning how to do life a whole new way.

God is doing His thing and Aaron is doing his.
Thank you for your prayers, my friends.


Sharing at.
Roses of Inspiration


  1. This is such great news, Debby. I'm proud of him, too, and so happy for those who love him. Thoughts and prayers being sent his way.

  2. Isn't God good?! So happy that Aaron is on the road to healing. I know that makes your heart swell with joy. And the joy of the Lord is your strength for all that life hands you. And by the way, I love your photos! You're quite talented, you know.

  3. I'm so glad to hear that Aaron is sticking with the program. May God bless him with strength and grace for each day. I love the photos you shared today. Beautiful post. Have a wonderfully blessed week Debby.

  4. I will add him to my prayer list as he continues on this victory path. I know you are proud of his progress. This is such an uplifting post and beautifully illustrated.

  5. Debby, this is incredible to hear. That is such a significant step for your son and I pray that the next 100 days are just as fruitful. It's no simple ting, turning around your life like that. I am glad to hear he is leaning on Christ for his strength. Praise God!

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

  6. Awesome! To God be the glory. I pray that each day will bring him another victory,whether big or small,but another step closer to where God wants him to be.

  7. Well done Aaron. Prayers coming your way for the next 100, though I know you can only look at 'one day at a time'. Prayers with you as well Debby.


  8. Dearest Debby, I have tears in my eyes over this wonderful news!! A few years ago I walked with a good friend of mine as she watched her son spiral into addiction. The pain was unspeakable. And then, I also got to watch her joy as he began (and has stayed on) his journey of sobriety. I celebrate this most momentous occasion with you. And my momma heart hugs yours in joy.


  9. Dear Debby, thanks so much for sharing this update on your son's progress! Wonderful to mark this 100 days!
    God bless him in the next 100!

  10. That is such wonderful news to hear!! : ) Prayers will continue here for you and Aaron.

  11. Oh Debby, what a beautiful story and precious testimony! I am thrilled for your son and his progress. May the Lord continue to strengthen him as he pushes on.

    Love and hugs to you!

  12. AWESOME!!!

    Sending up prayers for him - for you as his supportive network - now.

    Hope he stays the course - that is really great news and you have reasons to be full of joy about this, Deb. Hugs!

  13. Yahoo! God is awesome! Yay Aaron! That is great news. Beautiful post Debby...
    Taking that concept of time really changes things! ☺

    Hugs to you!

  14. Yahoo! God is awesome! Yay Aaron! That is great news. Beautiful post Debby...
    Taking that concept of time really changes things! ☺

    Hugs to you!

  15. Hi Debby, Congrats to your son on his 100 days of sobriety. What an accomplishment and I know you are so thankful. God is so good. Prayers for your son as he goes forward. Lovely post with incredible photos!! Blessings to you and yours! xo

  16. Hi Debby, Congrats to your son on his 100 days of sobriety. What an accomplishment and I know you are so thankful. God is so good. Prayers for your son as he goes forward. Lovely post with incredible photos!! Blessings to you and yours! xo

  17. Debby, this is a beautiful post, and simply wonderful news about your son. I am so happy for you both.

  18. This is marvelous, Debbie. Thanks be to God!

  19. Rejoicing with you and Aaron! :) The old hymn comes to mind, Victory in Jesus. Such good news!

  20. One hundred days of grace...a precious gift! This story tugs at the heartstrings!

  21. Isn't HIS Grace and Mercy simply amazing!!???!!! How wonderful for him and for you !!!!!!!

  22. This is wonderful news...I have wondered how things were going. I will keep praying.

  23. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy to read this today. I'll keep you guys in prayer. Hugs!

  24. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy to read this today. I'll keep you guys in prayer. Hugs!

  25. Debby, that is great that your son has made it through these tough times. May God be with him through this journey. Can I just tell you that your photos are beautiful. I'm wondering how you get the soft look on the watch pictures? And the last verse is wonderful.


  26. wonderful news!!! for him, it is a lifetime, he has much to be proud of!!!!

  27. and these images are especially poignant and beautiful!!!!

  28. Oh Debby, your post brought tears to my eyes, with the words...grace, mercy and forgiveness. What important words those are for your dear son. Congratulations to him and I know how proud you are. May prayers continue to help him on his journey. God bless him!

  29. Wow. That is amazing -- Being in ministry for over 20 years with my husband, we have seen first hand how difficult this is so I know what an accomplishment and milestone this is. Beautiful post -- and encouraging to anyone struggling with any type of addiction.

  30. I have to agree with Kitty, Debbie. Almost every family I know is has been sadly touched by this problem. My brother has been sober for 2 years after a very long stay in the hospital. I'm so proud of him. You must feel that way about your son. Prayers for's a lifetime journey. Hugs.

  31. Is God not good! He makes all things beautiful IN HIS TIME. So proud of Aaron and so good for you to be vulnerable and share. We all really do need each other. Grace to give. Grace to receive. We all need it!

  32. What a beautiful post, Debby. Congratulations to Aaron. And now the next 100. This has got to be tough, but you're so right, God is there with daily mercy and grace for all who ask. Keep up the good work, Aaron.

  33. That is just awesome news, Debby! Sounds like you've had some tough times to deal with, just as we have with our youngest daughter, who is now doing very well...Praise God! Goes to prove how faithful God really just have to be patient and TRUST HIM!

  34. Oh dear Debby! I am just praising the Lord with you for this glorious victory in your son's life, and I will add him to my prayer list, because I have faith that what the Lord has begun in Him, He will finish, and a miraculous change in your son's life! To God be the glory for this!!! Praising God with you!!!!!!

  35. That is truly an awesome accomplishment. Praise God!

  36. That is a great accomplishment! I'm sure you're very proud of him!


  37. Congratulations to both you and your son! That is certainly a HUGE accomplishment. Staying sober really is an everyday struggle for some people. I wish him continued success!

  38. That is wonderful, so happy for him and you as a parent to see him working through and God giving him that strength to do it one day and minute at a time!

  39. Very glad to read this. His load will be much lighter as Jesus lifts the load. All the very best to Aaron as he works it through.

  40. Prayers! Take care of yourself in the process!

  41. This is wonderful news!

  42. Oh, Debby, this post brings tears to my eyes. I'm so proud for your son and wish him complete success. I know your heart is so thankful. Your snaps are beautiful! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  43. Tears. Your photos are beautiful and your words tell a beautiful story.

    This is a beautiful post and I am praising God for this accomplishment! Grace!

  44. That is something to celebrate! Isn't it wonderful how the Lord forgives, and changes someone's life?!

  45. Beautiful post Debby. Beautiful photos. God is good. Blessings and congratulations to Aaron.
    Audrey Z.

  46. Hello lovely images and post. Congrats to your son, sending my prayers to you and your son. Good wishes for the next 100 days! Have a happy weekend!

  47. I'm so happy for you, Debby. The future must look so much brighter to you now.

  48. So happy for your son! Congratulations! Loved your photos as well--as I love clocks...and I keep plenty of calendars handy too!

  49. Hi Debby! YAY!!!!!! 100 important days. 100 days of struggle and strength and tears... and that probably describes your last 100 days too. I'm so happy for you and yours, and the hope that doesn't disappoint.
    Blessings to you my friend,

  50. Oh, big congratulations to your son!! Good for him. That is a huge accomplishment. May he continue to cling to Jesus, and may the Lord continue to hold him up, day by day. Blessings to you and Aaron, Debby. xo

  51. That is such a wonderful accomplishment for your son, Debby! I know this hasn't been easy, and I continue to pray for him every day.

    Warm hugs,


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.