Monday, February 29, 2016

Gracie's Jewels Find a New Home

Gracie was my precious mother-in-law.
She's been gone now for nearly fifteen years.
Gracie in her younger days, long before I knew her.
Wasn't she adorable?
She was a tiny, spunky little thing who never met a stranger.
You rarely saw her when she wasn't wearing her jewelry...
...always a necklace and/or a pin or brooch,
 large (sometimes dangley) earrings, bangles or bracelets, a watch, etc., etc.
She even had a pair of bejeweled dancing shoes that she wore occasionally.
They were covered completely with multi-colored rhinestones...absolutely glorious!
Gracie had a lot of jewelry and I was blessed to inherit quite a few pieces, which I cherish.
It is mostly costume jewelry and I have no idea if any of it has much value.
Jim's father did a lot of traveling and some of the pieces came from Germany and Italy.
A while back, I shared this post about decorating a small Christmas tree with her jewelry.
Sometimes I just get it out to look at and other times I just like to photograph it in different settings.
Depending on the occasion, I have even started to wear some of it.
A couple of weeks ago, I came across this cute tapestry box at Goodwill.
I knew right away that I wanted it for Gracie's jewelry...

...but when I opened it up in the store, I was so disappointed.

 I have no idea what the spots first I thought it was mildew but decided it wasn't.
There was absolutely no odor and the stains were brown, not black like mildew.
Anyway, the wheels started turning and I decided to purchase it, regardless... was worth the $2.99 I paid for it, I thought to myself.
You see, I had a plan for some of that velvet I'd been collecting to make pumpkins :)

No real tutorial here, but I think you get the idea... was nothing that a pair of scissors and a hot glue gun couldn't handle :)

And in about an hour and a couple of burned fingers later...

So while I had it all out, I had to have a little fun, right?

I could just look at all day.
Below is Gracie's charm bracelet that she wore nearly every day.
I made sense of everything on it except for what looks like a donkey.
Maybe I'm missing something.

Remember when the mustard seed jewelry was all the rage? 

You may have also seen this blue pendant before somewhere on my blog. 
I have no clue about it but I've never seen such intricate detail in anything that is made today.
Doing some googling, it looks like it may have come from Germany.

I've never worn it but that's not saying I never will.
A girl needs just the right event for something like this...
... Renaissance Ball maybe?

Can you tell I'm having fun yet?

And this would most definitely fall into the category of "Things that make me go AHH!" 
I have actually worn this but needed to add an extension for my fat neck.
There were matching earrings but I'm thinking she may have been buried in them.

The amber/topaz brooch I think is quite old, as well as the filigree flower in the middle.
The amethyst and blue I believe are both Sarah Coventry...remember her??

This cameo set is about as delicate as they come as the metal is quite soft.
Jim tells me he thinks his father bought this in Germany for her.

I love to photograph it...

 ...and I think you probably can tell.
And the bracelet below is something that I do wear frequently.
It's not that old...I found the inscription not too long ago...Sarah Coventry :)
I do love the "Old World" design.

This is your basic rhinestone costume jewelry that was so popular in the 40's and 50's.
Ladies must have had really skinny necks and wrists back then :) 

And last but not least, here is something that I found out just might have some real value to it.
These came from Italy and ebay tells me that the set below is
Depending on quality and authenticity, the prices range anywhere from $30 to $$$.
Click on the link and see that I found...and the price!
Hmm...I wonder....

I have worn these too and with the right outfit, they are quite stunning! 

So...Gracie's "jewels" are all tucked away in their new home.

I just adore this sweet little box... 

...and as I was putting together this post,
an old hymn was brought to mind and for days I couldn't get it out...
...not that I really wanted to.
How many of you remember this sweet hymn?


No, Gracie's jewels probably don't have much earthly value to them.
But just having them close by to remind me of her...well...
...that makes them priceless!

On that day the LORD will save them, as the flock of his people;
for like the jewels of a crown they shall shine on his land.
Zephaniah 9:16

Sharing at:

Amaze Me Monday
Roses of Inspiration


  1. Oh how I love old jewelry like this and how beautiful you made the inside of the box look. I especially love old charm bracelets, cameos and rhinestones...and beads and...well, all of it! heehee! I guess if I lived next door, we could spend the afternoon trying on jewelry. heehee! Playing dress up? Sweet hugs, Diane (this is one of my favorite posts that you've written)

  2. Hello, your MIL Gracie was a beautiful woman. I am not much of a jewlery person, but I see a lot of pretty pieces of jewelry and the new box is lovely to keep yours and Gracie's treasures. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. That box is now perfect to hold your mother-in-law's jewelry and your precious memories of her. It's obvious to me it should have been lined in velvet all along. Looks so good.

    I have never heard that hymn before, but I love it! It's a good one to get stuck in your mind.

  4. Oh precious, Debby. Gracie, what a wonderful woman she must have been (and still is in heaven!!). Her jewelry is special, her style appeals to me greatly. You have captured the essence of its beauty. And the new *home* for it - just perfect.

    My mom had a mustard seed necklace. I wonder if that's still lying around somewhere? And I always loved exploring and wearing my mom's mother's jewelry. It was mostly costume jewelry, but it was pretty and so like her.

    I do remember that old hymn. Can you imagine anything sweeter than being considered a jewel for His crown?! I'm glad that His Light shines through my tarnish!!


  5. First of all, I haven't met a tapestry container I didn't love and when you brought out the velvet immediately knew the jewelry would be stunning against it.
    Perfect vessel for cherished memories of Gracie.

  6. I love this, Debby! It's such a nice way to honor your mother-in-law, just appreciating her and her remarkable jewelry. I think you chose a perfect fabric to line the box. And yes, she was really a cutie, wasn't she!

  7. What a beautiful box, Debby! And such a lovely transformation to hold your MIL's jewelry. Pretty pieces!

  8. Oh wow! Those jewels are beautiful,but it is the memories that you have,that go with them that truly makes them priceless.

  9. How wonderful that you have some of her jewelry. I have some that belonged to my great grandmother.

    Treasure, and you found the perfect home for it!

  10. Gracie is as cute as a button. What a lot of lovely things. I really enjoyed seeing some of this vintage jewelry and I am glad that you enjoy wearing some of it from time to time.

  11. Oh Debbie, Gracie was a real beauty! Easy to tell that she was full of life. Her jewelry is gorgeous and the box is perfect! Especially now that you lined it in that beautiful velvet. Recently I found out that cameos are highly sought after now.

  12. Gosh, I know that your name is spelled Debby. Just typed it wrong. :)

  13. Such a beautiful post, I loved how you transformed the box. The perfect home for all that beautiful jewellery, a real delight.

  14. Gracie was a beautiful woman. Glad you bought the little box. You've turned into something beautiful too. You have a treasure chest of jewels!

  15. Hi Debby! Oh, Gracie was a pretty little thing and she does look like she was spunky! Her jewelry is just beautiful and you found the perfect little box for it. Love how you covered the inside of it with the velvet! Oh, I see lots of pieces of that jewelry I would wear! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  16. Hi Debby, I too have a lot of my mothers jewelry and her old jewelry boxes. And I have her mustard seed pendant as well. I love looking over it. It makes her seem closer. I was thinking though, since the donkey is with the mustard seed and other religious icons, maybe it depicts the donkey Jesus rode into the city on Palm Sunday. Thanks for the post. Makes me want to go pull her jewelry out and "play".

  17. That box was just meant to be for her jewelry, it turned out just lovely! Her jewelry is absolutely beautiful and most definitly a treasure. Thank you for sharing this with us, it's the perfect memory keeper.


  18. Hi Debby, what beautiful vintage jewels. Love the gorgeous box and it turned out just perfectly lovely touched by your talents. I have all my mother's jewelry too and at times I take it out and visit each piece. I have worn a few pieces too and love doing so. Thanks for sharing this amazing post and the beautiful photos. Blessings for a great March. xo

  19. What precious treasures, Debby, and such a sweet way to keep them....adorable little box!

    Warm hugs,

  20. What a beautiful story and how precious that you have Gracie's jewels. What a lovely home you have created for them. Just perfect!

  21. You have turned the box into a beautiful place to keep all of Gracie's treasures.
    Love the hymn.

  22. Oh friend, what a precious and beautiful story! Your dear mother-in-law was such a lovely lady and what a blessing to have some of her treasures.

    The box is simply beautiful and it looks even better with the new lining :) Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you!

  23. What a fun post! Look at your MIL--so pretty and amazing pearls around her neck. The jewelry is pretty and your photography just exquisite. You do so well with the close ups!
    I love what you did with the GW box. Talent! That would have been too challenging for me, or let's say I may not have had the patience. As to the hymn, I think I know all the words, with the third verse being especially pleasing to me, I guess from when I was a child!

  24. What a beautiful post...and it just kept getting better. My mother in law is 91. This hit home. Gracie's photo is beautiful...and the jewelry and then that hymn. I've been looking at hymns more, their verses clear and strong!

  25. I LOVE all of this -- she was such a beauty! I want to be just like that haha! I love my jewelry and especially bulky, vintage pieces. You have some real treasures and your finished box is beautiful!

  26. Oh Debby I just loved this post! What a beautiful photo of her, what you did with the box, the shots of the jewelry and then I remember having one of those If You Have the Faith of a Mustard Seed necklaces as a tween...totally forgot about that until now; it must have been a birthday gift or something!

  27. Oh Debby I just loved this post! What a beautiful photo of her, what you did with the box, the shots of the jewelry and then I remember having one of those If You Have the Faith of a Mustard Seed necklaces as a tween...totally forgot about that until now; it must have been a birthday gift or something!

  28. Oh, Debby, these are all so beautiful, and you did such a good job with the box. I totally love some of the pieces...but I never wear jewelry any more. Just one necklace Lorelei got me.

  29. This is such a nice post. :-) My Gramma had a little different taste in jewelry, but she also loved it and wore it. She used to say she felt naked without it. :-) I have a few of her things. I'm so thankful that she let me choose some pieces before we moved away, or I wouldn't have had anything!

    Since all the charms appear to be religious in nature, I'm going to guess that the donkey either signifies some religious order or represents Palm Sunday and the "triumphal entry."

    I agree that the ladies in the 40s and 50s must have had skinny necks. My mom gave me some lovely chokers that she wore, but I can't wear them any more. I need to get extensions, I guess.

    Lastly, "When He Cometh" was one of my favorite songs as a child. :-)

  30. It's worth it seeing how lovely the box and the jewelries are. Do you plan on hosting a giveaway with these lovelies? Haha. Kidding.

  31. Debby...what an absolutely beautiful post! I'm sure your MIL is looking down on you from Heaven and smiling from ear-to-ear. All of the jewelry pieces are such treasures, as is the little jewelry box where you store them. Your photography is breathtaking!

  32. Debby, this was such a great post! And what a wonderful tribute to your MIL, Gracie! What an honor to have you as a DIL. All of her jewelry is just beautiful! And I definitely think you were enjoying every piece as you took these pictures. Kind of look a virtual jewelry show for your readers.
    My grandma wore a lot of brooches and I have a few of hers that I wear on special occasions. I love her cameo... so pretty and so elegant!

    What a wonderful idea to re-line the little jewelry box. It's nice to have every one of your treasures stored in such a pretty box!

    I hope you have a delightful day!
    Hugs, Amy

  33. What a precious post! I just adored Gracie, and I have never met her, but felt like I did through the sweet words you shared about her and her love of life. What beautiful jewelry she owned, and regardless of the $$ worth of it, it is priceless to you! Some beautiful and amazing pieces for sure! The little jewelry box you redid is just perfect and I know Gracie would be smiling if she could see her jewelry in such a special box. Enjoyed this post today :)

  34. Your mother-in-law was beautiful, and I know she would be proud! She had some gorgeous and fun pieces, and you've given them a perfect home. I love bargains, and yours turned out so lovely. Great job!

  35. This is a fun post, I love jewelry and really enjoyed seeing all of the pieces that once belonged to your beautiful MIL! The jewelry box is a great find and you've lined it so well.

  36. Such a sweet reminder of your mother-in-law. I have a few pieces that were my Grandma's and I they are so special to me. You made a nice home for your collection :)

  37. As the kids now a days would say - your Gracie had a lot of wonderful bling! I love what you did with the jewel box and can see why you needed it! It is perfect.

  38. Hi Debby! I think your MIL would be so happy to know how you cherish the jewelry that meant so much to her. My mom was a huge costume jewelry person too, and I have some of her pieces. Of course, I can't photograph them like you do, but they are great reminders of her.

    Love the deep purple material you put in that box. It's transformed!

  39. Hi sweet Debby! Just popping in to let you know that this wonderful post will be featured at Roses of Inspiration tomorrow. Hugs!

  40. What beautiful jewelry you have inherited from Gracie and I'm sure every time you gaze on it you remember her with fondness.
    The tapestry box is lovely and just perfect.
    Have a lovely week :)

  41. Jewels can hold such precious memories, and what a lovely home you made for Gracie's (a lovely tribute!).

  42. Wonderful post, Debbie! So many precious memories that fill your heart! The jewelry are stunning and the gorgeous box is perfect for them!
    Hope you are having a lovely week!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  43. Hello dear friend~I'm still away, but when I saw that Stephanie featured you I just had to come and see your beauty.
    What a beautiful heart warming post you have shared with us in honor of your precious mother in law. She sounds as if she was a real Jewel. I too was blessed with a precious, precious mother in law, and though she did not have much in the way of jewelry she always looked graciously adorned in her dress. She was such a godly lady.

    You certainly did a beautiful make over with the treasure of your keep sake box. Such a perfect way to keep your treasures well taken care of. That velvet is gorgeous!

    My heart was blessed with my visit here today, sweet friend.
    Have a beautiful and blessed day~

  44. Oh, dearest Debby! What a sweet post filled with love for your lovely mother in law - she had such beautiful jewels, all so precious! How wonderful you could keep them, and I adore the pretty box you found to pop them inside...I love how you covered the inside with velvet - makes it look quite regal!
    I have missed stopping by for a little visit with you...these past few weeks have been more than just a little busy! {{Smiles}}
    So good to ''visit'' with you a bit, dear Debby! Sending you much love and hugs today!

  45. I love vintage jewelry, and all the more if it came from someone special, like yours did. Wonderful memories!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.