Thursday, March 10, 2016

Holding Down the Fort

It's funny...
...a week seems like such a long time when I am away from blogland.
 I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of great posts and I will do my best to catch up the best I can.
We spent the past week in Tennessee taking care of these guys.
They were so excited to see us when we picked them up at school that first day.

It's always a treat for us to have the opportunity to care for this "Tennessee Twosome".
They are both full of energy and what one doesn't think of, the other does.
So...while Mommy and Daddy are away....
...Mawmaw and Pawpaw will play!
Here are few memories from the past week.

After two days of chilly temps and rainy, gloomy skies,
the sun and fog came together and created the most glorious Saturday morning!

And spring was beginning to pop all around.

After having lunch at a favorite pizza restaurant, an afternoon of roller skating fun followed.

Between all of the bodies whizzing by combined with weird colored, flashing lights,
this is as good as the skating photos got, folks :(

There were hot fudge sundaes before bed...

..and a little serenading out on the back porch.

They both are teaching themselves to play the guitar.
Of course, Mommy's little brother, Uncle Josh, may be lending a hand here and there.
He is quite a talented singer-songwriter hoping to make it big in Nashville.

We thought we'd have a little photo shoot for their first album cover. {smile}
Hey, if you can't brag on your grandkids, who can you brag on??

We explored the haunted forest (a.k.a the backyard)...

...and admired the almost-finished tree house that Dad has been building...

...had fun taking some silly pictures...

...and really loving how much the one below makes me look so skinny...

...or maybe more like an alien :)

There were colorful sunset views from the back porch...

...drives in the country...

...and finding a few good fences along the way.

When Adam and Carrie returned home later that weekend,
the fun continued with some four-wheelin' expeditions of the Tennessee back country...

...and I was talked into going up the mountain trail to this great old homestead remains.

Yep, that would be me on the back, taking the photo over Adam's shoulder.


He and Parker had discovered this place a few weeks ago.

I would love to know the history here...

...something I think Adam will be trying to find out from some of his neighbors, perhaps.

And then a little further down the trail, we came upon this ancient collapsed log cabin.

Both of these places were set w-a-y back on these mountain trails.
I can't even imagine what it would be like to live so far removed from civilization, can you?
It might be fun to try it...for a day maybe:)
So it's time to draw this post with too many a lot photos to a close.
We had a great time in the back country of middle Tennessee,
and although it was good to get back home,
I'm always ready to go back!

Sharing at:
Run-A-Round Ranch


  1. A fun post Debby, loved them all, those first misty shots, magical. Your grandkids are so sweet and how lucky they are to have a daddy who can build such a beautiful tree house, and to have grandma and grandpa come stay with them for a while. This is a great way to share your trip and I have enjoyed it very much, thank you :)

  2. We'll be doing the same thing soon, except at our house. You had a beautiful setting and your photos are wonderful. Love the tree house--what a great place to grow up!

  3. looks like you and the twosome had a great time. what a beautiful area, too.

  4. It's good to see you back! Glad that you enjoyed your time with the country stars who are cute as can be. Perhaps one day you'll favor us with a video of their music. What finds out there in the forest! Wonder if there are some neat old bottles.

  5. Debby, it looks like y'all had way too much fun with those kids! And they look like quite the fun pair. Isn't it a delight to spend time with them. I'm so glad the weather cleared up for some good outdoor time together. Your fog and sun rays photos and fence photos, etc. etc. are just gorgeous! I always love them. Welcome back! xo

  6. Look like such a fun week. I bet the children loved having you there. I love Tennessee. Your pictures are beautiful.

  7. Debby, it looks like you had a wonderful time with your grandkids. These are great pictures of a week spent with them. I really like the picture of the porch swing and the sun coming through. And I am one who thinks that fog is beautiful. That tree house is great! Fun times!


  8. Oh, Debby, I have sure enjoyed this picture show!

  9. WOW! This set of pictures shares your wonderful time with family so well. I love the foggy scenes,but then the children,being children are pretty sweet as well.

  10. Hi Debby, looks like you enjoyed a wonderful time with the sweet grands. Your photos are beautiful and I love the fence shots too. The first pics with the morning fog is outstanding. You truly are so talented with your camera.
    Love the old finds with the chimney and the log cabin. Great tree house!!
    Thanks for sharing and welcome back. Have a great weekend. xo

  11. What a wonderful time you had with your sweet grandkids! I love those pictures of the cabin. The stories it could tell!

  12. Such a lovely post, isn't is great to spend quality time with the Grandchildren! You certainly look to have had lots of fun together, wonderful.

  13. Gorgeous grandkids, Debby! You sure had lots of fun & what great photo opportunities you had! The mountains & trees in the foggy sunlight are beautiful & oh if only those old walls could talk!

  14. Hello Debby, looks like you had a fun and busy week with the grandchildren. They are so cute! I like the guitar photos. The foggy scenes are beautiful. Great post, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  15. Wow you packed a lot in on that visit. Looks like so much fun and many happy memories made.
    Oh roller skating. Growing up every Sat evening I was at the rink skating. Loved it!!!

  16. It's the law: grandparents MUST brag about their grandchildren. They are totally adorable and the Tennessee countryside is beautiful! It's obvious that lots of good memories were made on this trip.

  17. oh my goodness.... what an amazing few days!!! We love the Tenn. mountains... and My kids and "Grands" have spent many hours hiking trails and finding so many old "use" to be's !!! I always try to find out the history behind those old remains... so interesting!!!

  18. Oh my, what glorious countryside and glorious photos, Debby. I love the photo of the swinging seat on the porch with the back of the trees...just magical. Your grand kids are so sweet and look like a lot of fun. How lovely you 'escaped' and had such marvellous times with them, making special memories that will live on. Such a beautiful post!

  19. Thanks for a peek into your week and the beautiful countryside - not to mention the two cuties entrusted to your care. What a special time for you all!

  20. Debby, it is just beautiful I'm glad you shared lots of pictures...skinny or not. Nice job all around!

  21. Time spent with grands is golden!! It looks like you all had a fabulous time together! (If you're like me, you sat with your feet propped up a little while after you got back home!) :)

  22. Sounds like you had a great time!! The hills of Tennessee is my favorite place to go to on trips.

  23.! What fun! I bet your grandkids loved every minute of that fun filled weekend!
    I've never been to Tennessee, and I think I'd like to go travel there now! Its so beautiful! And the back! Great photos and very tempting... I'd love to hear the stories behind those old homesteads too!
    Glad to see you back, Debby!
    Have a great week!
    Hugs, Amy

  24. NOT too many photos! What great places to discover and explore -- especially for a young curious mind. It will be fun to find out the true history. Glad you had such fun with your grands.

  25. I enjoyed this trip to one of my favorite states, the one I have always longed to live in, actually. What a fun week for you, albeit exhausting perhaps, as well, with those adorable energetic grands.

    Welcome back!

  26. Oh Debby, I just wanted to tell you that those weren't M&M's on my post. They were just chocolate inside with a hard shell, and I liked the pastel colors. I love M&M's too! I just bought a bag, and the wrapper said they were celebrating their 75 years! I'm going to keep that bag just to have. :)


  27. Grandkids enthusiasm to be with us is priceless, isn't it? And no wonder, look at all the fun you had, sights you saw, ice cream you ate...I know they'll like that treehouse. One of our granddaughters got a guitar last year. It's nice to see them have an interest in music, and not one forced on them. I sometimes wonder how folks ever found their way to some of these homesteads. Thanks for sharing your wonderful time. I get to stay with our grandkids the end of April.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.