Monday, March 14, 2016

The Bluebirds are in the HOUSE!

YAY...let's hear it for the Bluebirds!
I'm sooo excited!
After many years (it has probably been close to twenty),
we are finally going to host a bluebird family in our backyard!

Isn't he a pretty boy?

Back when Adam was in middle school, he made a bluebird house in shop class.
He mounted it to a tree in the front yard and we had bluebirds in it shortly afterwards,
and if I remember correctly, we had them off and on for a few years.

After several years, the house fell apart and years went by without seeing any in our yard.
 So a couple of springs ago, I bought this one at Walmart and mounted on a tree in the back.

And just when I thought we may never get any birds in it...


About a week or so ago, I thought my eyes were deceiving me.
When I glanced out of the kitchen window, I spotted a blue streak coming from the birdhouse!
Could it really be so??

There is a Mrs. Bluebird too but I haven't gotten a photo of her yet.
I'm pretty sure she must be hunkered down on her nest for the duration...
I assume she has laid her eggs since I have only gotten a tiny glimpse of her a few days ago.

Mr. Bluebird guards their new home like it's Fort Knox!
He is never very far away except when he is gathering food.

I admit I find myself gazing out of the windows a little more than usual these days.


I'll keep you posted on the Bluebird Family as the events unfold :)
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Mosaic Monday

The Enchanting Rose 


  1. Oh oh oh!!! That is so exciting for you Debby. Your photos are beautiful and you will enjoy seeing the goings on with them as they raise their young. I hope the family is successful. We have a bluebird box now but have only gotten swallows the past 2 years we've had it. I got another box for my birthday last July but we didn't put it up as the nesting season was done so we need to find a spot for that this year and soon too, although the birds won't be back for a few more weeks. Enjoy the show. :)

  2. Wow, that is wonderful. You certainly are a talented photographer managing to get some wonderful shots. Exciting times.

  3. Bluebirds are so pretty! I'm excited for you to be able to watch them. Eventually you'll see the babies too!

  4. Oh my goodness!!!! SO beautiful!! How wonderful to be able to watch them up so close! We've been able to host Robins the past two springs and I'm hoping they will nest here again where we can watch the whole wonderful process of growing their little family!

  5. My favorite bird and they always remind me of God's promise to take care of you and me. The shots are beautiful. You are able to capture even the little turn of the head. So adorable! I love the one where he's got his neck cricked like he's peeping at something.

  6. Ooohhh, it will be fun to have babies! We have bluebirds in our feeders but no nesting boxes. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  7. What a wonderful post!! How special to host the sweet little family in your birdhouse once again. Papa is just gorgeous. It will be so fun to have the babies get there start right there. Love your wonderful photos. You captured those detailed shots perfectly.
    Have a great week. Blessings. xo

  8. Oh, Debby, you are so blessed! I look forward to bluebird pics now and again!

  9. Oh do! He is a corker. My grandfather made me a bluebird house once for a contest at school. I thought it was beautiful, but I did not win. Seems the hole has to be just the right size for a bluebird to feel comfortable.

  10. Oh how exciting to have blue birds making their home in your yard.
    We had them for a few years too and had so much fun watching them.
    You got some great pictures already. Look forward to seeing more.

  11. Ohhhh! That is so exciting.These are such pretty birds and to be able to watch on your yard that is special.

  12. So exciting to have these little guests!! They are such pretty birds! You have snapped some beautiful photos!!

  13. Oh, how pretty that Mr. Bluebird is. Such amazingly bright colours. I'd be looking out the window an awful lot, too.

  14. YAY for the bluebirds! It will be so nice to follow these beauties all summer. They are so pretty, lovely photos. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  15. Such a beautiful bird we do not get them over here I am envious they are so colourful.Have a good Mosaic Week

  16. Debby you have some great photos here! The blue on that little fellow is just amazing. How fun to have this little family move into your yard! Yes, keep us posted ...

  17. How exciting! The habitat at our home isn't right for bluebirds, so I rarely get to see them. Your pictures remind of just how beautiful they are.

  18. Oh Debby, you are so lucky to have these bluebirds! I have only seen one in my whole life! We don't have them where I live...people are trying to bring them back to the Portland area with programs. I think they are so pretty and your photos are great!

  19. Debby, these photos are gorgeous! I love seeing bluebirds. Your posts make me want to set up a bird feeder at my house. :)

  20. That is wonderful, Debby! He certainly is a pretty boy and faithful guardian. I absolutely adore Bluebirds & Cardinals, and we don't have either here in the AZ desert....DRAT! I just have to satisfy my "bird love" by watching the plentiful population of doves. They truly are so sweet as they "couple up" this time of year. We also have lots of hummingbirds, and they are truly so much fun to watch. I will be anxiously waiting for updates on the new family!


  21. Your photos are amazing! I live in Virginia and am awaiting our first bluebird siting. Visiting from Roses of Inspiration.

  22. Thanks for dropping by Debby I am a Rita Coolidge fan as well and I love Me and Bobby Mcgee

  23. How exciting, Debby! Such beautiful photos! How do you get them to be that large? My always bleed over into my sidebar.

  24. Debby, how nice that you see the Mourning Doves in your yard all the time. And now you have a bluebird family in your back yard! That's so special that your son made a bluebird house when he was in school. My son made a wooden box for me in shop class that I still have. :) I don't see the bluebirds that much around here, but I do see the blue jays. Your pictures are lovely, and he's such a pretty blue.


  25. Hi Debby!
    What a lovely pictorial story! I have a granddaughter in MD who will have to see this along with my daughter-in-law in TN.....both are bird lovers!!

  26. He is a pretty fellow. How exciting to have a family of these sweet bluebirds living in your garden. Your photos are gorgeous, Debby.

  27. What beautiful bluebirds!!
    Gorgeous photos!
    Enjoy your week, Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  28. Oh Debby, this is exciting. Wonder why it took the bluebirds so long to take up residence? Well, keep your camera handy and enjoy your new family.

  29. Bluebirds are so beautiful! That blue is gorgeous. I've only seen a bluebird a handful of times in my whole life. What a treat, Debby!

  30. Great pictures of your new friend. We don't have many Bluebirds around here, but lots of Cardinals. Would love to have Bluebirds also. Is there a special size, etc to make a nesting house for bluebirds? I am a real bird lover. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

  31. Oh, he is a pretty boy! And I just love that he's decided to move into your neighborhood. I will eagerly look forward to updates about the family!

    Lovely photos, my friend. As always. I think I love your photography because your photos capture something about your heart - and I love your heart...and you!


    (Yes, I have missed you!!!)

  32. I'm to excited for you to be jealous! Yipeeeee!

  33. Gorgeous, gorgeous guests, Debby! How wonderful for you. I hope you'll show us more of them.

  34. So lucky to have a bluebird. We have had them on and off but off for the last few years....congrats and enjoy!

  35. Debby, He is a gorgeous bird and so diligent. Looking forward to the birth of baby chicks. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  36. Hi Debby, my first visit to your blog ... I've come over from Eileens.
    What an enjoyable post and great photo's, those birds have such lovely colouring.

    All the best Jan

  37. Hi Debby! Oh, what a beautiful blue bird and I'm proud he's such a good hubby and daddy to be. I haven't seen many blue birds. They are just gorgeous! You've gotten some very nice snaps too. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  38. Thanks most sincerely for the lovely words you left as a comment on ~ My little of world ~ , sweet friend,
    sending blessings of joy on your day
    with heartfelt gratitude

    P.S: I'm following you with joy, your blog is truly beautiful

  39. Hi Debby! Well then happiness must be 'roosting' at your house, right? I always read that bluebirds meant happiness, and it sure seems true from your blog.
    I don't see those birds in my area, so your photos were a real treat. I hope there is a whole family of them this summer, and that they will keep returning to you. What a lovely sight to see in the mornings :)

  40. What a beautiful blue bird...he sure does look like he is guarding the bird house.

  41. How beautiful! My mom has enjoyed bluebirds at her home for 20+ years now. Your photographs are just fantastic! A real treat in my day. : )

  42. Here I am...still making my rounds. Ha!! I kept this post with my "must read" e mails knowing it was something I didn't want to miss, and oh I'm happy I kept it! What a gorgeous blue bird!!
    If he isn't something looking after his new home and loved ones. :-)
    God's beauty surrounds us, doesn't it?
    Of course spring time brings with it so much life in many aspects, but even the other seasons have their very own glories that reflect just who God is.
    Oh let us magnify the Lord!

    Bless you, my friend

  43. How fun! We don't have bluebirds - at least not in this part of southern California but I can sure see why you would be fascinated! Lat year a cute little black phoebe made a nest under our roof overhang. I had so much fun watching them. Hope they come back and use the nest again! Can't wait to see more pictures of your little family!

  44. I'd be camped at the window watching, too! How sweet to have bluebirds!


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