Friday, March 18, 2016

Springy Fences

It's been almost like summer the past week in my neck of the woods...

...and tomorrow it's not going get out of the 50's with a cold rain.
 Sunday is only supposed to be in the 40's and down into the 30's at night!
It seems our beautiful spring is leaving us before it even officially starts...
...but only a temporary setback, I'm sure.

So on the way out to do my usual Friday morning shopping,
I drove through the country and snapped a few shots on this beautiful morning.

The redbuds are at their peak already...

...which is very early for it being only March 18th, but I'll take it!

The pond looked like glass with barely a ripple...

...and further down the road,
 I caught a glimpse of this beauty through the growth along the fence.

Sometimes I can see the most beautiful things on shopping day :)
I'm just barely squeezing in before the deadline to...

The Run*A*Round Ranch

Pink Saturday

The Enchanting Rose

Roses of Inspiration

Have a fabulous weekend, y'all!


  1. Hello, lovely spring scenes. I love the redbud and reflections. The horses are pretty too. we may have snow on Sunday. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your images almost take my breath away. Yes the redbuds have been exceptional this year. I can't believe how fast spring has sprung and my only hope for such quickness is maybe the pollen will fly by (no pun intended) quickly as well. I already feel a change in the warm air--bring on the blankets again! Have a great weekend.

  3. You certainly captured the beauty your eyes saw.I love the reflections and the flowers.Oh its almost a magical post.

  4. Debby, your photos are so beautiful. How lovely to see the spring blossoms. I'm sure the cooler weather won't last and we are under the same dome this weekend but much colder up here. We have a nor'easter coming on Monday (all the way from the Gulf of Mexico), the first full day of spring, with a lot of snow in the forecast. At least we know it won't last now. I hope you have a very nice weekend. Hugs. Pam

  5. Beautiful photos, spring was certainly here and yet today cold and drizzly. I feel it can only get better. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. beautiful and dreamy. absolutely loved this post. thank you.

  7. Well I am sorry that this turn in the weather reaches all the way down to you. I am so spoiled by the mild weather that I may have a tantrum if it doesn't turn back around and quick. =D It is always nice to see the blooming redbuds.

  8. Oh how simply sublime!! The first thing my computer reveals to me this morning are your stunning photos. I could look at them forever. =) Spring is just teasing you a li'l will return, I suspect with full gusto. What a glorious part of the world you live in. When I set out for a ho-hum day of shopping, I too, am delighted with glorious landscapes along the way.

  9. We are going to get cold again this weekend too, with a snow storm coming Sunday into Monday. It won't last but what a way to usher in Spring!

  10. Hi Debby! Those reflection photos are just stunning! They just draw me in! Truth is I truly enjoyed all your photos!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Redbuds, one of my favorite spring sights. Can't wait for them to bloom here. Such lovely shots.

  12. Snuck in just under the deadline myself.

  13. Beautiful. I love red bud trees. Don't see them where I live.
    We are supposed to be getting a few inches of snow tomorrow.

  14. Debby, you got some beautiful seeing the redbuds, too. We are having the same type of weather. they even said not to be surprised if we see a few snowflakes.

  15. The photos are like straight from movie scenes. Idyllic!

  16. Debby
    What wonderful photo's you've shared here. The colours are just perfect. As you say "Sometimes I can see the most beautiful things on shopping day :)"

    Now I was fortunate to see some wonderful blossom trees yesterday whilst out shopping - but alas I do not have photo's to share ...

    Have a lovely weekend

    All the best Jan

  17. You certainly have a gift for photography, Debby! Your photos are always so very amazing. Wish I could send you a bit more Spring weather, but then I would want the favor returned when we hit our Summer!

    Happy Weekend!

  18. Wow, your pictures are stunning! I especially love the peek of the horse in the background with the old fence, just gorgeous! How lovely to have such a beautiful showing for spring, I do hope the cold weather coming up doesn't hurt the blooms! Enjoyed this post today Debbie, you take incredible pictures and have an eye for the lovely! :)

  19. Ooo, these photos are gorgeous!!!

  20. What beauty. I could easily linger along that fence.

  21. GORGEOUS! You sure do know how to capture the beauty with your camera, Debby. Those pink flowers are stunning, and that horse, wow!
    The problem with spring coming early is that it ends quickly. You are having some strange up and down temps too.

    I have been trying to come for a visit all week and I'm just getting here. Sigh...It's Always a joy coming and seeing your loveliness.

    Have a terrific week, dear friend.

  22. Your photos are lovely, Debby, and definitely capture the look and feel of early spring (who can't make up her mind whether to stay or to go). Such a trip to go shopping would make the outing extra special.

  23. Gorgeous scenery! You captured the beauty of the season well. I love the fresh new look of your blog template, too.

  24. So, so Beautiful Debby! I'd rather take photos than shop any ol day! Ha!
    You live in a pretty magnificent place!
    Its going to be in the 80's today and tomorrow and then it dips way down in the 40's on Wednesday. Crazy Spring weather!
    Enjoy your week! Hugs, Amy

  25. What lovely images. I can't wait to have things blooming here. Soon, soon, I know. Love those redbuds!

  26. Your images are beautiful.
    Loving the last one of the horse :)

  27. Beautiful photos, Debby! I love redbuds and can't wait to see them bloom here. We've had some freezes so I hope that didn't hurt them too much. The redbuds were already in bloom down in Branson, but they are always ahead of us here in the middle of the state. Loved this post! Have a nice week!

  28. Hi Debby! It's nice to meet you! Such a pretty post and I just love those redbuds! Besides the Live Oak, Redbuds are one of my favorite trees!

  29. Love all your photo's, hope the weather is warming up now where you live.

  30. Wow, what gorgeous pictures. How blessed you are to have this beauty around you.

  31. What beautiful pictures Debby! The redbud reflected in the pond is stunning! Ah, spring. She is such a flirt. Teasing us with warm temps, then disappearing and allowing winter to hang in there with more snowflakes!
    Have a very Happy Easter. xo, Deborah

  32. Debby, no matter what the season, your photo *eye* captures such beauty. I am blessed by your pictures, and can almost see and hear and smell what you've captured!


  33. Debby, I can see you appreciate the country. It's so peaceful, and I often go there myself. Lovely pictures today, and the pink blossom tree's reflection in the water was my favorite It's getting warmer here too, but still cool in the mornings.

    Have a wonderful week.


  34. Hi Debby! Oh, what gorgeous country side where you live. I love seeing the pretty blooms and the horse. You are getting to be quite the photographer. Happy Easter to you too, sweet friend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  35. Lovely photos! I can never get enough of nature reflected in water, it's always magic to me.

  36. Beautiful! We have 6" of new snow!

  37. I think everyone everywhere is having crazy weather. Hope spring hurries back!

  38. Lovely fences and photos. I received the most precious package today! I am over the moon with everything! Sweet smiles all night long! I've added your blog to my favorites places to visit and will enjoy getting to know you! Thank you and Blessings for a beautiful Easter! Cindy xo

  39. Beautiful spring scenes especially the trees blooming.

  40. Absolutely gorgeous spring photos. Wishing you a blessed Easter.

  41. You did find some beautiful places and things. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  42. The redbuds are absolutely beautiful! I especially like the photo with the reflection in the lake! Thanks for sharing these lovely sights!


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