Monday, March 28, 2016

Miniature Spring Bouquet

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend!
It was a mix of overcast skies and drizzle here
 but spring is most definitely bursting out everywhere you look.
I was out walking around the yard on Friday just to see what all was popping up.
Some of the new growth is quite obvious...other things, not so much.
The wisteria was just loaded with these little baby clusters...

...and on the ground below, my eyes rested on these little beauties.

don't ever remember seeing them growing there before in all 23 years we've been here.
Google tells me it is bugleweed.

Let's see...I've got some purple, some blue...

...a little pink is always a good thing...and yellow is a must.

There were plenty of these and I also found a few patches of wild strawberries.

And not to forget what is more obvious than anything else growing in the yard... of my favorite things to welcome each spring, these tiny bluets.
They grow in patches all over the lovely and delicate.

I think that's quite a nice variety for my little bouquet.

  I had just the perfect vessel for them...
...if I could even get them in the house without them wilting in my hand.

So I plopped them down into this sweet little vase that my MIL gave me years ago.

I believe it's colored milk glass and I'm thinking it's pretty old.

I arranged and then tweaked a bit here and there...

...and was quite pleased with my cute little mini bouquet!

And here she sits on my kitchen window sill.

So a few days have passed and it no longer looks as perky as it did here.
But I am still enjoying my little touch of spring...
...every time I'm standing at the kitchen sink :)
What's blooming in your world? 
Sharing at...
Mosaic Monday


  1. Wow Debby you can even make dandelions look amazing! I don't think we have bluets here but I love how they grow all over your garden in spring!

  2. Debby, that is such a beautiful bouquet, a perfect summary of spring. Thank you for sharing!

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

    1. Dani, I am having troubling replying back to you. Thank you for your visit and sweet comment! Have a blessed week!

  3. You know if you hadn't shown that last photo it would be hard to know that it is such a small bouquet! Very spring looking!

  4. What a beautiful variety of spring flowers from around your yard made into a lovely mini bouquet. : )

  5. How pretty, Debby! You have such an artistic eye - both in your photos, and in the way that you arrange colors and textures. I'm enraptured.

    What's blooming in my world? Well, according to my allergies, every tree and plant that produces pollen by the ton...



  6. What a gorgeous and "happy" bouquet! I adore the vase. We have a few wild dogwoods blooming in the woods in our back yard. The greenery on the daylilies is growing like crazy!

  7. Gorgeous flowers,each on their own,but spectacular when put into a little bouquet.

  8. What beautiful flowers! We all need a touch of color this time of year especially with the in betweenie stage of warmth one day and chilly the next. ;)
    The only thing we have blooming (well before the freeze the other night) was daffodils and tulips. I know more will bloom if it continues to get warmer!

    Enjoy your week Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  9. What a lovely little bouquet...and I love the vase too!!
    Beautiful photos of springtime glory!

  10. Oh Deb, that is so beautiful! The colors are harmonize so perfectly together.

    Isn't spring just WONDERFUL???? Big hugs- thanks for your loyal visits! ♥

  11. Oohh! Your flowers are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us! One of the pansies in my garden apparently survived the winter (a wonder here in Iowa!), and is already blooming, but that's the only flower I've seen so far. This post provided a delectable taste of spring!

  12. Your photos tell me Summer! So delicate.

  13. Such beautiful photos of a lovely bouquet, Debby!
    Your wisteria is soon blooming. How wonderful is that?!
    Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed day!

  14. Such a beautiful vase and topped with an amazing Spring bouquet. Take care.

  15. Lovely! There isn't a single dull moment in spring, it is all color and renewal.

  16. Hello, beautiful flowers and lovely images. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  17. Beautiful pictures, Debby! Isn't it amazing how God makes weeds look so gorgeous. Imagine what He can do with us, the crown of His creation, if we will stop fighting Him and let Him transforms us! Thanks for reminding of His creative genius.

  18. It really was a sweet little bundle of spring flowers and that vase is beautiful! This inspired me to take a look around our place to see what is coming up. Have a wonderful time this year taking pictures of Gods amazing things...
    Hugs, Roxy

  19. Such tender beauty, Debby. Your dainty little bouquet looks perfect in that vessel from your MIL.
    Nothing is alive yet in our neck of the woods as we still have a few feet of snow. We don't usually see anything until May. I did see a cute little mole, my husband calls them voles, sitting on our brick ledge enjoying the warm sunny day washing his face. When I went up to him he scurried into his home. Cute, but very destructive to our yard.
    We are expecting ugly weather this week. It's moisture, and we need that.

    Have a blessed day~~

  20. Your mini bouquet is delicate and beautiful! I think the best flowers are the ones that bloom without any help from us. I always think of them as growing in God's garden. Those bluets are new to me. I wish they grew here.

  21. Your bouquet is so sweet and looks precious in that little pitcher.....such a lovely thing to see every day at your kitchen window. We have lots of things blooming here right now, but unfortunately, the ones that are the most gorgeous are some of the chief contributors to our extremely high pollen count. One such tree is the Palo Verde....the tree absolutely glows with yellow flower-pods and the ground below is a carpet of yellow. The citrus just finished blooming and filling the air with an almost intoxicating aroma. Now, the desert cacti are beginning to bloom. Most cacti flowers open during the night and only last a few hours after the sun comes up.....gotta be quick to enjoy those! Well, you've made me realize I should do a post about desert flora and fauna just as soon as the pollen-filled wind settles down!

    Warm hugs,

  22. So beautiful Debby! I absolutely adore the green milk glass pitcher you put your flowers in, such a beautiful array of flowers you picked and arranged too! I just love it all... it will be a while before I can pick a bunch of flowers here, probably in May or so. Have a blessed day!

  23. I love little bouquets like that -- perfect fit for your milk glass vase!!

  24. Debby this is a perfect little bouquet! Gorgeous....

  25. Oh, what a lovely bouquet! And perfect vase!
    I just had to come over here after reading your comment on Vee's blog about your Easter. Honestly, that's about how'd I'd like to spend the holidays sometimes!! no fuss, all comfort! xo Deborah

  26. Nothing blooming here, but I sure enjoyed seeing what was blooming there. I once had a Thanksgiving like your Easter. Glad that you enjoyed it after a fashion. Next year will be different!

  27. Beautiful flowers. The flowers in my flower beds are just coming up out of the ground, but nothing has bloomed yet.

  28. Such a pretty post. I LOVE Wisteria. Aren't Quaker Ladies the same thing as Bluets?? I think so. I also love those tiny little flowers.

  29. What a sweet bouquet! I do love spring time! Even in southern California where the temps don't change all that much it is wonderful to see all the buds on the trees. Right now my calla lilies are in full bloom in the backyard and I love them - even if they don't have much fragrance!

  30. Debby - they are just so lovely, and the colours go so nicely together too.
    A gorgeous mini Spring bouquet.

    All the best Jan

  31. Good morning, lovely lady! Ah, what beauty and delight you have shared with us. Why is it the simple small things are always the prettiest? Your little bouquet is whimsical and enchanting :)

    Have a glorious day, my friend! Hugs!

  32. Pretty flowers and I love the green milkglass!

  33. Pretty flowers and I love the green milkglass!

  34. Here I am finally getting around to visiting mosaics but first I must say how much I love the new header Debby.
    Dreary and raining today so to see some pretty bouquets in nature and your jug has brightened my day.
    Funny how we can look at photos (FB) and right away I noticed your nail polish - it must be a woman thing. lol

  35. Oh, I love that green colored milk glass. It looks so vintage. What a pretty vase.


  36. What a cute little vase and beautiful miniature arrangement! That does make one smile.

  37. I searched until I found this post with your bugleweed. So pretty!!! Thanks for telling me you had this growing. I'll catch up with you as soon as my laptop gets back from repair. xoxo


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