Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Blessing in a Box

Well, hello everyone!
It's finally that time to share our teacup goodies!
This was my second time participating in Stephanie's Teacup and Mug Exchange
and it was a joy to gift a new friend and be gifted by another!
Stephanie puts so much love, joy and encouragement into everything she does
and her teacup and mug exchange just goes beyond anyone's expectations I do believe.
Not to mention the time and energy it takes to pull it all together each time!

Stephanie, you are a precious jewel...
and I personally want to thank you for all you do!
I was chosen to send my package to Cindy who has a beautiful blog, Consider it All Joy.
I was not familiar with this lovely lady but quickly clicked on her blog to get a peek at her!
I learned that she has been through some difficult times over the past several years
and it was quite evident that the title of her blog describes her precious heart.
Although Cindy isn't a tea drinker, she does love collecting beautiful teacups in soft colors.
She also loves, loves, LOVES the sea shore, something we definitely have in common!

I had so much fun getting these gifts together for Cindy...
this pretty teacup, a coloring book beautifully illustrated with beachy things, colored pencils,
a lovely note pad, a starfish and of course...chocolate!
Cindy really is so very sweet and she sent me the nicest thank you card.

Now, on to my lovely package...

My box of goodies came from my new friend, Karen...
a sweet and lovely lady who is from right here in North cool is that?
She's living in Atlanta now but from what I understand, NC will always have her heart!

Here's the coolest part...
Karen grew up not far from here, went to college literally right down the highway,
and even used to hang out right here in the same county that I live in!
She is a devotional writer for Dr. Charles Stanley's In Touch Ministries and blogs at Switchbacks.
 We have become facebook buddies as well :)
Karen gifted me with this delicate rose patterned teacup edged in gold...

...along with a lovely vintage doily...

...and a stacked tin of yummy teas.

Somewhere, I have some dessert plates that match the teacup, or come very close to it.
I need to find them now!

Y'all know how much I love to have these little photo shoots with inanimate objects, right?

It's so much easier than trying to photograph birds or dogs :)

Of course, a photograph (at least mine) doesn't do it one bit of justice.

It has been a blessing to have been able to participate in the last two exchanges
and I'm looking forward to the next one!
So come on over to Stephanie's and let's see everyone else's goodies!


  1. Love your beautiful tea cup! You received quite a nice collection of tea too! I am sure the thoughtful package that you put together was very much appreciated! This is the most fun, isn't it?

  2. Your teacup is very pretty. I've enjoyed reading these teacup exchange posts the past few days. I hope you are having a great week. Hugs. Pam

  3. It certainly has been lovely to see all these wonderful posts on the teacup exchange. You were blessed with a beautiful teacup and gifts and best of all making a new friend. Take care.

  4. Looks a lovely tea cup and the tea selection looks great too.

    Happy Wednesday

    All the best Jan

  5. Your photography is always beautiful and this is no exception. Loved the idea of the coloring book to go with the teacup!

  6. The gift you sent is wonderful...what a blessing for your non-tea-sipping new friend. And oh the tea cup you received! It's stunningly elegant. Hope that you find those dessert plates!

  7. That is a lovely teacup you received and how wonderful that you have plates to match! I also love what you sent. Isn't this so much fun!

  8. That is a lovely teacup you received and how wonderful that you have plates to match! I also love what you sent. Isn't this so much fun!

  9. I always love the reveals from Stephanie's tea cup exchange. How fun!

    You'll have to have tea with the dachshund tea cozy!

  10. What a beautiful beach-themed package you put together! And the teacup you received is so pretty and romantic. This was so much fun, wasn't it? I feel like I've been at a beautiful international tea party all day! Blessings, Deborah

  11. I sure loved the Teacup exchange too and getting to know you as my new friend is great, Debby! Your photo shoot of the teacup I sent is so beautiful. You really have a gift for that as I always love looking at what you put on your blog whether it be the contents of a package, some beautiful flowers outside your house or your new dog! Thanks for the care I can tell you put into everything and happy to be getting to know you!

  12. This just sounds like so much fun!! My sister collects teacups and all sorts of tea-related things. I love her collection. I'm not a tea drinker, but I could be persuaded to put my coffee in these beautiful cups!

    And yes, I like your inanimate photo shoots very much!


  13. Oh, Debby - your package of treasures (both coming and going out) are so thoughtful and lovely! What a fun exchange. Smiles all the way!

  14. Hi Debby, oh I just love your gorgeous cup from Karen. She blessed you with a treasure. Love the beautiful package and lovely cup you sent to dear Cindy. I know it was a blessing to her to receive the beach style goodies she loves. This has been such a special exchange lead by our dear Stephanie. She is the best hostess and has worked so hard to pull this all together for so many. It's really special to make two new friends. Have a great evening and enjoy your tea. Blessings xo

  15. I love that you took the time to read her blog and make her gift fit her personality! Just perfect and I love the idea!

  16. Hi Debby, thanks for popping into my blog. I just love your goodies, that tea cup is gorgeous. I love the assortment of different teas. You also sent a wonderful package out to Cindy.

  17. Hi Debby, thanks for popping into my blog. I just love your goodies, that tea cup is gorgeous. I love the assortment of different teas. You also sent a wonderful package out to Cindy.

  18. Beautiful tea cup, Debby! Its so soft and pretty and I love the colors!
    What a fun little exchange!

    Oh and your new doggie is just a doll. So glad she's a part of your family! God is always good at giving us the desires of our hearts!

    Be blessed!

  19. Love your new blog look Debby and the teacup is gorgeous - enjoy the new varieties in it.
    I was telling my daughter today about your new furbaby daughter - a real sweetheart!

  20. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to growing together through blogland! Your package to me will be treasured! The tea cup you received is gorgeous! What a very special exchange Stephanie hosted. So many new friendships have been created! Blessings to you, Cindy xo

  21. Such beautiful goodies both given and received... and your photograph of still objects, oh yes, I most agree with! You did a lovely job photographing the teacup, it is simply divine... and what a joy that you were able to connect with a lady and have similar connections and backgrounds! I just never cease to be amazed at how the Lord is orchestrating special friendships through this exchange! Enjoyed your post Debby, have a blessed day my friend :)

  22. The gifts are as lovely as the new friendships that were made.

  23. Debby~ I don't know how I nearly missed this post, what in the world??? I was cleaning out my inbox and thought I had visited this one, only to find out that I had NOT!
    Through this lovely exchange I have come across Karen's blog and followed her along. :) She has a lovely place, and I was thrilled that she writes for Charles Stanley. I have enjoyed his ministry for years.
    You certainly have been gifted with a gorgeous teacup, and I'm looking forward to your reveal of the set you think you might have one day here on your blog. :)

    Have a beautiful day~~

  24. Oh my, oh my, oh my, what a stunning tea cup! The roses are so sweet and feminine and the gold trim is very classy. A lovely tea cup for a lovely lady :) And I must say your photos captured its beauty perfectly.

    I am ever so hapy you joined the exchange and even happier to hear you have connected with Karen - what a joy! Much love to you, dear friend!

  25. As a tea lover myself, I so appreciate this post. Pretty!

  26. Love your new, delicate tea cup; it is so pretty. How serendipitous you have some dessert plates that complement this pretty, perfectly.

  27. I love everything about tea and I love collecting cups and other vintage pieces. You received a lovely gift and returned a lovely one as well! What a blessing. :-) Hope you have a lovely weekend


  28. Sometimes it seems like such a small world. That is the first coloring book I've seen given in this exchange, how thoughtful, and really a perfect activity to do while having tea alone. Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

  29. The teacup you received is stunning, Debby! I also liked the sea-theme package that you sent to Cindy.

  30. Hi Debby! It's such fun to meet new people in blogland, it's such a friendly place. And Stephanie makes it a smaller place, bringing everyone together in the exchanges.
    Your teacup looks so fancy, like an antique? And your water-themed box for your partner was so thoughtful! I'm glad you had such a great time.

  31. Such fabulous gifts, Debby, to give and to receive. I must join the fun next time.


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