Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Forever Home

Every now and then, things happen in such a way that you almost don't even believe it.
One of those things happened this weekend.
After we lost our Hunter just a little over a year ago, 
Jim and I have tossed the idea back and forth of getting another dog.
Would it be best to get a puppy or one already grown?
Should it be a male or female?
And even more so, how would Oscar, our it's-all-about-me Dachshund,
react to having a brother or sister after all this time?
Questions, questions, questions...so we decided to let it rest for a while.
So this passed Friday evening as we sat in the living room after eating dinner,
Jim watching his sports and I, browsing my facebook page,
a friend who volunteers with local animal rescue organizations shared this on her page:
Tasha, surrendered 04/15/16.

My name is TASHA.<br ><br>I am a spayed female, red and black Dachshund.

Well, let me just say that immediately my heart started beating a little faster...
 and I turned my laptop around and showed Jim.
I'm not sure, but I think I could tell his heart was beating faster too.
I joined in on the comments, expressing some interest in her. 
The next post that popped up was my friend sharing this with me...
We thought it was probably useless to try...
...we were heading out of town the next morning, Saturday the 16th and would miss out,
thinking that someone would undoubtedly snap her up in a heartbeat.
Jim said to call the number anyway, even though they had already closed for the day.
I did...and left a message about our interest in Tasha.
I didn't think much more about it since I figured it wasn't going to happen.
So Saturday morning about 9 AM, as we had just gotten on the road, my phone rang.
It was the animal shelter...here's the conversation in a nut shell:

"Mrs. Ray, hi, this is ---- from the shelter and I normally don't return any calls before we open at 10:00 but I see you have expressed interest in adopting Tasha. She will not be allowed to leave until Monday since she was just surrendered on Friday...but I will just tell you that today is the first day of our week long Earth Day Adoption Campaign and after today, I'm sure this sweet girl will be adopted. I am calling you because of the message you left and giving you the first opportunity."

Of course, I again explained that we were on the road and couldn't get there.
She again reminded me that there was a 3-day holding time for newly surrendered animals
and she could not be taken until Monday anyway...
...BUT if we really wanted her, we could adopt her over the phone!
What?? Adopt a pet sight-unseen...over the phone??
I was just about to say "I don't think so" but then it happened...
Jim had of course heard my end of the conversation and evidently figure out her end too.
The next thing I know is he is motioning and repeating "Tell her YES! Tell her YES!"
So I did what any good wife would do...I obeyed my husband!
After getting a little more information about Tasha and a $22.00 credit card transaction,
we adopted our new little girl!
We don't know all of her history, and the vet has estimated her to be about six years old,
She has been spayed, has a clean bill of health...and has even been micro-chipped!

When we made it to our destination, we hit up the local Walmart there to prepare for her.

I mean, our new little girl doxie just has to have the latest doggy accessories in PINK, right?
So Monday afternoon finally came.
This was our first meeting and she was even more adorable than her profile picture.

She looks a tad forlorn, probably wondering, "Where am I going now?"

Right out of the car, she began checking out her new territory.

Oscar was showing her where the best spots were :)

It also looks like I will be making a trip back to Wally World...
...you can see she's had a little wardrobe malfunction...so I hope they have pink in size small.

Once inside, she seemed to make herself right at home.
(smile, Tasha...it's gonna be okay)

So what does Oscar think about his new sister?
Oh, I do believe he's going to LOVE her...maybe even a bit too much.

The better question might be what does Tasha think of her new brother.
The verdict is still out on that one...another post for another day.

But I will say, it seems to be looking quite promising.
Isn't she just the cutest thing?

I still can't believe it all happened like this...what got into us anyway??
Sometimes I guess you just have to act on your instincts :)


  1. Hello Debby, Tasha is just adorable. How could Oscar not love her. :)
    Thank you for rescuing Tasha, I am happy she is in a loving home. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  2. Ohhhhh what a precious story! I could almost cry. But in happiness, for Tasha.

    Dear little thing, I'm sure a rescued dog, has to feel in limbo. But she will soon learn, that she is in heaven.

    With loving humans, and a friendly companion. Yessss....

    And even, with caring humans, who provide her with a simply darling pink wardrobe. :-))))

    Oh what a happy, happy story!

    Thank you for sharing!

    Gentle hugs to Tasha,

  3. Well, you must know that I have tears in my eyes! Tasha is the cutest, sweetest doggie and what a blessing how this all came about. She and Oscar look like they will do just great. I'm a tad jealous IN A GOOD WAY!! lol She is a lucky doggie to have a new forever home with you guys.

  4. Debby, the look on her face breaks my heart. Our little rescue dog (Banjo) had that same look and sometimes still does. It's almost like they just don't know what's going on - all the more reason why we should keep adopting and rescuing! She looks so sweet and will bring you so much joy. Congratulations :)

  5. One thing is certain, both Oscar and Tasha needed a friend and I think they will be good buddies. Tasha does have a sad little face, but she has found a wonderful home with you folks and will soon be one very happy little girl. I laughed out loud over the wardrobe malfunction!

  6. They are the cutest couple. How lucky Tasha is to have such loving owners. I hope the transition is smooth for all involved.

  7. Tasha is very cute! Congrats on your new arrival!

  8. I'm guessing it won't be long before Tasha is smiling. She has such a sweet little face! She will be loved and so happy to have found her forever home...bless you for following your instincts!

  9. Aahh, she looks just like my dog, Cinnamon, that I had when I was growing up. What a cute picture of you and her, Debby. Dogs are very special, and soon become part of our family. :)

    Have a wonderful week with your new dog.


  10. Exciting times for you all, she is adorable and feel sure she will soon settle down.

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  13. Oh, Debby what a happy delightful story full of joy! it is miraculous how you found one another! She is such a cutie - what a sad sweet face, oh my golly she is ADORABLE! I know those two will be fast friends.

    Congrats - what a wonderful story. Hugs! ♥

  14. It looks like a happy ending on both sides. Congratulations!

  15. I am SO SO happy for you, Debby! Love the 'wardrobe malfunction' bit. LOL I would love to be such an obedient wife, if my husband would only say, 'Go get a German Shepherd puppy, NOW.' LOL Truly, so happy. It will keep me smiling the rest of the day. Love your story!

  16. well, Tasha and Oscar look like they were MADE for each other! We've adopted several dogs over the years and now have 4 furry faces who occupy our home... the last of which was passed between 4 different homes before she came to us! I'm so glad that you found Tasha and that she has her forever home. : )

  17. How fun, Debby! She looks like a sweetie! She looks like she needs to get used to a brother, who looks like he is totally fine having a sibling! He must have been lonely!

    Congrats to you all!

  18. How precious and how wonderful that you can give her a happy home. My husband had these dogs when he was growing up and always talks about how smart they are. I know you are thrilled! Enjoy your week and I hope the weather is nice to get outside with them! Hugs, Diane

  19. Came back by to show my hubby!!! Folks often said our doxie, Harriet, had a sad face BUT she was the HAPPIEST doggie in the whole wide world. I bet Tasha is a happy girl!

  20. gosh, they look so cute together in their blue and pink....

  21. Congratulations. It was meant to be. : )

  22. I am certain that Tasha has a wonderful home and you will enjoy her a whole lot.

  23. Oscar and Tasha are both adorable!! I'm sure they are glad to have each other.

  24. Awwwww...congrats on having a new baby to love!! She is darling!!

  25. I'm a cat person, but I have to say your new baby is adorable. Oscar and Tasha are both adorable, and I think your new addition to the family is going to be wonderful for all of you.

  26. I'm thinking "She" needed you guys... and "You" guys needed her!!! She is adorable!!!!

  27. Looks like your instincts are good...even Oscar approves. Impulse decisions make life more fun!

  28. Congratulations! And good for you to pursue so quickly. Tasha looks like a sweetheart, and she looks right at home! So cute ...

  29. Debby she is just adorable and I bet Oscar will come to love having a sibling to play with. I love that you gave a dog a much needed forever home. I think you needed each other!

  30. Brilliant news and Tasha looks so sweet.
    I'm sure Tasha and Oscar will be fine together ...

    All the best Jan

  31. Oh Debby, what a wonderful story! Good for you for taking the leap and adopting sight unseen; looks like she is a real keeper. And haha, you crack me up with the wardrobe malfunction!!

  32. Tasha is so adorable (So is Oscar) I'm so happy for all of you. What a wonderful thing to have happen. Here's to many happy years together.

  33. She is definitely a sweetheart, Debby! I'm so happy for you.....sounds like it was just meant to be!

    Warm hugs,

  34. Awe Debby...I don't know why, but you brought tears to my eyes with this heart touching post. Your story was as beautiful as it gets. I believe the Lord had that little Tasha reserved just for you and your husband. She is going to fit right in I just know it, why, who wouldn't fit in with you? I believe Oscar is going to love her.
    Enjoy your new love~~


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