Monday, May 16, 2016

Playing with Light (or the lack thereof)

noun sets the leaves aglow, creating the most beautiful effects.


  1. These are gorgeous photos Debbie. It is hard to pick a favorite. I do love your rose shots, and the lighting use is truly stunning.

  2. These are really beautiful shots. Like a pro.

  3. You have such an eye for beauty. That knock out is gorgeous, and amazing it didn't last a little longer … they only last about a day if I cut them and bring them inside. But they are beautiful. Great photos of light!

  4. I know you are not one to toot your own horn, but with photos this beautiful and the fact that you can operate a camera in the manual setting, I think you can safely call yourself a photographer. Your work is really good! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and brightening my day!

  5. It was a real pleasure to visit today, your photographs are enchanting. The beauty certainly makes me feel blessed.

  6. You do a beautiful job with your photography. If it snows here, I shall be going directly to bed and covering my head and I am not kidding. Enough of this insanity already.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! :-) I love that you take the time to enjoy the little things in life like I like to as well. So much beauty all around us :-) Thank you for sharing these! The rain would be ok except now it is coming into our basement...ugh moving into a home finding out all kinds of things, lol.


  8. You ARE a photographer!! I think it's that urge you feel when you see something beautiful or unusual that makes you run for the camera...that's what makes you a photographer. That's what makes wondrous photos. Anyone can point a camera and take a picture, but only those with the urge can create photographic art. You are one of them.

  9. I agree with everything Nancy said. Great pictures! Even before I bought my first "big" camera (a Minolta) at the age of 15, I've always seen the world through a lens. It really is a form of art, and you're gifted.

  10. I love your photos. Such beauty! They indeed capture the essence of Psalm 66:4 "All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name."

  11. are definitely a photographer and a very talented one at that! I always enjoy seeing your beautiful work!

  12. Beautiful my photographer friend! You are an inspiration and want to make me learn to use what my camera was created for. I could just sit and dream the day away looking at your second photo of the leaves glowing among the trees - just lovely.

  13. You, my friend, are definitely a photographer!! Your shots are amazing and beautiful!!

  14. What a stunning series of shots, my lovely lady, you're so very talented and I'm so grateful to you for what you share, my dear Debby !

    Hope your week is off to a good start I wish you all my best for your days to come, sending you my dearest hugs


  15. Debby, your photography just keeps getting better and better! Wow!

  16. Great pictures!! You are a photographer!!

  17. Stunning photography.You are a photographer,you have to be to be able to capture images like this.

  18. You really do take amazing photos and I always learn something. We are having a rain shower tonight...much maybe I will try to get some rain droplets in the morning. We have such BRIGHT sunshine here that I have a problem with things looking washed out by the light. Hugs!

  19. Debby, you got some very beautiful photos of the golden hour in the woods and your gorgeous roses and flowers. The pink knock out rose is gorgeous! Today was much better, after yesterdays rain/snow mix, with sunshine and clouds but it is still cool. It should be a nice weekend though. Keep on snapping those beautiful photos!

  20. These are so beautiful! Your woods - wow! We've had an overall gloomy spring, but it has made me enjoy the days of sunshine and blue sky all the more!

  21. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! I love to take photos too, but only for fun. And I love droplets of water. It just really makes a photo even better. ;)

    Its been dreary here for days and chilly. I wish the sun would come out and say hello. The high country has been getting snow. Like you say anything goes in May. Silly weather!

    Have a magnificent week, Debby!
    Thinking of you...

  22. Debby these snaps are just beautiful, both the sunlight ones and the water droplets.


  23. I say you are a first rate photographer! Your photos are simply beautiful.

  24. You have a keen eye for photography as your photos show...beautiful!

  25. Light plays such an important part in our daily lives ... and yet we may take it for granted!
    Love these photo's

    All the best Jan

  26. Debbie, Debbie, what glorious photographs!!! Each one is perfect!

  27. Once again, the most glorious photos captured by a very talented photographer. I thought you might have loved capturing water droplets. =) Love the photos of the unfolding rose bud, Debbie.

  28. Isn't the Lord good! Such beautiful delights await us, only if we look! I love how you have shared such gloriously beautiful pictures of the handiwork of the creation of the Lord. We get that golden view here too at evening sunset, and it is amazing to see the shadows and colors on the trees, simply magnificent! We are in a season of rain here too, and it is a good thing, we will take all the rain we can get! :) Have a wonderful week!

  29. Debby, your photos bring light to my life. I love what you *see* and I love how you capture so many aspects of God's beauty! Thank you for sharing the beauty in your surroundings - they reflect the beauty in your heart!

    That's because the Light shines in you and through you!


  30. Amazing photographs...light can really create magic in a photo depending on the angle and perspective. I love taking photos early in the morning or just before dusk in the evening...that is when the magic happens :)

  31. You're certainly a photographer in my book, Debbie. These are lovely!

  32. I got my post done today and mentioned YOU! Thanks for your inspiration and encouragement! Sweet hugs, Diane

  33. Oh Debby-I am always in awe of your photos! You are amazing. These are just prize winning and wonderful. What a talent you have.

  34. Debby, flowers always look prettier with a few drops of rain on them. Your flower photos are stunning, and I really like the picture of the rays of sunlight looking like the woods are on fire. The pink rose is pretty, and it looks very similar to the color of the roses in my garden.

    I told Diane that your photos are exceptional, and I truly mean it. :)


  35. Once again your beauty from the lense of your camera and your amazing eye has not disappointed. Gorgeous!! That rose is awesome, Debby, and I too love water droplets.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

  36. Once again your beauty from the lense of your camera and your amazing eye has not disappointed. Gorgeous!! That rose is awesome, Debby, and I too love water droplets.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

  37. Once again your beauty from the lense of your camera and your amazing eye has not disappointed. Gorgeous!! That rose is awesome, Debby, and I too love water droplets.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

  38. Such beautiful photos, Debby, and I just know just what you mean about noticing light and wanting to grab the camera. The more I take photos, the more I notice things: light, an angle, a weathered door, etc. I also like your watermark. It's there without being obtrusive. Great idea!

  39. I am trying to play catch up on my reading. I sure wish you could send some of those droplets to us! This drought is getting old! I miss seeing the droplets on everything. Love you photos.

  40. You captured the light, the water, the beauty, my photographer friend.

  41. Debby, your photographs are stunning!! I hope you frame them!! Great photography!!!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.