Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Oh, Me of Little Faith

"And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!  
Matthew 6:28-33

Yes, it's me...emerging out from under the Epic fog...
which as it turns out, hasn't been that terribly foggy after all.
I actually feel a little silly...quite foolish, really...
to have fretted so much over this transition like I have.
I don't remember the last time that I dreaded something so much as "going live" in Epic.
The apprehension was real and the little training that I received was quite daunting.
I was told by my supervisors that Epic was going to, and I quote, "rock my world"...
...and not in a good way.
At age sixty-one, who really needs their world rocked, anyway? 
So last Monday morning, after very little sleep the night before,
I entered my office and this epic new world.
A very nice and quite funny gentleman (from the big hospital) named Robert was my helper.
Right from the get-go, I knew everything was going to be alright.
Upon our introductions, and after he surely noticed the uncertainty in my expressions,
I apologized to him right up front about the "dummy" he was going to be working with.
These were his words to me, said with a big grin,
"Hey, I'm not worried about a thing Ms. Debby...I've got Jesus!"

I. Kid. You. Not.

Well, of course my response back to him was, "Yeah, I do too!"
(even though my countenance at first didn't show it)
The ice was immediately broken and in just a few short moments,
most of my fear and doubts just kind of disappeared and I began to feel somewhat confident!

Yes...oh me of little faith.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
 for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.  
James 1:6

The fear of the unknown and not really wanting to change is what was messing with my faith. 
I know that fear does not come from God, but from dark places that still reside within me.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach,
and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.  
James :5-8

I have no doubt that Robert was placed there by the Lord...just for me on that morning.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
Proverbs 3:5

Of course I have much to learn about all of the workings of Epic as we move forward,
 but I am still in disbelief somewhat that the transition has gone this smoothly.
All of that worry, self-doubt and apprehension was not called for.
Lord, help me in my unbelief!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
Philippians 4:6-7

So instead of letting Epic rock my world, I will be remembering this verse:

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. 
Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.  
Isaiah 26:3-4

I found this song which describes me to a tee.

Thanks for all of the prayers and kind words of encouragement, my friends :)

Sharing at:
Spiritual Sundays
Spiritual Sundays


  1. "The fear of the unknown and not really wanting to change is what was messing with my faith." Isn't this the truth? We like the same b/c it requires something of us. I'm the same way. Congrats on not giving in to your fear! I'm sure you will be great at this very soon!

  2. Amen to this, I say AMEN!

    That young man deserves a hug - don't you adore how The Holy Spirit worked through him, to learn this valuable lesson, and then in turn share with your readers? This is awesome, truly. Love it.

    GL with this change - you have Jesus, so it will all go well to be sure. What a Divine Safety Net, eh?

    Sending hugs and prayers. ♥

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I am thrilled that your worries were unfounded and that the transition went as planned. Well done.

  5. That is so awesome Debby! God is faithful and good! You shared what so many of us go through, great reminder to trust Him with everything!

  6. I like what Deanna said...about trusting Him with everything! So happy things are working out for you.

  7. You made me chuckle, and that's always good. :-) I'm glad you've made it thus far without pulling your hair out...or Robert's. We made major changes in software for my job, too, this week. So far, I've contained myself much better than normal, although I have been muttering under my breath quite a bit. Ugh. Change. I don't like it.

  8. So glad that it went well for you. Learning new software can be very difficult.
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  9. Glad that you are leaning quickly, but me of little faith doubts that this program is a good thing since you mentioned it and I started reading about it. Kind of fun the way you and Robert met! Funny and cool.

  10. Awe...Debby, I was delighted to read this post and hear that all has gone well for you.
    The things we have no control over and cannot see have a way of creeping in where they do NOT belong. You have done well with your acceptance of this new introduction to your working environment.
    Isn't it just like the Lord to send someone your way who would see you through, and then to know your Jesus. Awesome!

    Enjoy the new. :)

  11. Oh how wonderful to have a brother in Christ to help you through those early learning stages.God is good all the time.

  12. Very happy for you and I have Jesus too.

  13. I am so thankful that He answered your prayers for help in such a definite way. I don't think it's wrong to doubt ourselves...that can bring us to a place of trusting only in Him, not in our own abilities or courage or confidence.

    Doing the happy dance with you!! :D

  14. It's amazing and truly humbling to be loved by a God so great! Thank you for this reminder to trust God...always.

  15. I am so happy that your Epic-go-live moment was an experience much like the health plan where I worked was. As much as we resist change, it is going to happen, and although we may not embrace it, it helps so much when the product and the people associated with it work well! I hope week 2 and beyond work well for you. There are always a few bumps, but having the right people and tools at hand should help level those out. Good luck, and so happy you won this one!!!! Great job!

  16. So pleased to read things are progressing well...
    That's great news.

    All the best Jan

  17. Oh Debby, i love this post. God provides. Always. I'm like you, sometimes worrying needlessly. Right now I'm especially clinging to those verses about wisdom. I need wisdom for a situation in my life. Anyway, I'm so happy that God put Robert, one of His children, in your Epic path. What an amazing and loving Father.

  18. Oh Debby, i love this post. God provides. Always. I'm like you, sometimes worrying needlessly. Right now I'm especially clinging to those verses about wisdom. I need wisdom for a situation in my life. Anyway, I'm so happy that God put Robert, one of His children, in your Epic path. What an amazing and loving Father.

  19. This post spoke volumes to me today, Debby! Isn't it amazing how whenever we worry or fret about something, God always comes through? It serves to make our faith in Him even stronger. Happy to hear things are progressing well for you! :)

  20. I'm happy that God sent Robert to help you! Great post.

  21. God cares about ALL of our worries and provides for them in ways only He can. I remember when we went from SOAPware to Centricity, the worry and anxiety were overwhelming but the reality wasn't anywhere near as bad. And, then there was ICD-10 - LOL!! Glad your worry is over, just take one day at a time and EPIC will be easy peasy! Blessings, Cindy xo

  22. Oh Debby, thank you for sharing this incredible post. It's clearly what I needed to read about. You are an amazing lady and your blog posts are great! I'm happy God slipped Robert in to make things clear! You shared that too, way to go!

  23. Thanks so much for this post and letting us know how it's going. Just like the Lord to give you such a helper! It's always good to be reminded how HE cares about the little details of life-and the big ones like new computer programs! I hope it's continuing to go smoothly.

  24. Glad things worked out so well. : ) What an awesome God.

  25. Oh yay, Debby!! I am so glad that this *epic* change turned out to be something less than the tsunami you were expecting (maybe just a little swell in the water?). And honestly, Robert...a believer?! God truly has a sense of humor, and I love when He takes the opportunity to prove to us, "I've got this and I've got you!!"


  26. Ah - once again, God is in the details. So happy it all went well for you!

  27. I'm so thankful this went so well for you, and for his boldness in professing his faith. Isn't that how it seems to go? I remember times I fretted over something, to find it wasn't nearly what I'd imagined.


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