Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Mother's Day Gift

He's home and he looks so good.

There is a little more of him than there was the day he left (but that's okay),
and he has completed his program a little sooner than anticipated!

There is a newness about him...
...a desire to live for Jesus and to continue getting his life in order.
In some conversations, it seems like I'm talking to a different person.
I guess that's because he is different.

What an absolute blessing it was on this Mother's Day Sunday,
 to look out into the congregation from the platform during praise and worship
and see him and his significant other, Michelle, sitting there together.
And what's more, as the pastor prayed a special prayer for us mothers,
I can't even describe what it was like when he reached out and placed my hand in his.
This mama's heart is full to overflowing!

Many of you have and continue to pray for him, and I am so thankful for those prayers!
Please don't stop now, my friends!
Now that he's back in the real world, the enemy will surely attack him around very corner.
It's already started and he's passed several tests already in the few days he's been home.

God is GOOD!

So, I just wanted to send a late Mother's Day greeting and hope yours was as blessed as mine!
As you see, I survived my Epic week...another post for another day... 
...hopefully soon :)

Hugs to all,


  1. Praise God for the changes He is making in one so dear to your heart.

  2. What a marvelous gift for Mother's Day! Blessings to you and yours, and prayers for your boy to remain strong.

  3. Oh the joy that must have filled your heart, dear friend!
    Thank you for the up date, and yes I will continue to hold your son up in prayer. May He hold strong to his Savior and claim the promises of His Word.
    Good to see a post from you.

  4. Oh the joy that must have filled your heart, dear friend!
    Thank you for the up date, and yes I will continue to hold your son up in prayer. May He hold strong to his Savior and claim the promises of His Word.
    Good to see a post from you.

  5. I am thrilled for you, what a wonderful Gift. You will all certainly be in my prayers. Take care.

  6. What a touching and heartwarming post, dearest Debby !

    Sure you had a wonderful Mother's Day, my lovely, I wish you a most wonderful new week ahead, sending much love and blessings of Joy to you


  7. Hello, Debby! That is great news and gift for your Mother's Day! I pray he continues to do well and be strong. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  8. What a wonderful gift you received for Mother's Day. Also, I'm glad you survived your week. I sure there must have been a snag or two, but you made it!

  9. I'm so happy for you, Debby.

  10. Tears of joy for you Debby.
    I so deeply hope that your son will stay strong, get to know and love himself so that he may be happy, and so that huge part of your heart that belongs to him will be light and joyful.
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. May God bless your son as he continues this journey of healing. It is wonderful that he has a supportive girlfriend and family behind him. Yes, the testing will happen. Praying he has the strength to stand against it. What a precious moment for you at church on Mother's Day. A gift indeed. Blessings and hugs. I hope your 'epic' job gives you a good week!

  12. Because my thoughts echo hers and I couldn't say it any better, I'll just say "what Pamela said". Blessings to you, dear one!

  13. Debby, this post just makes my heart sing. I can only imagine your joy as you celebrated Mother's Day with your son. Sometimes God does the most miraculous things. Yes, indeed, I will continue to pray, because we do know the *devouring lion* is always on the prowl. But, Jesus is stronger, and we will pray for His continued healing in your son's life.


  14. That is wonderful. I am so very happy for you. A better Mother's Day couldn't be imagined.
    We serve an awesome God!!

  15. What a blessed Mother's Day you have had, Debby. How wonderful to have your son praising God with you on Sunday. God is so much more powerful than the enemy. God bless your lovely family. Xx

  16. That is WONDERFUL news, Debby!
    God is indeed good and I will continue to pray for his transition into his every day routine! That devil just better back off and let God do his thing! :)

    Hugs, Amy

  17. Sweet friend, I was greatly touched by your beautiful post. I can't tell you how happy I am for your son and for you and your family. What an answer to prayer! And yes, I shall continue to pray.

    Thinking of you! Have a lovely week. Hugs!

  18. I'm so very happy for you.

    All the best Jan

  19. Positive steps and prayers.

  20. Always a blessing to have prayers answered :-) Glad there is improvement. Have a wonderful week.


  21. This blessed me, Debby. Prayers continue for your family.

  22. I'm glad you had a nice mother's day with your son, Debby. The relationship between mother and son is so very special. I went to see the Jungle Book with mine. :)


  23. I am so happy for you, Debbie, and for Aaron! What an absolutely wonderful Mother's Day gift! My prayers will continue.

    I'm so glad that you survived your return to the work force....EPIC, as it were! It sounds like you have the exact right person to guide and instruct you through the world of new technology and even more wonderful that he also carries Jesus in his heart. Continued good luck, Debby.

    Warm hugs,

  24. I am glad you survived your epic week! And a belated Happy Mother's Day to you!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This makes me smile SO big! And his hand in yours...okay, a few tears but happy ones. God is so faithful. Continued prayers : )

  27. So very thankful for answered prayers and will continue to pray.

  28. What a lovely flower portrait you captured. Thanks for sharing your wonderful Mother's Day blessing.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.