Thursday, June 30, 2016

Along a Country Road

I would venture to guess that most of us have certain routines that we follow.
And routines can be a good thing, for the most part.
 Friday mornings I routinely set aside to do my weekly grocery shopping.
I like to leave the house right after sunrise.
  When you get up with the chickens (even on your days off) this is not a hard thing to do.
I could get onto the highway but I prefer to take the more scenic route,
along this country road which is only a few miles from where I do my shopping.
These photos are from last Friday morning.

The road is mostly unpaved and off the beaten path, not to be confused with my road less traveled.
 I have taken lots of photos on this gravel road and have shared many of them here as well.

One of my simple pleasures of summertime is gazing upon a field growing high with corn.

It's not quite as high as an elephant's eye yet but it's getting there. 
And if you look really hard, you can see the corner of a fence in the distance :)

I didn't realize corn stalks have these really cool feet.

One of my first stops along the way was to get a few shots of this Canadian goose family.

I had seen them the week before but they were on the far side of the pond.

I was delighted that they were close enough to snap a few decent shots, although not the best.
Not that you can see it, but I was actually shooting between the wires of an electric fence.

Really... I swear.

You may recognize this hay barn from other posts...or you may not.
I find myself stopping once again to get more images of it.

I experimented a bit with different effects and angles.

The Queen Anne's Lace is in all of it's glory, everywhere you look.

Surely the Lord will allow it in heaven...

...but of course, no one will be allergic :)

Believe it not, there is a fence buried under the thick growth.

I promise :)

Gee, it's almost Friday again...
...time for my routine to start all over again :)

Join me over at the Run-A-Round Ranch for Theresa's
Good Fences


  1. I love this....I haven't been able to drive for a long time and these are some of my favorite sights.

    1. Anita, I'm blessed to share the ride with you as I travel the back roads. I am praying for the day when you will be driving those roads once again, camera in tow. Prayers continually going up for you, my sweet friend :)

  2. Beauty all around, all we have to do is stop and look! God does not disappoint when we stop!!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful country road! Blessings to you for a wonderful Holiday weekend! Cindy xo

  3. With that kind of scenery,it must take a while to get to the grocery store.I know it would take me a long time.I love each of these pictures.

  4. What a pretty drive! Love the geese, the old barn and those crazy corn feet :)

  5. Aa drive like this must bring a bonus to the chore of grocery shopping. Maybe we are sisters --I do the same kind of photographing as you did with the barn --different angles, views, etc--- :-) Beautiful queen anne's lace--my mom's favorite. Have a happy 4th weekend.

  6. Another beautiful drive, such a pleasure to drive along with you. The barn was a real delight to see. Take care.

  7. really beautiful set of photos. thank you, debby!

  8. Your country scenes are beautiful, Debby, though I live in the country I never tire of traveling down country roads, always something new to see, thanks for sharing!
    Wishing you a very blessed and Happy July4th celebration!

  9. Thanks for taking me along on your meandering journey! I enjoyed the pastoral scenes, including those sneaky fences. ;)

  10. Hello, pretty images and fence scenes. I like the hay barn shot. Lovely views from your outings. Happy Friday, enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

  11. Lovely photos. The corn by you is a lot taller that here by me. I never realized corn had those cool feet either. I'm going to take a look at them tomorrow on my walk. : )

  12. Sweet photos! Here the mais (corn) is not so tall.

  13. What a lovely, lovely post. Your photos were gorgeous. Loved the first shot and the shot of the Corn Field. Very nice shots of the Geese and Pretty shots of the QA Lace.

  14. GM Debby - Now, that is the way to make a trip to the grocery store! Lovely photos. Do you mind if I ask what kind of camera you use??

  15. Oh Debby...You blow me away every time I come for a visit with your photography! I have to call my husband in to see your posts as he too loves seeing your beauty.
    Those feet on the corn stalks are amazing! My husband thought that maybe they keep the stalks from tipping over?
    I love the way you did some black and white photo's, gorgeous.
    I too love to take the country roads and a drive is one of my favorite things to do. I do not need anyone to go on my drives either, just me myself and quietness, love it!
    I've told my two daughters that when I get old all I ask of them is to take me for a drive every now and then and tweeze my chinny chin chin. HA!

    I so enjoyed my visit here with you today, sweet friend.
    Have a blessed weekend~

  16. I think the gardeners saying about the corn must change depending on where you live. Growing up in Michigan Dad always said corn had to be knee high by the 4th of July! Love, love, love your photos of the Queen Anne's Lace. You don't see that in California either! Love your beautiful things!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment! I grew up in Ohio and my parents always said "knee high by the 4th of July" too :) Queen Anne's Lace is one of my favorite things. Have a wonderful Independence Day!

  17. Once again, you've brightened my day with your beautiful photos! I love the shot of the hay barn through the gate and Queen Anne's Lace is one of my all-time favorites.

  18. Debby, one of my favorite things to do is take drives along the country road. These are beautiful pictures filled with the simplicity of the country and the appreciation of nature that surrounds you.



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.