Monday, June 27, 2016


Happy last week of June!
Didn't we just celebrate Memorial Day...I mean, really...where did this month go??
So today, I'm linking to Judith's final Mosaic Monday.
Hasn't she done a fabulous job since she took over this fun party?
Her creativity and beautiful photography, along with her expertise in gardening
has certainly made this something to look forward to every week.
I know Judith isn't leaving us,
but I do hope Mosaic Monday finds a new home!

I have loved snapdragons ever since I was a little girl.

Mom always grew them and I can't look at one without it bringing about an image of her...
on her sweet knees, weeding her precious garden.

She has been gone now for over six years but having a few of these in my own garden
somehow makes me feel like a part of her is still right here with me.

They really are such unique little flowers, don't you think?

I remember as a child making them "talk" to each other.

Or maybe this is more like it...."open wide and say ahhhhhhh!"

Did you ever do that?

Surely, you must have.

Each individual bloom looks as if it might just open it's mouth and start talking all by itself.

Wouldn't that be a hoot?!

I've heard of people talking to their flowers...

...but the flowers talking back?

Only in the imagination of a young girl...

...many, many years ago :)
Do you have a favorite flower that sparks a childhood memory in you?


  1. You have some pretty colours of snapdragons Debby. I planted them once and they return in various places of the garden every year, a reminder of a late friend who recommended them to me.
    Haha, I've squeezed them open too but never thought about them talking to each other.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday while I hosted.

  2. I plant Snapdragons every year.My granddaughter loves them.For me it is the Petunia that triggers memories.Mom always had some Petunias in her garden.

  3. I adore snapdragons but have never tried my hand at maintaining them. I keep saying I will. Your pics are amazing.

  4. Beautiful pictures, it certainly sparked a memory or two of doing the exact same thing, making them talk. How my sisters and I used to laugh...lovely memories.

  5. As soon as I saw the word 'snapdragon' I thought about my Mother too. That was another one of her favorite flowers. Your pictures are beautiful!

  6. Debby they are beautiful and I love how you gave tribute to your mom through this post. Isn't it comforting how such things as flowers make us feel close to our moms. As much as I miss my parents, I still feel not so lonely and I think its because their things are around me, and I can read letters, etc. and see things that they loved. Wonderful post!

  7. Such gorgeous flowers, and you took very beautiful photos of them, Debby! Coming over from Mosaic Monday.

  8. They would be good for a fairy garden...the fairies could talk with them. Hhhhmmm...I wonder if there are miniatures of these. Sweet hugs, Diane

  9. Dearest Debby, you always share sunshine and beauty through your images. How I love visiting with you as your pictures always touch my heart...truly.

    I think this was the perfect post for Judith's last party. Indeed, Mosaic Monday is a delightful party to join and I sincerely hope someone is able to take it as his/her baby.

    Have a blessed day, dear friend. You certainly blessed my day. Love to you!

  10. Hello Debby!
    My it was good to come for a visit with you this morning and as always, I was NOT disappointed. You have such a beautiful grace with your camera girl. Thank you for sharing the beauty with us.
    Yes, snapdragons are quite beautiful and I too think they should talk with us.
    My grandmother always had petunia's in her garden, lots and lots of them and they were gorgeous. I plant petunia's every year in my window boxes in memory of her and because they cause you to play in the garden as they do best when you dead head them on a regular basis.

    Have a beautiful day, sweet friend~~

  11. Lovely snap dragons. Very pretty.
    Lilacs. Grandma had them all along the one side of the house by the living room. Open windows brought the smell into the house.

  12. What a beautiful array of flowers today, Debby! So pretty!! Snapdragons are unique flowers indeed. And I just love how they remind you of your mom. So sweet.

    I can't remember any flowers that remind me of my childhood, but I've always liked carnations. They're just so full-looking, and they smell so good.

    Lovely walk in your *garden* today!


  13. Debby...I'm "oohing and aahing" all the way from GA! Love flowers and yours are, especially, beautiful!

  14. Gardenias and Texas bluebonnets remind me of my mom and zinnias remind me of my dad. I wonder which flower will remind my children of me? Love your snapdragon photos! This is fall/winter flower in our climate.

  15. Loved each and every one of your photo's ... they are fabulous.

    I love the cottage type garden plants, they always evoke great memories.

    Enjoy the last few days of June ... where has the month gone?

    All the best Jan

  16. Loved each and every one of your photo's ... they are fabulous.

    I love the cottage type garden plants, they always evoke great memories.

    Enjoy the last few days of June ... where has the month gone?

    All the best Jan

  17. Hi Debby, who knows what's going on after dark in the garden. Maybe a lot of chatter among the blooms!! haha Love your garden of snapdragons. They are gorgeous and you have the best color variety too. I haven't had good luck with them here. Maybe it's just too hot. I think it's very special you have them in your garden which honors your mother.
    Yes, June has flown by. When it gets to the 4th of July, it feels like summer is half over. Enjoy the week and blessings for a great start to July!!

  18. Hidy Doo, Mizz Debby...your photos are stunning of your beautiful flowers...and if MY flowers ever start talking to me, I'm getting the hell out of Dodge...LOL
    Iris and Daisies were my mom's favorites...I need to plant a few.

  19. When I was young my mom grew gladiolas. I loved those, but my favorites now are roses, hydrangea and peonies!

    1. I love all of those...come to think of it, there aren't many flowers my mom didn't grow! :)

  20. Oh Debby, these pictures of the snapdragon are incredible! Truly some of the best pictures I've seen in blog land. And how funny that you would make them talk to each other when you were a child. It sounds like something I would do if they were around my neck of the woods, but I don't see them around here much. I just love how different flowers bloom in different states. It's nice that you have special memories of your mom with these flowers. They really do look like they are talking to each other. :)


  21. My mom always grew these and they were my favorite. I still grow them!

  22. I'm finally back. There server is a little slow, but I'll take it! Mama didn't grow snapdragons. I don't know why she didn't because she loved them. We had pink ones in my wedding. All I wanted was pink roses, but of course, she had to add her favorites too. We always had azaleas, pansies, marigolds, irises (always) and day lillies. I planted some azaleas just for her here. I'm not a big fan of irises but she was grew them all around the house. She had one rosebush that was a deep burguny and like velvet. She said that was the only rose bush she could ever grow. In the later years, she had amarylis? Her yard was magnificent. Thanks for sharing your beauties.

  23. Gorgeous photos, these are one of my favorites also. :-) My parents are huge nature lovers, it's where I get my love of nature from and I have fond memories of them planting so many beautiful gardens. They still keep them up today. One of my favorites is the bleeding heart, it just has always captured my attention with it's beauty. Have a great evening!


  24. Your photos are always spectacular. Love these!

  25. Hi Debby! Oh, the snaps are lovely and yes, I did try to make them talk and still do when I can! ;) Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. Snap dragons have a lot of personality. I planted some this year and they are growing tall and will bloom soon. Your photos are lovely and show the intricacy of the snap dragon flower so well. I enjoy making them talk and look forward to showing my grandchildren.

  27. What beautiful flower pics, Debby! And precious memories of your mom. I don't think I've ever raised snapdragons. Now i won't be able to look at one without seeing it with its mouth open. :-) What fun childhood games!

  28. Snapdragons have been one of my favorites since I was a little girl and your picture are wonderful! Yes! We did make them talk!

  29. Beautiful photos, Debby! I love that the snapdragons come in all sorts of pretty colors! I love Pansies, they have been my favorite since I was a little girl. My grandma and I would plant them each year, for they were her favorite too. And, I now plant them each year to carry on the wonderful memory of her. :)
    Happy Independence Day!

  30. I think snapdragons are wonderful...not so much for their shape, but for their scrumptious colors. No, Debby, I never made them talk to one another, but if I see some, I may have to try it. One grandmother loved peonies outside and African Violets in; and the other loved gladiolas and killed all houseplants no matter how hard she tried. I grow none of their favorites.

  31. Such a lovely post! My mother in law loved snapdragons too and showed the kids the talking trick. I have the same affection toward zinnia because my dad loved and grew them.

  32. I love snapdragons too. These photos are beautiful! :-) I am planning to share the link on my blog next week.

    And, yes, I did squeeze the snapdragons to make them open their mouths, and not just when I was a kid. ;-) I haven't tried growing them where we live now because the summers are so hot and dry and our soil is quite poor. There a quite a few flowers that I am fond of because of childhood associations. My parents both love flowers and they grew a lot of different things when I was a kid.

    1. Oh, one memory that came back to me is how delighted I was when I found wild snapdragons, or toadflax, when my family lived in Michigan. :-) One variety is called "Eggs and Butter". :-)

  33. I love snapdragons! One can never have enough. Your post makes me want to go plant some more! My hubby really likes them too! Beautiful pix


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