Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Porch Rules

Even though summer hasn't officially arrived according to the calendar,
it feels as though it's in full swing here in my neck of the woods.
We have really been enjoying our outdoor space recently.
Of course, it doesn't just have to be summertime to be able to enjoy the front porch.
Fact is, the cooler seasons are quite enjoyable as well.

I still have to pinch myself when I walk out of my front door and on to the porch.
It only took over twenty years for my dream to become a reality!
These photos will remind you of the recent transformation.

But if you want to come visit with me on the porch at my house,
there are several rules that you are expected to follow.

Yes, I'm afraid so...and here they are.
You must...

...sit a spell...

...and feel free to kick off your shoes (as I have) if you like...

...sip a cool drink (or have a cuppa something)...

...I prefer iced tea in the summer...

...relax & unwind...

...reminisce about the good old days...

...make some lasting memories...

...maybe read a book...

...(of course, this is optional)...

...feel the breezes...

...and believe me, you relish any breeze you can get in NC in the summertime...

...listen to (and watch) the birds...

...enjoy the views of today...

...and of each passing season...

...and if you're really feelin' it, maybe even take a little nap...

...the glider is actually quite comfy...

...and dream...

in color...

...or do you dream in black and white?
So to review, here they are again...the porch rules.

Of course...if you'd rather not obey them, it's your choice...

...but why wouldn't you want to?

No rule breakers here!

Thanks for stopping by and come back any time!
Enjoy your week my friends.

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  1. Debby, your porch is charming. I would love to sit and talk, sip iced tea, read a book and YES probably nap! I love all your special touches. Grandma had a glider like this one and each afternoon after lunch she would take a nap while I played on the cool porch floor beside her. So happy for you - ENJOY! xoxo

  2. p.s. just thought of something funny about GLIDER. Grandma was named Estelle, but of course southern is S Tail! She had a sister named Ida, pronounced IDER. As kids, we would act silly and say Ider on the Glider!

  3. All looks good.It is a sweet and god place to feel relaxed and have a good time.

  4. Oh how I love it...especially the quilted pillows and pretty throws you've used. I guess I need rules for my lanai. lol I never thought I wanted a TV out here but it's nice for hubby to watch some morning news...before I get up in the mornings! Enjoy your day sweet friend. Hugs, Diane

  5. Oh Debby! Your new porch is just beautiful!! Now I feel like I need to spend this day working on my front porch! :)

  6. I'd love to give those rules a try on your beautiful porch...I don't think I'd break a single one. :)

  7. \such a beautiful porch, you have certainly made it most welcoming. I would love to come and sit awhile with you, I could easily conform and not break one rule.

  8. Debby...I am drooling, literally! Your porch is my dream come true! Absolutely love everything about it! Looks like the kind of place you could kick up your feet and just be. Ahhh!

  9. Quick -- send me your address! I'm coming for a visit!! Wow, I could spend the whole summer just sitting there, reading and enjoying all the beauty. What a lovely spot Debby. Enjoy!

  10. I love your front porch,Debby, and I agree with all your rules. I will be right over for that glass of ice tea!

  11. Oh Debby....I love your front porch and will gladly abide by your rules if I come and visit. It is lovely with your vintage wicker and glider and ice cream parlour set. I like the soft green you painted with. What a joy for you to have that spot to enjoy the seasons there. And a ceiling fan to keep you cool! We usually don't need one of those up here as there is always a breeze. As much as I love our 'new' deck/pergola I do wish I had a covered porch or at least part of the deck with a roof. Enjoy your new porch!

  12. What a delightful porch you have! It's perfect for about anything, but I'm leaning toward the nap. Maybe a glass of tea later. :-) P. S. Your photos are wonderful, as usual.

  13. ahhhh, Debbie...this is SOOO my kind of porch...I love it. You've done such an amazing job...and I would almost kill for that sign. Could you tell me where I might get one....I don't really have a PORCH....but I've got a back yard space.....xoxoxo

  14. I hear you about a porch. I LOVE my backporch so I understand perfectly your love and your "rules". Beautiful spot!

  15. I'd be napping on your porch in a simple second, Debby, it looks so peaceful and relaxing. Your photos are just gorgeous and I love your porch sign. Love the cute table too and all your fabric is just the sweetest!

  16. Oh Debby your porch looks so welcoming and it's just beautiful! Love your porch sign and that amazing glider! All your special touches are just delightful :-) Thanks you for sharing. Have a wonderful evening!


  17. Oh Debby, your porch just makes me happy that summer is here! I am so glad you are truly taking pleasure in using it! I do wish I could come sit with you and YES I would obey all the rules!
    Hugs, Roxy

  18. Oh Debby, love love love this post. Yes, it makes me want to sit a spell. It also makes me want to find a glider and get my back porch decorated. That's gonna be awhile. Still much to do. Love it! Can't say it enough.

  19. Your porch looks very inviting and I would love to sit a spell and chat with you.

  20. Lovely, Delightful and Inviting!! Although the calendar does not say it, nothing says summer like 117* like we had over the weekend, there was NO sitting on the porch! In fact, it was too hot to even go in the pool!! Your porch is wonderful! Blessings, Cindy xo

  21. Oh my...yes please! I wouldn't want to break any of the rules! :)
    Your porch is very nice and oasis of peace and quiet...Hmmm....how long of a drive would it take from my house to yours? What fun!

    Enjoy it!
    Hugs, Amy

  22. What a beautiful porch! So comfortable and inviting! I like your rules! I'd join you for some iced tea and a good chat!

    1. Thank, Deanna...I'd be delighted...c'mon! :)

  23. Hi Debby, I would love to sit a spell with you on your beautiful summer porch. What a gorgeous spot you have created. So inviting and filled with cottage charm. I love the vintage swing and so miss the one I had before we moved. It was my grandmother's but I had to leave it behind. Oh I miss it!!
    I sure like your porch rules and find them easy to follow!! Enjoy the season and stay cool. Blessings. xo

    1. Thank you Celeste...The vintage gliders are really quite a find, when you can find one or have one passed down. We also had one when I was kid and have no idea what happened to it. We got this one for a steal at a yard sale several years ago...$40, can you believe it? They evidently had no idea what they had. Oh well...:) Have a blessed weekend...hugs!

  24. I love, love, love the transformation! What a lovely place to just "park it"!

  25. Your porch is gorgeous!!...from the furniture in the perfect shade of green...to the charming vintage fabrics...to the inviting, cozy spots to relax...to the wonderful sign...it's all gorgeous! You had me at the first photo...the one with the white post in focus drawing the eye in to the colorful background. ~~swoon~~

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Your porch looks very inviting. I'm still waiting on the pollen to stop so I can clean my screen porch for the summer. Great photography, as usual!

    1. Thank you Nancy...I am always so glad when that nasty (but necessary) pollen slacks off. Have a good weekend :)

  28. What a beautiful porch!! It is so cozy!!

  29. Perfection! I would gladly follow all the "rules" for a visit to your porch - so welcoming and relaxing. The before was nice and the after even nicer. Enjoy!!!

    1. Thank you Mindy! I would love to have you enjoy a little sit-down with me :)

  30. I'm coming right over ... virtually speaking!
    I'd love to sit a while on your porch, it looks a very inviting place.

    All the best Jan

  31. OK, I'm in! That is a lovely porch, so worth waiting for. Your color choices are perfect and harmonious. It sings!

  32. What a wonderful, inviting, porch - and Blog of course. Thank you for sharing your marvellous photos. I'm envious.

    God bless you.

    1. Thank you for your visit and kind comment, Victor! Blessings on your weekend :)

  33. Hello, Debby! your porch looks fantastic. Very comfy and inviting. My parents had a glider just like yours. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  34. Oh your porch is wonderful, beautiful and I'd love to sit a spell with you.
    I love my front porch too though it is not as nice as yours.

  35. I love sitting on the porch during cool (and even cold seasons) myself :)

  36. What a beautifully inviting place you have created on your porch! I'm there, Debby, in my heart. Soaking in the beauty, sipping a cool drink, dreaming, dozing, and enjoying the wonderful gift of friendship. And when we're done, we'll meet over here and sit a spell on the park bench in my backyard that looks out on the valley and mountains.

    God is good - and His beauty surrounds us!


  37. Debby, your porch is simply wonderful. It's colorful, cozy, and charming. And look at the view! Your pictures are so pretty, and I was wondering how you got the hazy look on some of them? I bet you could sit out on your front porch all day.

    It was so interesting to hear that you are enjoying the movie "Roots," and that Alex Haley is from your area. I'm glad you are watching it too because I'm hooked. :) A lot of great actors.


  38. Oh, I would be a good girl and obey all your porch rules; indeed, it wouldn't be hard at all to kick off one's shoes, pull up a comfy wicker chair, drink an iced tea, read a good book, have a little chat..................sounds like heaven to me. Your porch, Debbie is quite simply divine!!

  39. Oooh, I would LOVE to sit a spell with YOU on your beautiful new porch. Dear friend, your porch is stunning and I just love the way you have "dressed" it up. You must never want to leave it :)

    Sweet Debby, it's SO GOOD to be here on your blog visiting you. I hope you have a beautiful day. Love and hugs!

  40. Debby, I love it! Are you kicking yourself for not having it sooner?! I'd be more than happy to obey all your porch rules in that beautiful setting.

  41. Debby, I love it! Are you kicking yourself for not having it sooner?! I'd be more than happy to obey all your porch rules in that beautiful setting.

    1. Thank you Jean...yes, it's a wonderful reality and from now on, I will never be without one. Thanks for visiting and leaving your sweet comment...blessings!

  42. Debby, thanks for stopping by my blog. It gave me the opportunity to come here. Thanks for your sweet words. I love your porch and you take great pictures. I'm a porch sitter too. I could be right at home on yours.

  43. I hope you get to enjoy a lot of naps in that glider this summer! Take one for me!

    1. I would love to take an extra nap for you! Thanks for visiting :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.