Friday, June 17, 2016

Simple Pleasures and a Bloggiversary

Hello my peeps!
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable week.
It sounds as if we are in for a fabulous weekend, weather-wise...
...temps barely reaching 80 degrees, no humidity and plenty of sunshine!
I plan to savor every moment because I'm pretty sure it will not last long.
 So another year has rolled around and tomorrow will mark my third year of blogging!
It's funny...sometimes it seems like it's been much longer than that... other times I still feel like such a newbie. 
I am very grateful for each and every one of you who pop in to see what I'm up to!
This past year has had it's share of trials and tribulations and I thank you all for your prayers.
But oh, what wonderful blessings as well and I thank you for rejoicing with me!

And if you know anything about me at all,
you surely must know that it's the simple things in life that make me happy... just doesn't take much.
They say diamonds are a girl's best friend...
...but although I do have a few (nothing extravagant, mind you) and am quite fond of them,
watching a butterfly light on a thistle just delights my heart.

Or sneaking up on a dragonfly, getting so close you can almost reach out and touch it... that's exciting!
Here a few more shots taken over the past week of some more of my favorite things.

Snapdragons...they remind me of my dear sweet mother...

A Ruby-throated hummingbird...some of our Lord's best handiwork...

Queen Anne's Lace...

such a delicate masterpiece!

And did I ever tell you how much I adore milk thistles?

Surely I have...I'm almost positive :)

Milkweed blooms and bumble bees...

...more butterflies on more thistles...

...and a little Picmonkey mirror-image fun.

Just a few of my simple pleasures.
There are many more where they came from :)
Thank you again for hangin' around to see what year four has in store.

Hugs to all!


  1. happy blogiversary! thank you for sharing your beauty. :)

  2. What a sight to behold, you have captured such beauty. Happy blogiversary and many happy more.

  3. Happy Blog-versary! I've been blogging for a number of years too, but I lost access to my first blog through Blogger so I have had to re-start the blogversary clock. Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Hello Debby, gorgeous collection of images. Happy 3rd blog anniversary!

    Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. The years pass by ... happy blog-versary!
    Lovely selection of photo's.

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  6. You've created a lovely space here in these three years, Debby. Congrats!

  7. What beautiful pictures!! And happy blog anniversary! Thank you for sharing your love of the simple, beautiful things that enrich our lives, give us hope during the hard times, and increase our wonder and contentment during the good. Looking forward to another year of blog friendship. xo

  8. I'm always delighted by visiting your so lovely blog, my Beautiful Lady, I'm so grateful to you for another wonderful post and Happy Blogiversary too !

    Enjoy your weekend, dear Debby, may it be as joyous as ever before,
    sending my dearest love to you

    Xx ~ Dany

  9. Yes, perfect weather today! I'm so glad you're blogging but I would have thought it longer (maybe I said that somewhere before…LOL)…too bad you aren't in our yard with your closeup skills to photograph our two little fawns who visit regularly. Their mom must be watching in the woods because they stay around awhile and then suddenly run off as if mom has just called them. Cute as can be.

  10. Congratulations on three years of blogging, my friend. Please know that I adore your blog and the beautiful photos you share. You are not only creative and talented, but your pictures are truly inspiring. I am so thankful for you, Debby, and I am ever so glad the Lord allowed us to meet. Much love to you!

  11. I am richer because I have come to know you in a small way.I too,love the simple things.The trill of seeing a special bird or the gentle glow of a sunset.Congratulations on these three years of blogging.Let's meet in bogland many more times and perhaps someday we can meet face to face.

  12. Happy blogiversary to you, Debby!! I hope you'll continue to wow us with your gorgeous thistles...and other things!!

  13. Such a joy to know you thru blogging; congrats on your blogiversary! Your pictures are amazing. I love butterflies.....these are gorgeous. God bless you all this Father's Day weekend.

  14. Happy blogiversary! Your images are so beautiful!

  15. Gorgeous photos! I love the thistles and butterflies. Happy anniversary of your blog.

  16. I love your simple pleasures and admire your photographic skills! Great pictures!

  17. Beautiful is all I have to say.

    Do you use a macro lens, Debby? These pictures are simply beautiful.



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.